In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 288 If you don’t kill the tiger, you will suffer backlash.


Mr. Lu, who was supposed to stay in the mountains for a month before returning, was sitting at the front entrance of the Lu family ancestral hall.

The solemn expression reminded the juniors of the Lu family standing below, for the first time, of this loving old man who had cultivated his moral character for decades.

He was also a decisive and decisive person back then. He even personally dealt with his mediocre fathers, cleared up civil strife, and exiled the clan members who were in trouble.

"You all are really good. You caused so many things while the old man was away. Now, who else is involved, come forward!"

After listening to Mr. Lu's words, the people standing below lowered their heads even lower.

In the past few days, the Lu family was almost overthrown by Lu Shiyan.

On the day Lu Shiyan came back, he imprisoned several uncles in the Lu family's execution hall, and then dealt with a group of clan members who had caused chaos in the family.

Then he dealt with the Yang family, who had obviously colluded and participated in it this time. He didn't care if there were innocent people in the Yang family.

Since these people enjoyed the good things brought by the Yang family when the Yang family was rich, they must also bear the evil done by the Yang family now.

It was Lu Shiyan who directly sent Feng Hai to pick up Mr. Lu from the mountains in person. The purpose was naturally because he did not intend to settle the matter this time.

He doesn't plan to stay with those uncles. This incident has really stepped on his bottom line.

Mr. Lu looked at the people below, none of them said a word, and suddenly sneered.

"Do you think that I will be soft-hearted as I get older, or do you think that I can get away with it if I don't say anything?"

Such a sound is no less than the sound of five thunders to the people below who are already trembling with fear.

Lu Shiyan's biological father, Lu Xiao, glanced at Lu Shiyan who provoked the trouble, with a flash of disapproval in his eyes.

In his opinion, the family's interests and reputation should come first. As a member of the Lu family, he has enjoyed so many preferential treatment, so it is appropriate to sacrifice a little for the Lu family.

Didn't he sacrifice himself and marry someone from the Xuanyuan family? Is he resentful?

Now that the commotion has become known to everyone, the Lu family has lost all face.

Especially when he thought that Lu Shiyan was so unyielding because of Yu Mumu, he immediately felt a little unhappy towards Yu Mumu.

Just when Lu Xiao was about to say something, Lu Shiyan turned his head and pretended that he didn't see his father's attitude of wanting him to calm down.

Mr. Lu, who was sitting in the seat, naturally clearly saw the dispute between his son and grandson.

If he was just a confused elder, he might follow his son's ideas and make this matter a trivial matter.

After all, these people below are all his children and grandchildren, and their palms and backs are all flesh.

It's a pity that he is the old head of the Lu family. Since he sees that the Lu family has rotten areas, he can only dig them out and cannot let the Lu family continue to rot.

Emperors in ancient times would deal with some difficult people and matters before they died, so as not to leave a mess for their successors.

How long can he live? In the future, the Lu family will be handed over to someone who can shoulder the responsibilities of the Lu family, so this evil person can only be done by him.

"Lu Xiao, what did you say?"

Mr. Lu really loved this son in his heart. He was filial and obedient. He was a standard son of a noble family, but he didn't have the courage he should have and was very pedantic.

Thinking of this, Mr. Lu felt a little regretful. When he was young, there were so many external and internal troubles that he left the upbringing of his children to his wife. Madam is a noble lady, but she is too disciplined, and she has taught her son to be like this. If Lu Xiao was a rich and idle man, with such a temperament, he would live a happy and healthy life.

However, Lu Xiao was very talented and was the eldest son. His temperament would be a disaster for the Lu family.

When Lu Xiao heard what his old father said, he immediately stood up and said, "Father, this matter is ultimately an internal struggle within the Lu family. My son thinks that small punishments and big warnings are enough."

Mr. Lu was a little disappointed immediately, and then looked at Lu Shiyan: "Ayan, what do you say?"

Lu Shiyan was not suppressed by Mr. Lu's aura, and his tone was normal: "Grandpa, you have taught me since I was a child that if you don't kill a tiger, there will be a backlash.

This is not the first time they have taken action. Some people may really be cheap. Giving them a chance will only encourage their arrogance.

This time, the grandson felt that he should be dealt with directly, so that all the Lu family could see what would happen if he colluded with outsiders and harmed his clan members! "

In the past, Lu Shiyan would still consider the face of his biological father, Lu Xiao.

He didn't pay attention to those minor assassinations back then, and his thoughts were not on the Lu family's property.

Because he has the blood of the Lu family and the Xuanyuan family, he naturally gets much more than other people in the Lu family.

It can be said that except for the future new head of the Lu family, there will be no one with more property than him.

But sometimes, a common man is guilty of a crime, and even if he makes a lot of concessions, he still cannot change. As long as he is still breathing, he is a threat to others.

He had given in so much, and now even his own mother and some people in the Xuanyuan family couldn't tolerate him.

In this case, he doesn't have to care about anyone's face.

Lu Xiao frowned tightly when he heard Lu Shiyan's somewhat aggressive voice. The father and son obviously had different opinions.


Of course Lu Shiyan knew that his father was, at best, pedantic, and at worst, he had been taught a fool.

When he was a child, he would still be affected by these words, but now, he is no longer a fool.

He immediately interrupted Lu Xiao: "Dad, I almost died on the floating island this time. This was not a family fight, this was a murder they had carefully planned for a long time! It also involved other innocent people.

As a member of the Lu family, you can be tolerant and generous, but you cannot be led around by others, let alone a fool who cannot tell the difference between loyalty and betrayal! "

Lu Xiao immediately turned red with anger at these words. In front of so many people, a son actually contradicted and ridiculed his biological father like this.

In Lu Xiao's opinion, this was simply a huge crime.

If Mr. Lu hadn't still been sitting at the top, he would have asked someone to give Lu Shiyan some family advice.

"you really……"

"Okay, shut up!"

Seeing that Lu Xiao was about to start his gentlemanly remarks again, Mr. Lu also interrupted him. Even he, an old guy who was about to die, could no longer listen to these old-fashioned rules.

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