In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 127: Poke people specifically to poke into the heart!

When Yu Mumu arrived, Granny Li's egg custard had already been prepared, and she stood at the door for a long time, obviously waiting for Yu Mumu.

Seeing Yu Mumu coming, the marks on Granny Li's face that had been eroded by time became extra gentle because of her smile.

He quickly waved to Yu Mumu: "Little girl, come here~"

Looking at the steamed and tender egg custard, Yu Mumu really loves it.

I took a spoonful and ate it. Well, these country eggs are so delicious.

Grandma Li was very happy to see Yu Mumu eating to her satisfaction, but the two people following Yu Mumu looked a little pitiful because they were also hungry.

But the scene of Yu Mumu beating someone before had such a huge impact on them that they didn't dare to take another look at it and could only turn around silently.

After Yu Mumu finished the bowl, Granny Li seemed to realize the joy of feeding. She quickly stretched out her hand to fill another bowl for Yu Mumu: "There is still more in the pot."

"Then have another bowl!"

Yu Mumu is not a bird's stomach, and the Granny Li in front of her is not pretending to be polite. The two of them have inexplicably got along with each other and get along very well.

After eating and drinking enough, Yu Mumu asked PD to bring a simple folding bed over.

Although the yard of Grandma Li's house is shabby, the view here is really good. Lying here and looking at the scenery makes me feel quite at ease.

Perhaps it was too comfortable, Yu Mumu leaned on the folding bed and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but I heard some noise in a daze.

Yu Mumu opened her eyes and saw Gongshu Ban not far away from her, as well as Gong He. Oh, there were several people she didn't know, but at a glance, she knew they were from Gongshu Ban's group.

Yu Mumu was also covered with a patched but clean sheet.

At first glance, it turned out to be something from Grandma Li's house.

"Hey, Miss Yu is awake. Did you sleep well?"

It's not hard to hear the ridicule in the public transportation class's voice.

"I slept for a long time?"

This question was not asked to anyone in particular, but the filming PD who had been acting as a "bodyguard" here just now responded immediately: "Ms. Yu, you have been sleeping for more than three hours."

The awe in this voice was even greater than before, and there was even some excitement mixed in it.

Yu Mumu nodded lightly, then looked at Gongshu Ban: "You came quite quickly, but why is it so noisy."

As he said that, Yu Mumu looked outside the yard.

Good guy, why didn’t she know that Granny Li’s house was so popular and there were so many people outside.

"Can you hurry up? I'm afraid I'll be late, so I have to go to the police station to get you. Oh, by the way, in order to rush for time, I flew directly here on a private plane. Please reimburse me for the expenses!"

Yu Mumu:......

Mad, who can tell her how she, just a lawyer, can be so rich and she doesn’t even have a private jet!
"You've taken care of everything."

Although she was a little "jealous" of the Public Transport Ban, she still recognized the Public Transport Ban's ability to do things.

If she didn't handle the matter well and showed off in front of her client, she would definitely deduct the money! "After handling it, a total compensation of 100 million yuan was paid, including medical expenses, lost work expenses, mental damages, etc."

Yu Mumu paused for a moment, and then gave Gongshu Ban a thumbs up. She was awesome. She moved her own hands, so she knew how injured the other party was.

This is only an average compensation of 25 yuan per person. If it is treated with ordinary people, this compensation is appropriate, but if it is used on people like the assistant director, it seems too cheap.

"Oh, by the way, I helped the laboratory sign the contract. Also, regarding the fact that the program team changed the recording content and was suspected of illegal confinement and intimidation, the program team compensated you 500 million yuan."

Yu Mumu:......

Now, she seems to understand a little bit why so many people are afraid of Gongshuban. This must be a devil.

Although the program crew was a bit of a jerk before, she has come back from it. Unexpectedly, when the public transportation team came, my dear, she became the beneficiary.

By going in and out, she made 400 million backhand. Now, is it so easy to make money?

Just when Yu Mumu wanted to praise Gongshuban, Gongshuban actually showed a look of disgust.

"This is the case with the smallest amount of money that I have ever handled. If those sworn enemies knew about it, they would probably laugh me to death.
Therefore, please Miss Yu, you must work hard to increase your commercial value in the future. If your current remuneration is 100 million, I will dare to ask you for 5000 million in compensation! "

Yu Mumu: @#……¥%&%
Xiao Taotao: #%#&%*……%*
One person dominates, and probably only they themselves know how dirty they are now.

Yu Mumu was filled with resentment at this moment, which was deeper than that of a fierce ghost. Gongshuban was a piece of shit who specialized in poking people's hearts!
Feeling unhappy, Yu Mumu naturally couldn't bear it any longer and simply scratched her neck: "If you are so powerful, then why are there so many people around here!"

"Oh, they heard that you found a long-term cooperation contract for Granny Li. No, they came to stay with you and wanted you to visit their house.

If it weren't for the people I brought, you wouldn't have slept so peacefully until you woke up now. This is your own business, and I won't interfere. "

For the first time, Yu Mumu felt that some of the most favored people were really annoying!

"Anything else?"

Seeing that Yu Mumu was really about to break through, Gongshu Ban said: "Oh, it's nothing, I'm just waiting for you to wake up and sign it by the way!"

Later, Yu Mumu saw a very detailed reimbursement list, including but not limited to various travel expenses, so forget it.

What stunned Yu Mumu the most was that on top of it, there were also the costs of printing the contract on A4 paper and phone bills.

"You are really good at calculating your budget!"

Saying that, Yu Mumu gritted his teeth and finished signing.

But I saw the public transportation class smiling and said: "I can't help it, I have too many people to support. Unlike you who are rich and wealthy, how can you have money to buy a plane if you don't plan carefully?"

Yu Mumu immediately didn't want to look at Gongshu Ban anymore.

"Oh, and also, Miss Yan seems to be very unsophisticated, and she comes with bad intentions. You should be careful and don't get caught in the trap."


However, perhaps because he knew that Yu Mumu was not a worry-free person, when the public transportation team left, there was still one person left here to keep an eye on him, for only two or three days anyway.

Who told Yu Mumu to be a big customer? He had to guard it and whether he wanted to bully others was another matter. At least, he shouldn't be caught by someone who was interested.

What Gongshu Ban didn't say was that he saw a person following Yan Shu, who seemed to have been in the defense team. He was afraid that Yu Mumu would suffer, so it was always better to be on guard.

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