Chapter 55 Men are indeed not good things!

But seeing everyone being led astray, Yu Mumu still expressed satisfaction. At least, no one could find her, hehe.

After another ten minutes, a few people who were obviously wearing high-end suits immediately outdid all the onlookers and bodyguards around them.

At just one glance, I felt that these people were very expensive, indescribably expensive.

The leading lawyer walked directly in front of Yu Mumu and the PD who was following him.

The attitude is quite friendly: "Hello, I am Deng Kai, the legal department of Yang Group. The things we have to deal with next may not be convenient for you to broadcast live."

Neither the program team nor the audience thought that the fact that their program was a live broadcast would be revealed by a lawyer.

[Oh, the fish bitch knew this was a live broadcast, so I just watched her act like a monster in silence! 】

[Yang Group?Is it the Yang Group I think of? 】

[Damn, he is indeed a young master from a real wealthy family. 】

[It is rumored that the legal department of the Yang Group is so awesome that they recorded the kidnapping of their young master in the live broadcast room, and also exposed the young master’s true face. I don’t know if the program team will I will receive a letter from a lawyer. 】

[Look, they are handing out something to the audience?I blindly guess what kind of agreement it should be. If I sign it, will I get the money? 】

[Hey, why is the screen black...]


After Deng Kai came over to identify himself, the filming PD received instructions from the program team and immediately turned off the screen, but the sound was still there.

On the way here, Deng Kai already knew that Yu Mumu's current live broadcast room had a large number of people.

The matter of the young master being abducted and trafficked has also become a hot topic. There is no way to stop it, so we can only reduce the impact as much as possible.

Yu Mumu's live broadcast was approved by the playground and went through relevant filings. This is also a public area.

Therefore, even people from the Yang Group cannot attack the program team arbitrarily.

Seeing that the screen in the live broadcast room was closed, Deng Kai took out another piece of information and put it in Yu Mumu's hand: "It affected Miss Yu's live broadcast. This is the compensation given to you by the Yang Group."

When people in the live broadcast room heard that the Yang Group actually compensated Yu Mumu, everyone felt like a cat's paw. They really wanted to see what the compensation was.

Yu Mumu took it calmly. She deserved this. If it weren't for her, this little kid would have been taken away long ago.

Even if she does good deeds without leaving her name, it doesn't mean that she doesn't want the benefits, even if the benefits are compensated in another way.

After opening the information and looking at it, it turned out that the Yang Group had given her the resources to be a flying guest on a very popular variety show.

The most important thing is that the remuneration is very good, 30 yuan in one period.

As the financier of that variety show, the father of the Yang Group asked one person to come over and make a fool of himself. It was just a matter of words.

Yu Mumu's eyes suddenly widened with a smile, so he had to do more good deeds, and the benefits will come naturally.

"Then I'm welcome. Thank you very much."

Then he dragged the PD away, and the rest of the spectators took 1000 yuan each and left happily.

After walking far away, the PD followed and opened the screen.Yu Mumu, who was walking in front, suddenly seemed to be frozen, and then turned around mechanically with an expression that said, "I'm shocked." .

"Lawyer Deng just said, is this a live broadcast?"

Then Yu Mumu looked like he was about to cry or not, as if he had been infinitely hurt.

She obviously knew this was Yu Mumu during the live broadcast, and her shocked expression was so well acted. Anyone who dares to say that she has no acting skills is definitely spreading rumors!

[Did the fish bitch react now?That must be the benefit given by the lawyer named Deng just now, which directly made her forget such an important matter. 】

[I am also becoming more and more curious, what exactly was given? 】

[Anyway, we already know that it is a live broadcast. We all know what you are like, and we are old acquaintances. Now, hurry up and take out the agreement in your hand! 】


Sister Yao, who was squatting in the live broadcast room, probably never thought in her life that Yu Mumu had such a good fortune. She was just watching the excitement and could actually get to know people from the Yang Group.

More importantly, because he found out that the little boy who was abducted was the young master of the Yang Group.

Even though Yu Mumu has left the scene now, there is still a steady stream of people entering the live broadcast room.

Now the number of people in the live broadcast room has begun to approach the 200 million mark.

Even if Yu Mumu is covered in black material now, she can still be considered a black and red person, not to mention that she is still holding the so-called compensation from the Yang Group.

Thinking that he had argued with his superior just now and asked his superior to return a favor owed to him, he was able to get a clean budget for Yu Mumu.

Now it seems that it was all in vain. Sister Yao suddenly felt a pain in her chest. She had really suffered a big loss. Why did Yu Mumu need to clear her name now?

Luo Ai's face turned completely dark when she saw the agreement in Yu Mumu's hand.

When Yu Mumu was under her, he was just a smelly and salty fish. Now that he has been under Yao Fen for more than a year, he is ready to turn around. This is a slap in her face.

After thinking about it, Luo Ai called her superior directly: "Brother Chen, I have something here that I want to discuss with you..."

At this moment, Yu Mumu, who was shocked after the performance and had not yet recovered, looked like the sky was falling. She didn't know that the resources she was holding were inexplicably allocated by the company's people.

Zhao Ji saw Yu Mumu coming back with a bad expression and was about to ask something.

I saw Yu Mumu looking at him with a resentful look: "Do you know this program is live broadcast?"

Zhao Ji suddenly felt his heart skip a beat. Of course he knew it, but he didn't know how Yu Mumu knew it. He was still thinking about whether to tell the truth.

Yu Mumu glared at him again: "Men are indeed not good things!"

Then he turned around and walked out, looking like he had been stabbed in the back. Zhao Ji immediately panicked. Yu Mumu was his biggest KPI this year, so he couldn't give up and hurriedly chased after him.

But Yu Mumu had been brewing for a long time, but she couldn't shed tears. She was so happy that she could finally get angry openly.

Xiao Taotao looked at Yu Mumu who had a pitiful face. In fact, her heart was almost as excited as a monkey going out.

I couldn't help but remind him in a low voice: "Host, the plot of the first three chapters is not over yet. You should take your time. When the plot is over, you can step out of the role and do whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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