The words of his men made Yan Tianjing frown slightly. There were so many interests involved in illegal ships on the high seas.

Especially knowing that Lou Zhe was now Yu Mumu's bodyguard, his first reaction was to worry that his daughter would be implicated.

"Connect them, I want to talk to them personally!"

"Yes, sir!"

Lou Zhe saw the connection request from the other party, hesitated for a while, and finally accepted it.

"Black Panther, why are you here?"

Lou Zhe was slightly startled when he heard his former code name.

"Master Yan, I have left the city defense team. There is no need to report my affairs to you anymore."

Unexpectedly, Yan Tianjing on the other end of the phone started to play straight: "Yu Mumu is my biological daughter, I will not allow anyone to hurt her!"

Lou Zhe was a little dumbfounded on the spot, so much so that he didn't even know what to say next.

He had noticed before that Yu Mumu seemed to have something on his mind, but as a bodyguard, unless it affected Du Yu Mumu's safety, his curiosity was not that strong.

But now tell him that Yu Mumu is so stable and not arrogant or arrogant when facing that she is the daughter of the Yan family.

Well, it suddenly made him feel more and more that Yu Mumu was really a reliable person.

"Master Yan, don't worry. Miss Yu is my boss. I swear by my faith that I will never betray you!"

"That's the best!"

Jian Lu obviously heard it from the side, and he now felt like he was floating in the air.

"Miss Yu is really..."

Jian Li felt that words could no longer describe his feelings, and in the end he could only say half a sentence before changing the topic.

"The head of the Yan family probably knew the origin of this ship and deliberately exposed Miss Yu's identity to scare us, lest we harbor evil intentions."

From the beginning to the end, Lou Zhe never thought about betraying anything, so naturally he would not follow suit.

"The Yan Family Master is the one who shocks you, not me, so, it's not us!"

Jian Phosphorus:......

Now he seems to understand a little bit why his cousin was so old-fashioned when he looked down on people with a background like Lou Zhe.

"Okay, as long as you're happy!"

Because of the exchange of identities and the fact that both sides had a common goal, the two ships temporarily put aside their grudges and canceled their mutually locked attack systems.

On the floating island, the violent storm still did not stop. Qin Fourth Young Master and others looked at the island that was still beautiful before, but now it has become a mess, with sand flying all over the sky, and branches of many trees flying everywhere.

Fortunately, the place where they are now is in the middle, and there are a lot of shelters here, so that they will not suffer serious consequences.

In the current situation, it is obvious that we cannot move to the beach, and we can only find a place to rest and shelter from the wind and rain.

In the end, Fourth Young Master Qin and others took them to the cave chosen by Tao Lele and his party.

This place has been searched before, and all traces of life left inside have been messed up.

But fortunately, the location here is really not bad. At least there is no rain pouring in. Only the door is a little wet, but when you go inside, except for the darkness and a bit of coldness, it is still passable. “There is dry firewood here, light it quickly!”

Although there is little dry firewood here, no one cares about it, it is better than nothing.

"When will this typhoon leave? If it continues like this, we may really die here."

Looking at the pitiful amount of food, the group suddenly felt a little discouraged.

The bodyguard looked at the situation outside. He was also afraid that these pampered young men would not be able to endure the hardship.

All he could do was comfort him: "As long as the wind weakens, help from outside will arrive soon."

The pyre was already lit. Fourth Young Master Qin continued to add wood to it and sniffed, his voice even more nasal.

"Okay, if you have the energy to complain, you might as well come here and warm yourself by the fire, dry your clothes, and don't end up starving to death instead of getting sick!"

The remaining people sighed immediately, and then came together to warm themselves by the fire. Not to mention, at this moment, they actually felt a faint sense of happiness.

But at this moment, those who had been chasing Fourth Young Master Qin and the others felt their scalps go numb when they saw the seven or eight savages besieging them and the swarm of venomous snakes nearby that were ready to attack.

They never dreamed that these "dangers" deliberately left behind at the beginning would now become their life-threatening talisman.

Most of these savages on the island were people who had been expelled by those forces on the high seas. It can be said that none of them are good people.

No one who is a little soft-hearted will survive now.

Although these savages were holding some sharpened wooden thorns in their hands, with the help of snakes, they really didn't have much chance of winning if they wanted to escape unscathed.

"Boss, what should I do?"

"Of course we have to fight hard. Is it possible that you can still make peace with them?"

“These guys were left behind in the first place to attack those helpless young men and make things look like an accident.

Unexpectedly, we encountered it, what a bad luck! If I had known earlier, I should have dealt with them directly! "

With that said, the two sides started to take action. After all, the savage side was suffering from malnutrition all year round. In addition, when they were expelled before, their bodies were injured. They were already lucky to survive until now.

After just a few rounds, these savages were no match for the "professionals", and they were all quickly wiped out.

After dealing with the savages and snakes here, they also suffered heavy losses. Only three or five people with all beards and tails were left.

"Boss, those young men are all like soft-footed shrimps. I'm afraid they didn't escape to the back mountains at all."

"Do you suspect that they are hiding somewhere and not coming out? But we are wearing the clothes of rescuers now, so they shouldn't be on guard!"

“Under such circumstances, with our pace, it has taken us so much time and so much difficulty to get here.

They, oh, it's not that I look down on them, if they had such ability, they wouldn't all be dandies. "

The person who said this obviously had a trace of jealousy in his heart. If those people hadn't been reincarnated and had a good birth, none of their toes would be as good as him.

If they hadn't suffered enough and couldn't get ahead, people like them wouldn't be willing to sacrifice their lives just to change their family.

But as long as they think that in the future, their children and grandchildren will have the opportunity to soar into the sky and no longer have to be enslaved by these idiots, everything will suddenly feel worth it.

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