In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 9 Who is a good person who carries a POS machine with him everywhere?

Chapter 9 Who is a good person who carries a POS machine with him everywhere?
As if knowing that the middle-aged woman would say other things, Yu Mumu directly added: "The seats are next to each other. You and your daughter will never be separated."

The middle-aged woman was furious. She was about to say that she didn't want to sit separately from her daughter, but now, the damn woman in front of her blocked her words before she could.

Seeing the middle-aged woman's somewhat anxious look, Yu Mumu had no sympathy at all, and instead continued to add fuel to the fire.

"No, no, we are so kind-hearted for your sake, do you want to scare the well-wishers? No wonder no one is willing to do good deeds nowadays~"

The PD who was filming looked at Yu Mumu with wide eyes. He probably didn't expect that the female star he was filming turned out to be such a female star.

There were so many people watching the excitement that it was not a big deal, and someone immediately responded: "That's right, it's rare to see such a warm-hearted little girl.

You are so lucky. Hurry up and pay more to fly first class. Otherwise, the plane will take off soon. "

It’s not that the middle-aged woman has no money, she’s just used to taking advantage. Now that so many people are looking at her, her daughter is still tugging at her clothes.

She could only look at Yu Mumu through gritted teeth: "How much do you want!"

Yu Mumu immediately became unhappy. How could she say how much money she wanted? She was doing good deeds, but if she couldn't be a good person, she would still suffer.

Suddenly the expression on his face became a little disappointed: "Sister, what you said is really hurtful. How can I ask for more money?

Obviously you want the first-class cabin, and I kindly transfer it to you, and you pay the difference. You can't let a little girl like me give it to you for free. If you insist on letting me give it to you for free, then I..."

Then Yu Mumu showed an injured look, which made me feel pity for him.

The other passengers immediately looked at the middle-aged woman with reproachful eyes, and began to whisper: "I see, she just wants to take advantage from the beginning, and she knows how to bully and beat the workers. Look at that flight attendant. My face is red.”

"That's right, the little girl gave up and persuaded another guy to give up his position. This guy is good. He obviously wants to have sex for free."

"Isn't this what we often see in short videos, those people who have no place, forcefully occupy other people's places, and then beat them up."

"No, this kind of people are really disgusting. I bought a lower berth sleeper ticket for my parents in my hometown before, but some people pretended that this place was not comfortable and that there was not comfortable, and they wanted to get it without spending a penny. It was in vain. , and even if I don’t change, I’ll curse all kinds of people.”


The middle-aged woman suddenly couldn't get off the tiger's back. She glared at the people gossiping around her and then glanced at her useless daughter. She was extremely angry.

"Okay, I'll pay the difference!"

Yu Mumu suddenly smiled like a flower: "I know that the eldest sister is an open-minded person. By the way, do you want to pay in cash or by mobile phone~"

A few young people at the end said while filming the video: "I finally know what the power of the "chameleon" is. After a few sticks, even such an old rogue can only give in."

"This is a role model for our contemporary young people. If I had such ability, I wouldn't have to be kidnapped by morality and go on business trips to the worst areas every time."


The video was quickly posted by people on the plane, showing it from all angles.

The middle-aged woman could only pay the difference to Yu Mumu based on the original first-class ticket price, but Yu Mumu’s mobile phone was handed over. The follow-up PD was just about to say, if they say mobile payment, you don’t have a mobile phone, it’s not a big loss. Already? “Pay with mobile phone!”

Then, looking at his shocked look of "Am I dazzled?", Yu Mumu calmly took out a POS machine.

When the other passengers saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded. Who would be such a good person to carry a POS machine with him?

It seems that the middle-aged woman has a very bad attitude, but Yu Mumu still has a smile on her face. She is not only a light of righteousness, but also has a very good attitude. Otherwise, how can she make blood bags for others.

Just when the middle-aged woman was about to pay, Yu Mumu looked at the man who had left the first class cabin with her: "I'll give this seat to you. How about charging you 500? Otherwise, you have to sit with me." Went very far behind."

The following PD was even more dumbfounded at this moment. If he saw it correctly, the position that Yu Mumu pointed at just now seemed to be his position. Was it because he had sold his own position that he was not enough, and he had sold his as well?
Since it was close to the first-class cabin, the man would not refuse. Of course, it didn't matter to him whether it was money or not.

"Sister, you have to make up the price difference of 3000, and you have to pay a total of 6000. In this way, I will pay you 3500, and then you will pay 2500 to this handsome guy."

The middle-aged woman who has been made lose her temper now just wants to make Yu Mumu's face disappear quickly, if it weren't for the oppressive feeling of the man following Yu Mumu.

She even wanted to scratch Yu Mumu's face. She was clearly a little vixen. Just wait, she wouldn't let this bitch go.

After receiving the money, Yu Mumu felt very good, and then she pulled the PD behind her.

"Miss Yu, what about that? You sold my position for money..."

Yu Mumu immediately covered her POS machine and looked at the PD following her with caution: "Money, whatever it is, it's mine!"

"No, you are selling my position, why is it not my money?"

Although the air ticket was given by the program crew and did not cost him any money, but it was only 500 yuan. How could any serious boy not take it seriously?

As soon as they sat down, there was a message that the plane was about to take off. The two people quickly turned off the phones that needed to be shut down and packed away the things that needed to be packed away.

But the filming PD wanted to continue reasoning, and Yu Mumu immediately looked at him: "First of all, your mission is to follow me and film. You can't let me leave your sight, right?"

The PD nodded.

"If I'm sitting where I am now and you're sitting in front of me, how are you going to take a picture of me? If you don't change positions, is that considered a dereliction of duty?"

Although he obviously felt something was wrong, the PD could only nod his head, because Yu Mumu was right, that's how the contract was written.

"Even if I don't let you change places, are you still going to take the initiative to change places with that handsome guy just now, just to sit with me?"

When I was following PD, I suddenly felt a little itchy on my head and couldn't help but scratch it.

"So, if you take the initiative to switch with others, won't you get a penny in compensation? And I want to get back the 500 you originally gave away. I picked it up with my strength, so why? your!"

If the PD didn't know that he was being raped, he would be really stupid, but he was so stupid that he couldn't find the words to refute.

(End of this chapter)

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