Lu Shiyan looked at Yu Mumu, who was sleeping soundly, and his eyes involuntarily became a lot gentler. Chu Ye, who was sleeping uneasily next to him, happened to see this scene when he turned sideways.

What was even more speechless was that his eyes met Lu Shiyan's directly. At this moment, Chu Ye finally realized what embarrassment was.

However, fortunately, he was not a fussy person. He closed his eyes very naturally and turned his body back.

Lu Shiyan also looked away, and the originally good atmosphere was ruined.

"Third Young Master, our people have already tried. There is really no way to pass those corridors now."

Without Yu Mumu's reminder, they might have just let themselves pass before, instead of letting the little robot they brought to test it.

From the data sent back by the small robot before, it can be clearly seen that ordinary people have no way to avoid the hidden weapons in the corridor.

Feng Hai's eyes fell on Yu Mumu again at this moment, with deep respect.

"Is the signal still interrupted?"

What Lu Shiyan was asking now was naturally not a general signal, but an exclusive satellite signal. Logically speaking, even if there was such a destructive typhoon, the signal would not be completely interrupted.

"The signal was not completely interrupted, but it was intermittent. It was affected in some way."

The person behind them obviously knew this, otherwise, he wouldn't have taken action so quickly and accurately.

"Let those who went to explore the road before come back."

When people were asked to explore the road before, it wasn't because they didn't trust Yu Mumu, but because people like them would never easily place all their hopes on others.

Now that the results are known, there is no need to waste resources.

Yu Mumu didn't sleep well, and she didn't know whether it was because she was thinking about it, or because this was the tomb that Asu left for her.

In her sleep, Yu Mumu dreamed of Ah Su again. At that time, she was not very old, and Ah Su was like a little follower.

She really protected Ah Su as her own brother, until she saw Ah Su fall off the cliff again to help her.


Yu Mumu woke up in fright, with even tears on her face. The sound woke up everyone who was resting.

But maybe it was because Yu Mumu showed off her skills before, but now even if she wakes everyone up, no one dares to face her.

Chu Ye, on the other hand, was very curious. When Yu Mumu called him who A Su was, he looked at Lu Shi involuntarily.

Obviously he was very curious about what someone like Lu Shiyan would think if he knew that Yu Mumu had a very important person in his heart.

Chu Ye himself didn't realize that he was so keen on eating melons now.

But Lu Shiyan's jokes weren't that good. Even if Yu Mumu was in a bad state, there wasn't any displeasure on his face.

Instead, he handed over the water glass at hand: "Are you having a nightmare?"

This mood was as stable as a thousand-year-old tortoise. Chu Ye suddenly felt bored and withdrew his gaze.

Yu Mumu took the water glass, calmed down her mood, and then took two sips of water.

"I am fine."

After drinking the water, Yu Mumu adjusted herself and quickly regained her composure.

"Host, the air in the ear room is running low. You must get out as soon as possible."

Xiao Taotao's voice suddenly came to mind, and Yu Mumu put down the water glass and felt the changes here carefully.

"What's wrong?" Lu Shiyan did not miss the flash of solemnity on Yu Mumu's face.

"The air in the ear room is almost exhausted."

When her own safety was involved, Zhang Qingya, who had been pretending to be asleep before, suddenly sat up.

"Should we go out now? But, the typhoon outside..."

At this moment, Zhang Qingya's face turned slightly pale. She stayed inside and was suffocated to death. If she went out, she didn't know what the typhoon would do.

But Zhang Qingya is obviously more worried about whether these people will attack unimportant people like her just to stay here longer.

Zhang Qingya felt a thin and dense numbness slowly crawling up her back, making her feel unspeakably frightened.

"Then we can only open the second wing!"

Lu Shiyan:...

Zhang Qingya:......

Chu Ye:......

Now they finally understand why it is so annoying sometimes when a person is breathing heavily.

"Is there a second wing here?"

Chu Ye was really curious. It was not that he had never seen other imperial tombs or companion tombs, but this was the first time he had seen such a companion tomb.

If Yu Mumu hadn't said there was a wing here, he might have just thought it was just a wall.

"There are so many things you don't know."

Only by finding a specific mechanism can some air be re-introduced into the sealed ear room.

Although the original design of Peiling was that no one could break in.

After all, there are treasures here, and the owner of the mausoleum naturally doesn't want anyone to come in and out at will and disturb his peace.

But the tombkeeper clan has seen too many ruthless mausoleum owners, so there must be a way out in such a mausoleum that only people of their clan know.

As for whether there will be a traitor in the Tomb Keeper clan and tell these secrets, there is no need to worry, because only clan members who have passed the trial are qualified to know such secrets.

Yu Mumu looked at the ear room. Because she had opened it before and injected new air, many things inside had been oxidized, and most of them were considered useless.

To open another wing means destroying the treasures in another wing. Yu Mumu felt a little distressed.

Chu Ye was shocked, but he wasn't angry. He just felt that Yu Mumu was becoming more and more mysterious, and it was clear that the information he had found before did not include this.

If Chu Ye was very confident about what he found before, now, he has begun to doubt himself slightly.

"Except for the golden toad over there, you can't move the things in here. You can find someone to put away the rest!"

There is no use in keeping some of the things that have been destroyed here, so it is better to take them out directly.

What's more, this accompaniment mausoleum was originally built by Ah Su for Yu Mumu, so the things in it were originally hers, and Yu Mumu could handle it as he pleased.

Before sealing it away, he helped his Third Young Master deal with a lot of antique items.

He had felt jealous before about the things in this, but since no one said anything, he would naturally not make his own decisions. (End of chapter)

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