In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 146 If you want to blame them, you can only blame their parents for not doing enough!

Chapter 146 If you want to blame them, you can only blame their parents for not doing enough!
Is this our home?Sister Yao's ability to climb along the pole is really different.

However, Yu Mumu didn't think twice about wearing Sister Yao. She directly put on a skirt and put on exquisite makeup, which shocked Sister Yao to the spot.

The saying that a man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle really doesn't make sense.

She always knew that Yu Mumu was good-looking, but she didn't expect that Yu Mumu would put on a dress specially designed for ladies, coupled with such makeup, and pearl jewelry placed aside.

She doesn't even dare to say now that Yu Mumu is a female star. She is clearly a rich lady.

However, Sister Yao is still somewhat rational now.

Those who could go to Qin's Pharmaceutical's anniversary dinner, except for some entertainers who went to warm up the venue, were all people who stamped their feet and made the ground in Kyoto tremble.

If Yu Mumu is dressed like this, will it be a bit overwhelming? Those wealthy ladies are not easy to get along with.

Maybe they were talking to you with a smile one second, but the next second they would directly cut off your livelihood.

Sister Yao is used to being cautious, and she is really afraid that Yu Mumu will provoke someone who cannot be provoked.

After struggling for a while, he still said: "Wouldn't it be a bit too much to steal the limelight?"

Didn't she say that Yu Mumu's face and temperament can kill everyone in an instant.

If this was the case before, Sister Yao's words would be correct, but now, it would be good if she doesn't wear small shoes for others.

"So what if they robbed them? Their parents gave them good looks. If you want to blame them, you can only blame their parents for not doing enough!"

Sister Yao:......

If others heard this, it would be a real beating.

But now, Sister Yao doesn't dare to confront Yu Mumu, so she can only keep her anxiety in her heart.

"Aren't you from the fortress? Let him wait over there."

After hearing this, Sister Yao immediately lost her anxiety and quickly went out to make a call. Regarding KPI, that was a big deal.

Lou Zhe has also changed into his suit. He will be with Yu Mumu the whole time today. If Yu Mumu goes as a celebrity, he will not get this treatment.

"Miss Yu, it's almost time."

Yu Mumu nodded, and then put on the set of pearl jewelry, making her whole body more dazzling.

When we arrived at the hotel owned by Qin's Pharmaceuticals, the entrance was already very lively.

Sister Yao suddenly felt sour in her heart when she saw that there were many celebrity fans outside the hotel supporting her.

It would be great if some time Yu Mumu's fans could come to support him spontaneously like this.

"I see that there are not many of them. They are all fans of Xiaohua and movie queens who have the highest traffic volume at the moment."

Fortunately, the security measures in the hotel here are very good. These fans who are cheering can only stay on the outside and cannot enter at all.

When Yu Mumu got out of the car, she happened to meet Bai Yingqueen who arrived at the same time.

"Mumu, have you received the invitation too?"

Queen Bai Ying is really very enthusiastic. It is rumored that she is getting divorced, but no matter what, until it is officially announced to the public, she is still a member of the wealthy Song family.

Looking at Yu Mumu's outfit, Bai Yingqueen paused slightly. It looks good, but many people will probably feel unhappy tonight.

"Sister Bai."

Bai Yinghou originally wanted to remind Yu Mumu, but suddenly she saw that the driver also got off the seat and followed Yu Mumu, obviously intending to go in with her.When the reminder came to her lips, she was immediately suppressed by Queen Bai Ying. Even her father-in-law, the head of the Song family, could not bring bodyguards to such an occasion.

Even if Yu Mumu didn't understand the rules, she wouldn't make such a mistake.

Bai Yingqueen realized at this moment that perhaps Yu Mumu was not here as a little star today.

Yu Mumu naturally stopped talking after seeing Bai Ying: "Sister Bai, if you have anything to say, you can just say it."

"It's nothing, I just think your set of pearl jewelry is really pretty."

Bai Yinghou didn't tell the truth, and Yu Mumu didn't care. Their relationship wasn't good enough to tell everything.

The two of them walked to the banquet place talking and laughing.

There was someone collecting invitations at the door, and there was a professional security check. Bai Yinghou handed over the invitation and passed the security check smoothly.

But Yu Mumu just stood there and made no move to take the invitation. Bai Ying was stunned for a moment.

After a while, I saw a young and inexperienced boy with a red face coming out of a corner, obviously waiting for Yu Mumu here.

Yu Mumu then continued to walk forward. He looked businesslike just now. When the person checking the invitation saw Yu Mumu's face.

He immediately withdrew his gloved hand and looked very respectful.

"Miss Yu, you are here."

With that said, she quickly bent down slightly and led Yu Mumu and the people behind her to the exclusive passage next door. Not to mention that Yu Mumu was only bringing a few people in now.

Even behind her, there was a group of people, and no one said a word.

Bai Yinghou looked at Yu Mumu's face the whole time, her eyes full of shock, and then her face had a look of 'that's it' again.

The staff directly led Yu Mumu to the infield, eager to follow her closely and be her exclusive guide.

Fourth Young Master Qin heard the people below saying that Yu Mumu was here, so he told the friends around him and went out to look for Yu Mumu.

As soon as I came out, I noticed at a glance that Yu Mumu was too conspicuous, so I stood there, as if everyone had become her foil.

Fourth Young Master Qin waved directly to the staff: "Okay, you have nothing to do here, let's go!"

The staff could only retire with regret.

Looking Yu Mumu up and down, Fourth Young Master Qin rolled his eyes: "You people in the entertainment industry really don't give others a way to survive. All the ladies and ladies here today have been suppressed by you. .”

Fourth Young Master Qin has always been open to beautiful women, but he can't make any move towards Yu Mu Mu. Is it because Yu Mu Mu is not beautiful?

Of course not, it's just that in the eyes of Fourth Young Master Qin, women like Yu Mumu are like piranha flowers. Just look at it and forget about the rest.

Fourth Young Master Qin stretched out his arm and motioned for Yu Mumu to take it on his shoulders. This was what he and Yu Mumu had agreed upon before.

But his expression was not at all happy about being favored by a beauty. Instead, he felt like he was being tortured.

Yu Mumu stretched out her hand and was about to take Fourth Young Master Qin's arm.

A cold voice came from behind her: "It seems that Miss Yu's memory is really not very good~"

Listening to the familiar voice, Yu Mumu remembered the message Lu Shiyan had left her at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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