In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 425 Favors are the hardest to repay

"Of course it's because people like to create gods the most, and they also like to destroy gods."

Xiao Taotao suddenly showed a clear and stupid look: "What do you mean?"

"It means that now our male protagonist is probably planning to lose his fandom and return to his fandom. The Xuanyuan family is no longer a distant and sacred position in his heart. This kind of thing is more terrifying than anti-fans~"

Xiao Taotao:......

At this moment, it sympathizes with the male protagonist a little bit, and of course, it also sympathizes with the Xuanyuan family a little bit.

Okay, why bother with the host? Its host had only planned to become the third largest force and maintain balance before, and had no plans to touch the Xuanyuan family.

As a result, the people of the Xuanyuan family were unhappy because they had to find a host. Well, they were beaten now. They also lost their greatest patron saint.

But the expression on Xiao Taotao's face at this moment was smiling like a fool. He said, this is what he deserves, and he will not live for his own misfortune!

Seeing Nemo smiling so hard, Yu Mumu didn't intend to embarrass him.

"I want to see Lu Shiyan. Besides, I'm not interested in meeting those messy people, so don't make arrangements for them!"

Nemo couldn't help but curse: You ruined Mrs. Fengyin's good deeds with this move. How can other people dare to see you?

But he responded respectfully: "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

It's not that he gave up, it's true that this Miss Yu really doesn't follow common sense. If he dares to deal with it and embarrass her, she will destroy him.

Ten minutes ago, they received the news that the Voss family directly announced that Yu Mumu had become the new patriarch of the Voss family.

At the same time, news came from the official side that Yu Mumu was named Marquis Musa.

There is no doubt that the Xuanyuan family is very powerful, but the Voss family is also a very powerful old money family.

At this moment, Yu Mumu is not only the eldest daughter of the Yan family, but also the acting head of the Liang family, and has become a new wealthy person abroad.

The Xuanyuan family has spent countless manpower and material resources over the years, but has only received eight titles, all of which are honorary titles.

"Boss, Count Pamir's phone number."

Yu Mumu waved his hand, and Nemo immediately took all the people he brought out.

Sheng Changqing and Yan Shu didn't want to stay in the same space with Yu Mumu at this moment. If Yu Mumu hadn't spoken before, they would have left long ago.

Now seeing that Yu Mumu was busy, the two of them turned and left without waiting for Yu Mumu to look over.

Just after leaving the gate, Sheng Changqing snorted coldly, apparently directing his previous dissatisfaction with Yu Mumu directly at Yan Shu.

Yan Shu also sneered back, the two rolled their eyes at each other, and then left in opposite directions.

The impact on them today was relatively large, and both of them felt a little uncomfortable. They just wanted to go back to their residences quickly and review the current situation.

At this moment, he was the only one left in the room, and Yu Mumu took the call.

As for whether there were any bugs or other things in the house, Yu Mumu didn't care.

Anyway, with Xiao Taotao here, the news that she doesn't want others to know will never be known.

"Lord, are you satisfied with the great gift I gave you?"

Before Yu Mumu set off, she asked Pamir to give her an identity that would give her some weight abroad. But what she didn't expect was that Pamir's gift was really big.

"The Voss family is so willing to give me the position of clan elder? And the position of marquis, what do they want?"

Yu Mumu didn't feel bad that Pamir had paid an excessive price. These two identities were enough to scare the conservatives of the Xuanyuan family.

No matter what the cost, it is worth it.

"Your Majesty, I'm overly worried. Although I'm about to die now, I'm not at the point where I'm going to die. The Voss family is willing to give you the status of clan elder, but it's not because they are kind-hearted.

But they are attracted by your potential, not to mention that you now control all the assets in my name, giving you the status of a clan elder, their faces will not be too ugly.

At the same time, it can be regarded as forming a good relationship with you. When the Voss family needs your help with anything in the future, they will be able to ask.

As for your status as a marquis, that's even simpler. The people in the royal family owe me a huge favor, and I originally planned to be buried with this favor.

Now that you are in need, those who owe me favors must be returned to me one by one. "

Pamir said it casually, but Yu Mumu knew very well that Pamir must have paid a lot to be able to owe such a favor.

Maybe, these so-called favors were left behind by Pamir for self-protection. Unexpectedly, now that Pamir is dying, it will be an advantage for her.

"I understand, thank you very much. I'll have someone deliver you some medicine later. Remember to send your confidants to get it."

Pamir was stunned for a moment. His medical team was already at the top level in the world, and there was even a special research institute to give him medicine.

All possible means have been exhausted. What use can the medicine given by Yu Mumu be of use?

However, he had taken life and death lightly, and faced Yu Mumu's kindness, he did not refuse: "Then thank you Lord, I will definitely eat it."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Taotao was a little confused: "Host, do you plan to exchange the potion for Pamir?"

Yu Mumu nodded: "Well, he gave me everything at the bottom of the box, so I have to return this favor."

Xiao Taotao suddenly stopped talking.

"Just say what you want to say!"

"Host, Pamir gave these things to you because he was about to die. If you gave him the potion and he survived, but all his inheritance was given to you, aren't you afraid that you will turn against each other then? ?”

"So what, these things of his are just useful to me now. It doesn't mean that I really need these things. Money is always an external thing, and favors are the most difficult to repay. Do you understand?"

"Host, exchange it for a potion that restores life. It's very expensive. It can even be worth all the points we spent on a mission. Are you really willing to do it?"

“I can’t bear to do it, but I must do it!”

Xiao Taotao still didn't understand. She only knew that it would be very detrimental to the host if she rescued Pamir now.

But it has begun to slowly feel what sadness is in its heart.

Even though you know it's not good for you, you still do it. Is this the difference between humans and systems?
Xiao Taotao drooped her head, knowing that she could not persuade her host to give up such an idea, so she could only do as Yu Mumu asked.

But I kept sighing in my heart: Even the big players can't stand such trouble. (End of chapter)

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