After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 320 Boss, I want to go too

The celebrity exchange meeting at the Garden Mansion ended after nearly a week.

As hospitable people, Su Xiao, Xi Tianyue and others warmly received them and made each of them feel at home.

So much so that I felt a little reluctant to leave when I left, especially for Yuncheng’s oversized red sausage.

It is foreseeable that they will miss this delicacy day and night for a long time after they return to the set.

After Yu Ziqing and the others left, Su Xiao looked at the empty garden house and felt a little inexplicably lonely, and a sense of dullness came to her heart.

After returning to Yuncheng, except for him, Xi Tianyue and the others all had their own things to do. They were so busy that even Shi Yuan, Shi Yu, who was hired to be his personal secretary, was taken out. Shi Yuan followed Xi Tianyue everywhere. Yu Ze began to learn financial securities from Shen Lingxi.

For example, Xi Tianyue's three lieutenants, Mu Jingwan, Liu Sujin and Xie Yuran, also asked Xi Tianyue to find jobs for them. They worked at the Junyuexi Resort Hotel in Nanze, Yunnan. In their words, they didn't want to be... A waste of food waiting to die.

Well, Lidya Su really wanted to say, are you ordering me?

After Li Ruzhen settled the matter at home, he returned to Yuncheng as soon as possible and became even busier.

In addition to them, even Qi Lanwei, who always likes to stick to his side, temporarily returned to Hangzhou to handle matters in order to give him space to communicate with celebrities.

After calculating the time, I should be back in the next two days.

Suddenly, Su Xiao wanted to go out for a walk, not to travel, but to revisit her old place!

Then, go home!

This home is naturally not the villa in Yunjing Garden, nor the garden house at my feet now, but the place where I was born and raised.

As soon as he left, he turned to Mishu and said:

"Xiaomi, let's go home!"

Mi Shu, who was in a daze, immediately came back to his senses. After hearing his words, he was a little confused. Go home, isn't this home?

However, she was also an extremely smart person, and she came up with the answer in a flash. However, in order to confirm, she still asked:

"Are you going back to Jingshui?"

Lidya Su nodded:

"Yes, it feels like I haven't been back for a long time. I want to go back and have a look!"

After receiving confirmation, Mishu said:

"Then I'll go drive!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Su Xiao took a deep breath and looked at the ancient, quiet and distant garden, feeling a sense of vicissitudes of life in her heart.

Do people become like this when they get older?

Thinking about this problem, he slowly walked out of the door. As soon as he arrived at the door, Mishu had already driven the Maybach to the door.

He opened the car door and got in. He didn't bring anything with him and asked Mi Shu to set off for his hometown in Jingshui.

On the way, he received a call from Qi Lanwei, saying that he was going back to Yuncheng. Su Xiao thought about it and replied:

"You can fly directly to Jingshui, I plan to go back to my hometown and stay for a few days!"

Hearing this, Qi Lanwei hesitated and said tentatively:

"Can I go too?"

Although Su Xiao only had her cousin's family in her hometown in Jingshui, they were still considered the elders in the family. If she went, it would mean meeting her parents. She didn't know if Su Xiao was willing to do so.

After all, she knew that when Su Xiao returned home, she had already told her cousin and the others that Xi Tianyue was his girlfriend.

Su Xiao smiled and said:

"Of course we can go, we are all a family, why can't we go?"

After receiving his affirmative reply, Qi Lanwei suddenly became excited, but she was still a little nervous:
"Well, what should I buy? What do uncle and aunt like?"

Hearing the nervousness in her voice, Su Xiao was a little amused. As the chairman of Qingcheng Technology, she would worry that others would not like her. It was rare, it was really rare.

However, he also knew that the reason why Qi Lanwei was like this was because of him. Because she cared about him, she cared about the relatives related to him.

Thinking of this, he did not tease Qi Lanwei, but gave her advice in a serious manner. From his uncle Su Zhenxing to his cousin Su Xingwei who had just learned to walk, everyone put forward their own suggestions.

Qi Lanwei, on the other hand, was like a studious primary school student, taking notes while listening.

It took a long while before hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lanwei immediately got busy and mobilized her cronies to buy the things she just mentioned in her notes.

Although he is only an assistant, as the personal secret of Qi Lanwei, chairman of Qingcheng Technology, when has his subordinate ever done such a trivial thing?
But judging from her experience following Dong Qi in the past few years, this seemingly trivial matter is definitely very important, definitely more important than an order worth hundreds of billions.

Thinking of this, she immediately nodded and said:

"Okay Chairman, I'll do it right away!"

Qi Lanwei nodded, and after the secretary went out, she began to tilt her chin and start fantasizing about following Lidya Su back to her hometown. She couldn't help but blush just thinking about it.

After giggling for a while, she seemed to remember something, and quickly took out her mobile phone to send a message to Chen Shu, Bai Keer and Yun Wangqing:
"Oh, I'm going back to my hometown with my boss soon. I'm so nervous. Shushu, Qingqing, and Ke'er, do you think there's anything I need to pay attention to? @淝杝不修素, @爱的, @雨狠天青云"Broken virginity"

This tea-flavored speech, as well as the three @ with shrimp and pig heart, directly ignited the fire of Qingcheng's three major chairman.

Shushu is not Shushu:

"Qi Lanwei, you green tea bitch, if I weren't collecting gifts for my boss, how would you be so arrogant?"

What’s cute:

"Qi Green Tea, don't run away next time we meet, see if I don't scratch you to death! In addition, @姝姝 is not Shushu, damn Ou Huang has no room to speak, please leave the group chat automatically!"

After the rain, the blue clouds break the virginity:
"@ lovely, +1+1, baby Ke'er, we ignore these two European emperors and won't take them to play in the future!"


Looking at the three people in the group who were frantically scrolling, Qi Lanwei expressed that she felt comfortable and said calmly:
"Oh, I think of you as good sisters, so I want to ask you to help me as a counselor. I didn't expect you to miss me like this. I'm so sad!"

"Forget it, since you won't play with me anymore, I'll just play with my husband. You don't know how strong my husband's abdominal muscles are and how obvious his mermaid line is. Lying in his arms feels really good. I feel safe!”

"Also, have you seen the video from that day? It was the day I took my husband to see the new house. He and I were on the balcony of the bedroom, admiring the beautiful scenery in front of us, and he was behind..."

After compiling a short essay and sending it, Qi Lanwei turned off her phone and went back to her residence to pack her things.

In addition to preparing gifts, various other cosmetics are naturally indispensable for her outfit. Although her skin is getting better and better under Su Xiao's moisturizing, and she almost has real smooth skin and jade bones, but there are Who would dislike being more beautiful?
She was cheerful, while the three CEOs who were bombarding the group directly broke through their defenses. Chen Shu, who was far away from abroad, raised her hand and rubbed her head angrily, and her neat short hair was rubbed by her. Got to be messy.

"Ah ah ah, stinky Weiwei, damn Weiwei, she has such a good life. She became the first one among us to be taken back by the boss to meet her parents. I am so angry!" Hearing her irritable voice, the door opened. A blond assistant outside quickly opened the door and came in and asked:

"Boss, what happened?"

Chen Shu turned around and said:

After the assistant left tremblingly, she still felt very angry. She was so angry that she felt pain in both of her arms!
"No, I have to speed up. I have to go before the boss comes back from his hometown!"

She will regret it now. Why didn't she ask for more and prepare the gifts earlier? Couldn't she go back to her hometown with her boss?

Thinking of this, she called back the assistant who had just left and said:
"Go tell Savannah Brandon that if she doesn't agree tomorrow, her family will no longer exist!"

Being able to follow Chen Shu, the assistant is naturally very proficient in Chinese, and can also feel the weight of the words "no longer exist".

So he nodded seriously and backed out.

Although Chen Shu's name is not prominent in China, and can even be said to be the youngest among the four secretaries, in many foreign countries, her name is well known.

To be able to make her say such murderous words showed how angry she was at this time.

However, what her assistant didn't know was that her boss was only so angry because of a man.

Of course, if she knew who this man was, she wouldn't be surprised.

Compared to Chen Shu who could seize the time and return to China to see if he could catch up with Su Xiao's last train in his hometown, Yun Wangqing and Bai Ke'er could only be helpless and furious.

Yun Wangqing, who also had short hair and was usually vigorous and resolute, locked herself in the office at this time. She pouted aggrievedly and looked at Su Xiao who was smiling like a bright sun on the wallpaper of her mobile phone. For a moment, she couldn't help but start to laugh. Got Golden Peas!
"Uuuu, hubby..."

If thoughts can be measured, then her thoughts at this moment are enough to cover the ocean!

Apart from herself knowing how much she missed Su Xiao, only Bai Ker, who was far away in the imperial capital, could understand her pain.

As the unlucky and pitiful child with the same disease, Bai Keer also locked herself in the bedroom and wiped her tears quietly.

In addition to missing me, I was more angry.

That sentence is well said, there is no harm without comparison!

Just like Yun Wangqing, she started preparing gifts for Lidya Su very early, and had already given several gifts before they met. However, she was overtaken by two European emperors at this time. How could she not feel uncomfortable?
"Fortunately, Qingqing is at the bottom, otherwise I would have died!"

After wiping her tears for a while, she suddenly thought that Yun Wangqing had prepared more and earlier, but was just as miserable as her, and she felt much more balanced in an instant.

"Phew, it will be me next time, hum!"


On the road more than 20 kilometers away from Jingshui City, Su Xiao suddenly sneezed in the back seat of the Maybach S686. He rubbed his nose and said depressedly:
"Who is scolding me again?"

Mi Shu, who was driving in front, raised his lips slightly and said:
"Boss, if you think, scold, and murmur, someone must be thinking about you!"

Hearing this, Su Xiao blinked. There were so many people who missed him. If everyone sneezed when they missed him, he would probably be useless!
He thought for a while, and in order to prevent others from thinking about him, he decided to ask the daughters for their opinions if they wanted to go back to their hometown together.

Although it's a bit of an afterthought, it's still respecting them, right?
However, considering that they are so busy, they probably don’t have time to go back, right?

Su Xiao thought so, and then said in the large group of in-depth exchanges:

"I'm on my way back to my hometown now. Do any of you want to go back with me? If so, tonight... no, I'll go directly to the county seat tomorrow and I'll pick you up!"

After sending it, he thought that everyone would be busy at the moment, so he was about to take a nap for a while, but he didn't want his cell phone to start dinging non-stop!

He hurriedly opened the WeChat group and his head immediately felt heavy.

Xi Tianyue: "Brother, I want to go back. I'll set off right away!"

Li Ruzhen: "Husband, I miss the braised chicken nuggets that my aunt made!"

Leng Yiyi: "I heard that the SN Medical College branch has been completed. I just want to go back!"

Luo Yunsheng: "Master, I really want to see your hometown!"

Guan Zhiyao: "Boss, I want to go too!"

The first few still had their own reasons and rhetoric, but the ones behind them became an extremely neat formation:

Ye Fanyan: "Boss, I want to go too!"

Mu Jingwan: "Boss, I want to go too!"

Liu Sujin: “Boss, I want to go too!”

Xie Yuran: "Boss, I want to go too!"

Then there were Shen Lingxi, Yan Qi, Ji Yi, and even Wen Qi, who was training hard at the SSG club in the magic city, and kept up with the formation.

Although training is important, is it more important than meeting parents?
These are okay, after all, they are people with whom she has had in-depth communication, and they have accumulated a lot of feelings. However, Shiyuan Shigure also joined in the fun, which left Su Xiao speechless.

What are you two going to do?
No, when did you two join the group?

Su Xiao, who had one head and two heads, immediately gave up and replied directly:

"Okay, okay, go ahead. I won't go back just yet. I'll wait for you at Jingshui Airport!"

As for why it was an airport, it was naturally because Qi Lanwei and Wen Qi needed to fly.

Taking back her phone, Su Xiao said helplessly to Mi Shu:
"Xiaomi, don't go back now. Find a place to rest in Jingshui and wait for them to come together!"

Mi Shu saw his helpless face in the rearview mirror of the car and couldn't help but smile. She hummed and then started to change her route and headed towards Jingshui Airport.

At the same time, Wen Qi, who was training in the SSG club, suddenly stood up, and the headphones on her head were ripped off and smashed on the table. This shocked several teammates to tremble, and then they all looked at her in shock.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

Wen Qi blinked and her thoughts gradually became clearer. She pushed her chair away and walked outside and said:

"From now on, I will have N days of vacation. I will take my vacation when I come back!"

With that said, he rushed out of the training room without waiting for his teammates to respond.

The remaining teammates looked at each other and looked at each other.

Although they were a little confused, they seemed to know one thing, that is, they could finally take a break, and they immediately started cheering.

Even Brother Sha, who usually doesn't talk much, smiled.

Although I admire my captain's skills and awareness, he is really working hard in training!
Even though his hand injury had been cured by Su Xiao, he still couldn't bear it. (End of chapter)

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