[I was having breakfast just now. When Yu Mumu turned around and faced that person, I was really frightened and my hands shook. 】

[Why is there such a scary scene this early in the morning? Where are the others? Come and save them! 】

[Yu Mumu is really a bit possessed by a degenerate spirit. Before recording a show, he could meet kidnappers, but now he has met a savage again...]


People in the live broadcast room were already working hard, and people from the program team came here to save people.

But there was no one else nearby, so asking for help would have little effect.

At this moment, even Yu Mumu's black men were a little worried.

In fact, this man who could barely look like a human was too dangerous.

Yu Mumu looked at the savage slowly walking towards her with sharp eyes, and turned her body slightly to ensure that when the savage attacked her, she could take him down with one move.

When the savage was no more than 5 meters away from Yu Mumu, he suddenly stopped.

Then he fiddled with his hair and exposed his face.

The savage pointed at his throat and shook his hand. This was telling Yu Mumu that he could not speak.

Then he pointed to the roots at Yu Mumu's feet with his hand and patted his belly.

The sound of "Gu Gu~" was so loud that even the audience in the live broadcast room could hear it very clearly.

[What this person means is that he cannot speak and is hungry?So, he never thought about hurting Yu Mumu? 】

[It’s hard to say. It’s possible that this person is really hungry and has no energy now. Maybe he knows that he can’t fuck Yu Mumu now. 】

[Why haven’t those people from the program team come yet? Such a person suddenly appears here. It’s obvious that the program team has failed in its responsibility! 】


Lu Shiyan and his party were making preparations to accompany the mausoleum. Of course, the people below were doing the work.

As the leader, Lu Shiyan only needs to give orders, so he still has time to watch the live broadcast.

Most of the time, his eyes fell on Yu Mumu. Of course, he also spent part of his energy looking at Chu Ye, Qin Fourth Young Master and others.

However, he never thought that there were still savages on this island that had been cleaned up.

He was not sure whether Yu Mumu scared him, but just now, he was shocked by such a turn of events.

Who knew that Yu Mumu was kidnapped while recording a show? Didn't he almost get traumatized?

Now again!

Lu Shiyan immediately picked up the weapons and equipment he brought and followed in the direction where Yu Mumu left before.

But Yu Mumu, who was worried by everyone, was not as panicked as everyone thought.

She calmly hooked a dug-out rhizome on the ground with her foot, and then kicked it out. ,
The rhizome fell just at the feet of the savage on the opposite side. To ordinary people, this accuracy might be considered a coincidence.

But only a true practitioner knows how well Yu Mumu controls this level of strength.

When the savage saw the rhizome at his feet, he immediately stopped caring about anything and grabbed the rhizome. He even ignored the mud on it and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

It looked like he was obviously really hungry.

What Yu Mumu picked was a medium-sized rhizome, and the savage finished it in two or three bites, and then looked longingly at the roots that Yu Mumu was protecting behind him.I don't know if the savage felt the terrifying aura emanating from Yu Mumu's body, so he never dared to move forward and could only show a pitiful look.

[Why do I feel that this savage seems a little afraid of Yu Mumu, and is he being miserable now? 】

[If I hadn’t seen the way he was devouring food without even wiping off the dirt, I would have thought that this was the script. 】

[Yu Mumu still has so much to eat, why can’t she give her a little more? She won’t be able to finish it all at once. 】

[Get out of here, day by day. Is this mouth eating shit?The saying "Kill the Holy Mother first in troubled times" is indeed correct. Look what it says!
You don’t really think that this savage is easy to get along with, right? If Fanyu Mumu doesn’t have a wooden thorn or dagger in his hand, this savage will rush up in minutes! 】

[Made, I’m really annoyed by some brainless people!Can't you see that this is Yu Mumu and the other party confronting each other and testing each other's background? 】


The savage waited for a long time, as if he was sure that he could not get anything more from Yu Mumu, and was a little disappointed.

He immediately put away his previous pitiful look and bared his teeth at Yu Mumu.

Yu Mumu immediately raised the wooden thorn in his hand. It looked like it was nothing fancy. If the savage dared to charge forward, Yu Mumu would dare to kill him.

The savage looked at the spikes in Yu Mumu's hands, then at the roots at Yu Mumu's feet, and finally, with unwillingness, he quickly turned around and disappeared into the grass.

Until the grass over there no longer made any sound.

Yu Mumu then squatted down and tied up the roots on the ground with the straw weaving she had made casually before.

She didn't know if she had gone too deep. Later, she would meet up with Lu Shiyan, so she immediately decided to leave.

On the way down the mountain, Yu Mumu had already thought about how to ask the program team for sky-high compensation.

When she participated in "Fantasy Life" before, the public transportation team blackmailed her from the program team, oh no, she obtained a large amount of compensation.

It makes no sense for her to treat this variety show differently. They are all variety shows, so naturally they should be treated equally.


An exclamation came from not far away, and Yu Mumu's footsteps suddenly stopped.

The bodyguards arranged by the program team have already arrived.

[Guest Ren Jing has chosen to withdraw on his own initiative, and we are hereby notified! 】

This time, the sound coming from the speaker is no longer the unique sound before, but rather like the sound of intelligent AI.

Ren Jing was a member of the fourth young master Qin's team. It was only the second day that he quit on his own initiative.

Yu Mumu immediately raised his feet and headed towards the direction of the previous scream.

Lu Shiyan saw that Yu Mumu still had time to watch the fun, and his steps became faster.

But because he was wearing the same clothes as the "safety officers" previously set by the program team, even if he was caught by the camera, he didn't attract much attention.

It didn't take long for Yu Mumu to arrive where Ren Jing was. Ren Jing's face was already blue.

The man also fell to the ground, obviously unconscious and unconscious. In his hand, he was holding several very brightly colored fruits.

There are still marks of being bitten on the back of the hand. (End of chapter)

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