In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 93 We need to make an appointment for Chapter 3 first!

Chapter 93: We have to agree on three chapters first!

Seeing Yan Shu leave, Yan Jinyu immediately looked at his elder brother with disapproval.

"Our children can't do anything they want. I don't understand why you are so opposed to it!"

"You are a member of that circle. You don't know what the chaos is like?"

Yan Jinyu was speechless for a moment: "I know you care about your daughter and want her to support herself, but now the Yan family is in full swing.

Shushu can enjoy a lifetime of wealth, but you have to force her to endure hardship. I am her aunt, and I have the best say.

I have never been willing to endure hardship since I was a child, so she just followed me!Don't apply the same attitude towards Yan Zhan and the others to Shu Shu. Look at what you've done to Shu Shu.
If you continue to be so stubborn, sooner or later you will force this kid to leave. Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you, let's go! "

Yan Tianjing was silent for a long time before asking his assistant to call Yan Shu out.

"dong dong dong"

There was a knock on the door of the room. Yan Shu hurriedly opened the door and saw her father's assistant looking at her with a smile on his face: "Miss, the gentleman is waiting for you in the living room."

Yan Shu was not surprised at all that her father and aunt had finished talking so quickly. She was just curious about what her father wanted to tell her.

"sit down."

Yan Shu obediently sat on only one-third of the stool, with her back straight.

"I didn't agree with you to enter the film school for your own good. Look at your aunt, she is already several decades old. She is extravagant and unrestrained, and she has no personality. Why do you insist on learning from her?"

Yan Shu paused for a moment. She was a little resistant to what Yan Tianjing said for her own good. If she didn't live her life again, she might feel that her father just didn't know how to love her.

But why, just because she is not her father's biological daughter, does this love have conditions?

If we really treat everyone equally, then why when that woman was found back, she could do whatever she wanted, even if she wanted to enter the entertainment industry.

My father, who had always disliked that circle, personally protected that woman and cleared all obstacles for her. In the end, all the young talents fell at her feet.

And she, the once shining eldest daughter of the Yan family, was dimmed by that woman.

But she still has to shoulder the responsibility of family marriage and marry a man she doesn't love. So what if he has hundreds of millions of wealth? She is not happy!

Yan Shu suddenly thought with self-deprecation: If she is not her biological child, she will never receive unconditional love.

Seeing that Yan Shu remained silent, Yan Tianjing sighed slightly.

"This is your life. If you can be responsible for your own choices, then no matter what path you choose, I will respect your choice. Now tell me, can you be responsible for your own choices?"

This was the longest sentence Yan Tianjing said to her after he came back.

"I can!"

Yan Shu said these words sonorously and forcefully, and maybe she could do many other things well.

But she really doesn't like doing research. Even though the Yan family has established connections for her and invested in a research institute that belongs entirely to her, she doesn't like it!

Where Yan Shu didn't see it, a flash of disappointment flashed across Yan Tianjing's face. He had originally planned to hand over part of the Yan family's power to Yan Shu.

In his eyes, there has never been a rule that a daughter cannot inherit the family business. Unfortunately, this daughter, influenced by his younger sister, knows how to enjoy it.

"Since you like it, then go ahead. However, I won't give you any help. This is the path you choose, and you have to walk it yourself!" Yan Tianjing's original intention was to hope that Yan Shu would understand him if he suffered setbacks. of painstaking efforts.

Unexpectedly, these words became the last feather that overwhelmed Yan Shu's heart, making her even more convinced that she had done nothing wrong in dealing with that woman before.

She only regretted that she was reborn too late, otherwise, she would not have allowed that woman to still be alive today!
After Yu Mumu changed her clothes, she saw Sister Yao in the conference room, smiling mischievously.

"The smile you have now makes people think that you really look like a villain who succeeds."

If it had been before, if Yu Mumu had dared to say this, he would have been showered with scoldings.

But now, Sister Yao's attitude has completely turned 180 degrees: "Oh, my aunt, I don't want to say this. If I were a villain, wouldn't you be a good person too?"

Yu Mumu:......

Sure enough, some people really seemed to be cursing even when they said nice things. If Sister Yao hadn't been more reassuring than those smiling tigers, she wouldn't have kept her.

"This big cast is really different. Even if he is an important supporting role, his role is pitifully small. Look at the salary! It is completely compared to the big names, 300 million!"

Yu Mumu was not surprised at all. After all, she was recommended by Wu Shouliang. In addition, Director Guo also liked her for this role. The crew was not short of money, so naturally they would not offend anyone because of a small salary.

"This is just the beginning, there will be more in the future, but we have to make an agreement in three chapters first!"

Hearing Yu Mumu's words, Sister Yao, who had been smiling just now, almost lost her expression.

"Don't tell me that you still want to choose a job! No one in the field can do this like you!"

An agent who doesn't want to make money is not a good black-hearted "boss". Watching money float before her eyes makes her feel more uncomfortable than killing her.

"I'm not the only one under your command, and I don't mind if you share my resources with others."

Sister Yao:......

The resources given to you and the resources given to others are completely different, okay?

However, Sister Yao still clearly remembers that Yu Mumu said that she inherited hundreds of millions of family assets, but she still dared not directly offend Yu Mumu.

If this dead girl terminates her contract with the company directly, it will be of no benefit to her. If she earns less, just earn less.

"Okay, since you said that, then I must respect your wishes. You know, I have always been easy to talk to!"

Xiao Taotao looked at Sister Yao who was telling lies with her eyes open, and couldn't help but click her tongue several times.

"Host, I used to think that there was no one better at acting than you. Now it seems that I have underestimated the potential of human beings."

"By the way, the second episode of Fantasy Life is about to start recording in a week. Although you don't have many scenes here.

But on the crew side, it's impossible to keep up with your filming. I've already coordinated your shooting time with Director Guo.

You will be filming two scenes here in the past few days. I asked Chi Yi to stay here while I went back to the company to deal with your contract.

If everything goes well on your end, it will give you three days of rest! "

(End of this chapter)

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