"Well, in addition, I want to announce one more thing. Starting from today, all the general affairs related to the Lu family will be redistributed.

Rotate every three years, lest some people have no awareness of self-examination! "

As soon as the old man of the Lu family finished speaking, there was a commotion among the people sitting below.

In recent years, most people have regarded the general affairs assigned to them as their own family property. Since it belongs to their own family, they must have been slacking on the accounting and other matters.

If we ask them to hand over their belongings now and have them rotate every three years in the future, isn't this going to cost them their lives?

"Old man, isn't this a little too harsh?"

"Harsh? I think you have had enough good lives! Don't think that I don't know what you have done in these years. I turned a blind eye before. Who would have thought that you could break out of this situation?" Trouble is coming!”

Suddenly no one dared to speak. Many people felt that they were about to curse the people responsible for the general affairs in the suburbs of Beijing to death. It was really harmful.

"Okay, let's all disperse. The mistress stays!"

Even though the old man of the Lu family looked like he was about to die, as long as he was still breathing, they could only give in obediently.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Mr. Lu put away his previous sternness and revealed a hint of kindness in his eyes.

"You kid, if there wasn't something going on at home, you wouldn't have come back. By the way, I heard that you have a fiancée?"

If someone sees the old man of the Lu family looking like this now, they will definitely think that they are dazzled. When has the old man ever been so amiable and amiable?

The Lu family is not one who values ​​family status, but the other half of the family must be recognized before they can be recognized.

Fortunately for Lu Shiyan, he made his own decision without even telling the elders in the family. However, the old man was not angry at all and teased him in such a tone.

"Grandpa, now is the time to get down to business!"

Mr. Lu: ...

My grandson is too old-fashioned and serious to be funny at all. He is still as cute as when he was a child, so it is so fun to tease him.

“I’ll leave this matter to you, I’ll rest assured!”

Being trusted so much by his grandfather, Lu Shiyan didn't feel much at all. It seemed that such a scene was nothing more than gay sex for him.

"There must be someone behind this matter. No matter who puts pressure on me, you may need to step forward when the time comes."

When it came to business, Mr. Lu finally regained his seriousness.

"You go ahead and do it! Old man, I'm not dead yet. If you dare to disturb the Lu family, I want to see who is so stubborn!"

After the explanation, Mr. Lu thought it was time for Lu Shiyan to leave, but unexpectedly, he suddenly spoke.

"Before, in order to get rid of my father's debt of gratitude, I temporarily recruited someone to top up the debt. Now that it has spread, I must be responsible after all."

Only then did Mr. Lu react. His grandson was explaining the question he asked his fiancée before.

Before anything happened, the maintenance started. Mr. Lu then began to speculate, what kind of person could actually make his third son enlightened for the first time?

But before he had time to have other thoughts, Lu Shiyan continued: "You'd better not get involved! And don't ask, lest you frighten people. Also, I am responsible for the outside affairs. , just take good care of yourself at home and play with your cats and dogs. I’ll leave first~”

Mr. Lu: ...

So angry!Other people’s grandsons always coax Grandpa, but his family knows how to bully such a kind-hearted old man, huh!
After Lu Shiyan left the Lu family, he immediately went to the ecological park and happened to meet Yan Zhan.

Both of them are two of the most outstanding young people in Kyoto, but now their positions are obviously somewhat different.

During the confrontation, the people behind them were trembling.

They usually knew that their immediate superiors were very coercive, but now they realized that what they had done before was nothing, and now this scene was quite a bit like a king without a king.

Shen Qing's eyes were also fixed on Assistant Feng opposite him. He had heard before that the third young master of the Lu family lived in seclusion, and the assistants following him were twin brothers.

They are both talented in literature and martial arts. Why can't I see only one of them now? I don't know who will have a greater chance of winning if he and the other party fight.

Of course, Special Assistant Feng also knew the details of Shen Qing. Looking at Shen Qing's fearful eyes, he almost rolled his eyes.

They are following the most outstanding young master of the Lu family. If they don't have two brushes, are they worthy?You don't have any eyesight, you idiot!
Yan Zhan didn't know what Lu Shiyan was here for, but if Lu Shiyan wanted to suppress this matter, it would be very difficult to find out even if he had the support of many elders behind him.

At this moment, he was also deeply defensive: "Isn't it a bit inappropriate for Mr. Lu to appear here?"

Lu Shiyan's eyes fell on Yan Zhan's face, and then he looked away.

"You were the one who saved Yu Mumu before, right? I don't care if you discovered something a long time ago and deliberately used Yu Mumu as bait to expose this matter to the public.

I still have other plans. I only have two requests. First, don’t involve Yu Mumu in these grudges.

Second, the Lu family is not framed by anyone who wants to frame it. I will not stop you from investigating anything, but if there is any false evidence in it, don't blame me for being ruthless! "

Yan Zhan was not surprised by Lu Shiyan's harsh words, nor was he surprised that he recognized him.

What surprised him was that Lu Shiyan seemed to take Yu Mumu very seriously.

When he checked Yu Mumu before, he knew that the two had some intersection, and now he heard Yu Mumu's name coming out of Lu Shiyan's mouth.

Why was he so unhappy? Now it was even more unpleasant to look at this person whom he had to be wary of and fearful of.

"Mr. Lu, you are worrying too much. I am also a member of the Yan family after all. It is impossible to use an innocent person as bait. Don't make random guesses based on your own villainy!"

Just now, it was Mr. Lu, which is how people from their aristocratic family call similar people.

Now that he has become Mr. Lu, it shows that he is willing to be with someone like Lu Shiyan.

Lu Shiyan was not angry, and just said lightly: "It's best this way!"

After the two sides finished their harsh words, they dispersed, and even the people following them snorted coldly at each other.

No matter what, the momentum must not be lost!

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