Chapter 54 Netizens eat melon online
In addition to Best Actor Zhuo and Queen Bai, at this moment, the number of people in Yu Mumu's live broadcast room has soared from the bottom to No. 3.

The hot search term on Weibo has also become #鱼MUMU人 Trafficker#.

The uninformed audience thought it was Yu Mumu who had committed the crime and was caught in the trafficking business.

Suddenly, people ordered in to eat melon one after another, only to find out that they had been cheated.

However, after seeing the live broadcast room, Yu Mumu took the lead in watching the arrest of human traffickers. Even if they were deceived, they just cursed a few words on the barrage to vent their anger.

Then I squatted firmly in the live broadcast room, just wanting to see the result. After all, this is catching a human trafficker on the spot. How rare it is.

Following the PD, he squeezed his way to Yu Mumu's side, and then he zoomed in on the camera.

The group of people who were obviously bodyguards formed a confrontation with the staff in amusement park uniforms and the enthusiastic people around him.

"This is my young master!"

The head bodyguard looked at his young master without any fear at all. Not only did he pull off his hat, but he also pulled his hair.

The slightly relieved heart also turned into helplessness.

"You said it belongs to your family? We have already called the police and are waiting for the police to come!"

"That's right, who knows if you are lying!"

"There was a woman just now wearing a panda mask. We thought she was the child's parent, but what happened.

After she saw so many people here, she left her child behind and ran away. Now the traffickers must have accomplices. We don't believe anyone except the police! "

"That's right, the two people on the ground must be accomplices!"


Everyone was chatting away, and the audience in the live broadcast room really wished they were there at the moment. This feeling of eating melon from a distance always felt a bit unsatisfactory.

[That child is so cute. If such a cute child is stolen, his life will definitely be over. 】

[Don’t you see that those people wearing uniform suits are all bodyguards?They called the children "young master", OMG, I have already imagined a big drama in my mind! 】

[Upstairs, I am the same. I have gone through all the real and fake young masters, the mistress secretly exchanged for the palace's child, the civet cat for the prince, etc., all in my mind. 】

[Wow wow wow, have you seen what’s on this kid’s neck?This is the Ping An buckle sold at the Guardian auction last month, worth more than 3000 million (picture). 】

[Holy shit, is this really a wealthy young man?Mom, I'm so promising, I actually met the rich young master with my own eyes. 】

[What, now in the live broadcast room, there is no need to record the fish bitch. We don’t want to see her squirming around at all now. We want to see the rich young master! 】


The police arrived soon, and the medical staff from the nearby hospital also came over. They saw so many people gathered here, especially the team of bodyguards whose combat power was obviously capable of killing them instantly.

There were only three people in the small police team, and they felt a little stressed at this moment, staring at them intently.

Fortunately, many staff from the amusement park came and immediately evacuated the crowded area.

The doctor quickly knelt down to examine the two traffickers on the ground. When he saw the fallen man, there was a sharp knife pressed under him.The policeman who had been staring at this place immediately pulled away the doctor and looked at the man lying on the ground with his gun drawn.

The doctor was carried around by his collar and fell directly to the ground. Seeing how nervous the policeman was, he was speechless.

"The man was really knocked unconscious. He was knocked unconscious, and his wrist was broken."

Then the doctor got up again and didn't care at all about the awkward smile of the policeman. After all, they were doing it for his own good.

After checking the woman trafficker again, the doctor immediately looked at the staff holding the child and marveled: "Did you subdue this person? The method was good. It knocked the person unconscious without leaving any traces."

The staff who were forced to take the credit were about to shake their heads like rattles: "It's not me, it's not me~"

If there were no outsiders here, he wouldn't mind taking the credit, but there were too many witnesses here, and he wasn't that stupid to take the credit that was not his own.

Now not only the policeman and the doctor were surprised, but also the bodyguard team who were confronting them were a little surprised.

They thought the two traffickers were shot by amusement park staff.

【What does this mean?If it’s not a staff member, then who made the two traffickers on the ground like this?Are they some kind of enthusiastic people who draw their swords to help when they see injustice on the road? 】

[Didn’t you hear what the doctor said? These two traffickers were knocked unconscious. 】

[What should I do? What should I do? The more I watch, the more excited I am. I want to know what is going on?It feels a bit like watching a crime being solved on the spot! 】

[Do you still remember that someone just said that the person wearing the panda mask handed the child to this staff member and asked someone to call the emergency number?

Is it possible that the person wearing the panda mask was not an accomplice of the trafficker, but the person who rescued the child? She realized something was wrong and stopped the two men.

But I didn’t want to reveal my identity, so when I saw the staff, I handed the child to him and walked away! 】

[Man upstairs, your guess is very possible. Damn it, this guy is so handsome!Isn't this the contemporary version of chivalrous style? 】


The policeman also asked the people around him who saw the situation first, and then looked around. It turned out that this was a blind spot for surveillance.

If you move a little further forward, you will be photographed by the camera in front, and if you move a little further back, you will be photographed by the surveillance camera in the small attic next door.

The enthusiastic people who were watching just now said in unison that the man wearing the panda mask was an accomplice of the trafficker.

But now there are always smart people among them, judging from the situation of the two people on the ground, and the fact that this is a surveillance blind spot.

Judging from the time they found the two people fainted on the ground, it didn't take more than 1 minute before the child fell into the hands of the staff, and soon after, the children's "family" came to find them.

All kinds of coincidences eliminate all possibilities, and the most incredible result may be the real truth.

That is, the panda girl who was considered a human trafficker was completely the noble person who saved this child's life.

Only Yu Mumu was so speechless at this moment that he almost rolled his eyes: What a fucking mask!That's a facekini!

(End of this chapter)

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