In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 427 Lu Shiyan’s memory was replaced

Xuanyuan Fengyin's eyes fell on Lu Shiyan. At this moment, the green gas in the glass cover had completely disappeared.

Seeing Lu Shiyan's face that was somewhat similar to hers, Xuanyuan Fengyin's face suddenly showed a hint of disgust.

Many people thought that she was dissatisfied with being used as a pawn by her family and pushed out for marriage. She also had no relationship with her husband, so she didn't want to see her son.

Even the elders in the family thought she was just strong and ambitious, and wanted to prove that even a woman could be as ruthless as a man, even if she was willing to give up her own blood.

But in fact, only she knew that she was deeply jealous of this son who had the blood of the two most powerful families at the same time.

However, he has outstanding talent. Both the Lu family and the Xuanyuan family want to train him as a powerful person.

When Lu Shiyan was very young, the Xuanyuan family included Lu Shiyan in the selection of candidates, giving him his own confidants in the Xuanyuan family.

The Lu family also wanted to give him those rights that others could not fight for, but Lu Shiyan still dismissed them.

Just thinking about it, Lu Shiyan received a huge "compensation" from the Xuanyuan family and the Lu family without doing anything.

Xuanyuan Fengyin felt that her heart was as uncomfortable as a cat scratching her. If Lu Shiyan was willing to get close to her and hand over all those things to her, she might be willing to give him some maternal love.

But Lu Shiyan was as if his whole body was covered with betrayal. He was not close to his parents at all, and he was even on guard against them at all times.

It would be better not to have such a son. It would be better to get rid of him directly. It could also help him ascend to the throne and kill two birds with one stone.

If you want to be her son, you must obey her words and love her as a mother wholeheartedly, otherwise, it is better not to.

The confidants beside her knew very well how much Xuanyuan Fengyin hated this son. Seeing the disgust and murderous intent in her eyes, they couldn't help but tremble.

He quickly said: "Madam, we can't lose a big thing for a small thing..."

Xuanyuan Fengyin finally withdrew his penetrating eyes: "Wake him up and show him to that bitch!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, not wanting to look at her again.

The people in white coats watched the dungeon door close, and then breathed a sigh of relief. They had heard before that Mrs. Fengyin was very difficult to deal with.

Is this just not easy to mess with? The rumors were conservative after all.

"Teacher, are you okay?"

The beaten white coat wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said nonchalantly: "It's okay, just wake them up."

Compared to losing his life, being slapped is nothing.

The white coat immediately re-injected the awakening potion into the dormant chamber. Lu Shiyan's eyelids trembled, and soon, the dormant chamber was opened.

Someone came forward and wiped the blood on Lu Shiyan's body, then took him out and sent him out of the dungeon.

Half an hour later, Lu Shiyan suddenly opened his eyes. A sharp pain swept through his brain, and he suddenly covered his head.

"Third Young Master, what's wrong with you?"

Only then did Lu Shiyan realize that the people he was sitting in the car with were his confidants, but strangely, his body was instinctively guarding against these people.

"I'm fine, I just have a bad headache."

When the people next to him heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up. Although they did not completely erase Lu Shiyan's memory, it seemed that they had succeeded. When they cleaned Lu Shiyan's 70 memories before, they also woke him up once, but that time, Lu Shiyan directly killed the people who were following him.

The man immediately took out a bottle that looked like a Sanwu product from the small grid next to it and poured out a white pill.

"You fainted from overexerting your brain before. The doctor said you need to rest more. This is medicine that can relieve your headache."

Lu Shiyan looked at the white pills and felt an inexplicable rejection in his heart, but his body took the pills very honestly.

Because his memory told him that there was nothing wrong with the medicine, and it was indeed used to treat his headache.

After taking the medicine, his headache immediately eased a lot. Lu Shiyan was a little confused about what was wrong with him and why he felt so repulsive just now.

He immediately reached out and pinched his eyebrows.

Looking at the familiar environment outside, Lu Shiyan couldn't remember why he was here: "Where are you going?"

"Third Young Master, you forgot, you are going to see your fiancée."

Lu Shiyan's eyes suddenly changed. There was no fiancée in his memory.

He only remembered that his mother said that his fiancée must be approved by her.

To him, it was the same no matter who he married. Since his mother had such a request, he had no objection.

Why did a fiancée suddenly appear at this moment?

Lu Shiyan immediately asked: "Did mother decide it for me?"

The man next to him immediately seized the opportunity to apply eye drops: "No, that Miss Yu relied on her status to force her to become your fiancée, but the lady did not recognize her..."

Looking at the man who was obviously hesitant to speak, Lu Shiyan felt that this was very inconsistent, but in his memory, the man in front of him was indeed his confidant, so there should be no problem.

"If you have anything to do, just say it directly."

After receiving Lu Shiyan's approval, the man immediately began to scold Yu Mumu for her arrogance and domineering attitude: "This Miss Yu has an unusual background.

Not only did he ask to live in Caitang Garden, he even disrespected Madam. You know, Madam has been working very hard to become a clan elder.

But because of Miss Yu's domineering attitude, Madam has become a joke in the family, and even the members of the housekeeper group have been deposed by Miss Yu. "

Lu Shiyan's memory was wiped clean, and even the memories in his mind at this moment were all false, but that didn't mean that he had no brain.

Listening to his confidant's words, he instinctively became suspicious, not to mention whether this Miss Yu was so arrogant and domineering.

Let's just say that the Xuanyuan family will never be a place where others are allowed to act arrogantly, especially when the other party is at fault.

His mother and the members of the housekeeper group were not minions, but they still accepted it obediently after being slapped in the face by Yu Mumu?
He felt suspicious.

However, Lu Shiyan did not express his suspicions. Anyway, he was going to see Miss Yu now, so he wanted to meet this powerful person in person.

The car quickly arrived at the entrance of Caitangyuan, and Assistant Feng was already waiting with his people.

Seeing Lu Shiyan getting out of the car, Special Assistant Feng was very excited and hurriedly stepped forward: "Third Young Master!"

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