Chapter 460: People tied to a boat

The public transportation class was also thick-skinned. Lu Shiyan didn't say anything explicitly anyway, so he pretended not to know and picked up the coffee to drink.

Fortunately, the situation did not last long, and a waiter came soon: "Elder of the clan, tonight's banquet is about to begin."

This time, the Worth family invited many powerful people, although tomorrow is the official opening ceremony of the film festival.

But as the host, I will definitely take the opportunity to organize a banquet for these powerful people.

After all, these powerful men were not in a hurry, so they put aside what they were doing and came here just for a small film festival.

These people are just taking this opportunity to get together, the ceremony of the film festival and so on, just to give the host a face.

Yu Mumu waved her arm lightly, and the waiter respectfully withdrew.

"I heard that this time, even people from the royal family came. I suspect that the members of the Voss family are making big moves."

As the leader of the professional legal team hired by Yu Mumu with a high salary, the public transportation team naturally turned towards Yu Mumu.

Even if it was some gossip, he needed to give Yu Mumu a warning.

"The members of the Voss family have given me the status of a clan elder in such a generous way, so they must be of use to me.

We can't expect them to really have a conscience and give me the position of clan leader for free. Now I'm tied to the same boat as them. "

Yu Mumu didn't say the rest, but everyone present could obviously understand the implication.

Yu Mumu and the Voss family are now both prosperous and disadvantaged. They are all using each other. No one should accuse the other of harboring evil intentions.

"Come with me and take a look. I also want to know what the theme of this banquet is."

The public transportation class didn't have any problem with it. It was not easy to get into a banquet where all the powerful people were thrown into casually. It would be nice to go and get familiar with it.

Gongshuban had an intuition that in the future he might have to help Yu Mumu handle a lot of things related to overseas industries. He wanted to know more people so that he would not be blinded when he needed to find someone.

The location of the banquet is still in this area that is not open to the public.

Because of the film festival, a lot of people came to the island, as well as many fans. In the open area, it was quite lively.

But compared to where they are now, this area feels a bit quiet in the midst of chaos.

Coming out of the villa, there were security guards all around. Some of the security guards were actually people from the Roland Group.

I don't know if the Voss family really wants to please Yu Mumu, but they are doing this business very shrewdly.

Lou Zhe naturally saw these people from the Roland Group, but he still cautiously called to verify.

It wasn't until the Roland Group sent over the list of people on the island and their relevant personal information that Lou Zhe let go of his guard.

The public transportation team has been following Yu Mumu all the time. Seeing Lou Zhe being so cautious, he felt a little sad.

If he had known that Lou Zhe was so useful, he should not have introduced Lou Zhe to Yu Mumu in the first place.

Because of Yu Mumu's incident, he has been staying overseas for a relatively long time, and he really needs someone who is trustworthy and capable to protect him.

When you reach the intersection, there is a sightseeing bus waiting. Although this area is not open to the public, it does not mean that this area is very small. The people waiting next to the sightseeing car are members of the Voss family.

When he saw Yu Mumu coming with several people, he didn't look around at all. He kept his eyes down and down.

I don’t know if it’s because Yu Mumu is the elder of the Voss family and not just a guest, so these people are particularly afraid and respectful.

But at least at this moment, Yu Mumu felt that some of the rules of the Voss family were much better than those of the Xuanyuan family.

"Elder of the clan, please get in the car."

Yu Mumu was still wearing a very comfortable silk suit, which seemed like nothing at ordinary times, but when attending a banquet, it seemed a bit casual.

But no one dared to accuse Yu Mumu of being inappropriately dressed. This was probably the difference between having power and not having power.

The car drove for a while before arriving at the entrance of a castle that clearly looked like a combination of Chinese and Western styles.

This castle is the private property of the Voss family. Except for those invited, no one can go to this location, and even some drones nearby cannot get close.

Therefore, except for those who were invited here to see the general view of the castle, the rest of the people had no chance to see what it looked like.

As soon as I got out of the car, what I saw were large tracts of various precious chrysanthemums. Just take out a pot and you can sell it for tens or even millions.

Such a precious flower, now on the territory of the Worth family, seems to be just an ordinary chrysanthemum used for decoration.

"As expected, the Voss family has a profound heritage. It takes a lot of manpower and material resources to cultivate these chrysanthemums. In the end, they are used as decorations."

The public transportation class looked at these chrysanthemums and couldn't help but think that if they were seen by those who love chrysanthemums, they would be both happy and distressed.

"This may be what the Voss family wants to convey to outsiders. The strength of a family is not only its external hard power, but also a lot of soft power."

For example, the things they usually use for food or even for entertainment must be extremely delicate and precious, which will make people feel that the power of the Voss family is extraordinary.

This kind of deterrence can at least effectively filter out a large number of potential enemies.

Before Yu Mumu reached the door, someone was waiting. Seeing Yu Mumu, the young man stepped forward quickly.

His attitude was very respectful: "I have met the clan elder. I am Witte. My father is the person in charge of the island. He specially arranged for me to receive you."

Yu Mumu looked at the young man in front of him who looked about thirty.

Thinking about it, the person in charge of the island felt that it was inappropriate for an old man to hang around a young man like her.

But if he didn't want anyone to accompany him, and if he meant to be lazy, he would just pull his youngest son out.

Yu Mumu naturally felt the sincerity of the other party and nodded gently: "I understand, then I'll trouble you."

Before Witt came, he was still a little uneasy. His father said that the newly appointed clan elder had a good temper, so he could seize the opportunity and maybe be reused.

At this moment, when he actually walked in front of Yu Mumu, he felt that his father was indeed a mature man, allowing him to get close to the water and get the moon first.

This new clan elder seems to be reliable. At least, he will not be manipulated like a dog.

"This is what I should do, please come here."

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