In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 8 Hehe, she is the light of righteousness

Chapter 8 Hehe, she is the light of righteousness

Hearing Yu Mumu's words, the PD stared at his big Kazilan eyes, cute and cute: "You mean, you want me to block those anti-fans for you?"

Yu Mumu nodded, and then spread his hands like a bachelor: "Look at my body. I'm afraid that I will be beaten to a black and blue face, and then I won't be able to record the show."

PD was a little confused now. When he signed the contract, he never mentioned that he would also serve as a bodyguard. Although he had just retired from the army, but...

But looking at Yu Mumu's wet eyes, she was a little girl after all, and she hadn't done anything bad. He could clearly see the malice in the barrage.

It seemed a bit difficult not to help: "That's okay."

The fans who caused trouble were quickly taken away. Logically speaking, celebrities like Su Yuchen and Zhang Qingya should be used to this kind of thing.

But Yu Mumu still saw that Su Yuchen's face was a bit frighteningly dark and had nothing to do with a fairy man.

It was time for Yu Mumu to board the plane. As soon as she got on the plane and sat down, she heard a noise coming from the economy class behind her.

"What's the matter with you? Are first-class seats so popular? There used to be a lot of empty seats waiting for people to upgrade. Today you tell me that there are no seats. Who are you looking down on!"

Yu Mumu is a person who likes to watch the excitement. She has always felt that she is the light of the right path, and she yells when she sees injustice on the road. (Definitely not because she is a senior melon-eater)

He immediately stretched his head over and saw that the PD guy was sitting in the first row of the economy class. He looked at Yu Mumu's doggy look and saw a crow flying above his head: It's not that female celebrities are very noble and arrogant. Yes.

But he could clearly see that Yu Mumu was really regretting that she didn't have melon seeds in her hand. If she had, she would even want to move a stool to sit and watch.

The stewardess in the middle seat was blushing a little at this moment, but she could only force a smile: "Madam, I'm really sorry, the first class seats are really full.

It’s a bad experience for you. I’ll apply for a free upgrade for you next time. Do you think that’s okay? "

I don’t know whether it was the words free or next time that stimulated the person. She immediately stood up, obviously wanting to hit the flight attendant.

The PD guy didn't know why he silently recorded the scene of Yu Mumu watching the fun. He always felt that Yu Mumu was trying to cause trouble.

Then a sharp voice sounded: "Free! Do you think I can't afford to sit still? I have a lot of money! Who are you insulting! I want to file a complaint against you!"

The stewardess was really aggrieved now and was about to cry.

Yu Mumu immediately stepped into the economy class seat directly from the first class cabin, and said with a smile: "It's good if you have money. I said, eldest sister, why are you making things difficult for a migrant worker.

Let's do this, tell me how much you can add, and if I'm satisfied, I'll give you the first-class seat! "

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Yu Mumu, especially Yu Mumu's outfit, which was simply too beautiful.

In addition, Yu Mumu's smile now, well, how should I put it, seems to be sincere, but they always feel that this person is holding something bad in his heart.

The flight attendant immediately looked at Yu Mumu with gratitude in her eyes.

But the middle-aged woman glared at Yu Mumu fiercely. Once before, she was not feeling well, and the flight attendant was kind enough to give her a free upgrade.

She seemed to have been opened up to Ren and Du, and she did the same thing every time, and succeeded. Gradually, she didn't even pretend to be sick, and just acted out.The flight attendants would always agree to her in order to calm down the trouble. Today, she did the same, but unexpectedly, she encountered a troublemaker, with a look that made her want to kill Yu Mumu immediately.

Many passengers nearby who had been dissatisfied for a long time now seemed to be watching the fun and taking no trouble, and they were getting angry.

"That's right, no matter how much you pay, the girl is willing to give up her first-class seat. You can't let the girl give it to you for free. It doesn't make sense."

"Didn't I say there's no shortage of money before? Please tell me how much more you can add. I haven't bought a first-class ticket and I want to sit there. If you don't increase the price, I will increase the price."

"The price of first class is several times different from that of economy class. It's not easy for a girl."


Everyone was talking, and they were stunned to put this middle-aged woman on the fire. She was so arrogant when she acted out just now, but now she is so embarrassed.

Especially the little girl sitting next to the middle-aged woman, whose face was so red that she didn't dare to raise her head. It seemed that the two of them were in the same group and felt embarrassed.

Someone has already recorded this scene on video. Now is the era where everyone can do self-media. If you don’t take a photo of something like this, it will be a wasted opportunity to become famous.

Seeing someone recording the video, the middle-aged woman really couldn't stand it anymore, and then rolled her eyes: "You only have one seat, but I want to sit with my daughter. I absolutely don't trust my daughter with outsiders." Sit down!"

Very good, she finally found a reason to save her respect. The middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief, but the other passengers on the plane also understood.

This person did it deliberately and wanted to take advantage, but she didn't expect that this time the first class cabin was full and no one would tolerate her.

Yu Mumu tilted her head and looked at the middle-aged woman, her eyes as sincere as possible, as if she really believed what the middle-aged woman said.

"Hey, that's it. Sister, don't worry. There are still many good people in this society, and there are many people who are willing to be beautiful as adults. Just wait, I will help you ask if anyone is willing to give up another position."

With that said, Yu Mumu returned to the first class cabin and recounted what had just happened with a smile: "Is anyone willing to change seats?"

The man sitting in the first row winked at the people next to him. The man stood up and said something to the people in the same row as Wen Xiaodao.

The man said directly: "I am willing to give up my position."

Yu Mumu looked at the first row, but she only saw the top of her head, and her hair was pretty good.

Then he looked at other locations, um, I understand, these people should all be with this man.

She is quite gossipy, but she also knows who can and cannot gossip, so she immediately looked away.

She looked sincerely at the man who was talking to her: "You are such a generous and good person."

Yu Mumu exited the first class cabin again and said with a smile: "Sister, you are lucky, now you have two seats."

(End of this chapter)

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