In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 94: At the end of the year, I’ll give you a big red envelope!

Chapter 94: At the end of the year, I’ll give you a big red envelope!

"Okay, let's go now."

Today's Sister Yao is like taking a shot of chicken blood. She has already been busy all day in the morning, and now she still has the energy to rush back all night.

Yu Mumu just wants to say that workers are really so hard-working. She was also so hard-working when she was a worker.

"Host, the two little cannon fodders over there in Qingzhou have already dug a hole and are waiting to bury you~"

When she said this, Xiao Taotao was actually a little excited.

After who let it retire, it also felt a little bored. Now that it saw someone confronting the host, it really couldn't wait to see the host show off its skills.

It's a pity that Xiao Taotao has no idea how a human being who has been a worker for hundreds of years can still maintain his enthusiasm for work even after he has retired.

He took out his cell phone and called Gong He.

Since Yu Mumu's strong request last time, Gong He set a special ringtone for Yu Mumu.

In this way, you can answer her call in time.

Gong He, who was in a meeting, felt his scalp numb when he heard the ringtone of "The big client is here~answer the phone~".

Especially when he saw the suppressed smiles on other people's faces, he looked even more helpless.

The public transportation class raised his head and glanced at Gong He before saying, "Let her calm down and don't come to you for trivial matters!"

Gong He:......

If I remember correctly, it seems that you asked me to deal with these trivial matters of hers in the first place, but now I am throwing the blame too smoothly.

But what could he do? He could only say sorry and then come out to answer the phone.

"Miss Yu, what can I do?"

"Oh, that's it. I got news that the non-mainstream member of the Qin family has teamed up with outsiders to plot against me. Find someone to keep an eye on me."

Gong He was stunned for a moment before he realized that the Qin family non-mainstream mentioned by Yu Mumu was the Fourth Young Master Qin.

"The previous grievance between you and Fourth Young Master Qin has been suppressed by Young Master Qin..."

"Don't worry, my news channel is fine."

Gong He:......

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to handle it right now!"

"Well, at the end of the year, I'll give you a big red envelope!"

Yu Mumu felt that she was quite skilled at painting cakes for migrant workers.

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

This operation directly dumbfounded Xiao Taotao, who wanted to see Yu Mumuda show off his skills.

"Host, is this how you handle it? Are you sure you don't want to cut them?"

"Have you ever seen people working without getting paid and working for nothing?"

Xiao Taotao shook her virtual head.

"That's it. I'm retired now. Do you know what retirement means? That is, you don't need to do anything physically anymore, just get by."

At this time, Xiao Taotao was also a little speechless. The host seemed to be a little too lazy.Gong He looked at the hung up phone and shook his head speechlessly. It was really bad to earn this money!

But he quickly contacted the people in Qingzhou, and after explaining the relevant matters, he started busy again.

On the Qingzhou side, Yang Chen and Qin Tianji had already prepared traps and were waiting for Yang Ji to arrive.

After Yang Ji seized control of Muyi International, he immediately found a traitor to find out the origin of the wild fish.

Then, he took the people and headed to the destination in a swaggering manner.

The people Gong He was looking for quickly found out what was going on here, and also found out that the Fourth Young Master Qin and the Third Young Master of the Yang family were causing trouble.

When he arrived in the countryside, he saw that the village that was supposed to be quiet and peaceful had a lot of people gathered and it was very noisy.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting!"

A group of people in suits fled in panic. Inadvertently, they kicked over the bucket next to them, and several lively fish were scattered on the ground miserably.

No one in the village recognized it at all. This was the best wild fish that could only be sold at auction in five-star hotels in the city every month.

The fish that had lost the water were swinging their tails with difficulty at this moment, and their mouths were opening and closing widely, but there was still no way to prevent their death.

The people around him couldn't care less about the fish, and they were all ready to start a fight.

Of course, it's just a sideshow. After all, the people in the village are still very united. It's a dream for outsiders to bully them!
Although Yang Ji was being protected, he was still in a very embarrassed state at the moment, and his eyes suddenly looked at the family in front of him fiercely.

Yang Chen didn't want the source of this business to be in the hands of others, but he also tried raising such fish, but in the end, he couldn't even find the fry.

The traitor naturally told Yang Ji these things. No, Yang Ji felt that Yang Chen was useless. If he came, he would definitely be able to control the source in his own hands.

As soon as they arrived, they violently destroyed other people's courtyard gates, and seven or eight men in suits and sunglasses stood in front of other people's courtyards.

He also said arrogantly: "The fish you raise are good, I'll keep them. In addition, I'm going to pay 10 to buy your fish raising technology and the purchase channels for your fry."

No, this made people so angry that a young woman who rushed back immediately took off her belt.
He immediately started beating these people violently. Everyone in the village knew that this belt was made by Yulingxi herself and soaked in some special herbs.

Not only is it extremely painful to pick someone up, but the injury will recur repeatedly. The key is that the wound cannot be seen at all when you check it. At most, it can only be classified as a skin disease.

All the naughty children in the village are all clean, and no one can offend the tigress in front of them.

When Yu Yan, who had struggled to squeeze in, saw this scene, he couldn't help but gasp. Even though the belt did not fall on his body, he felt a trace of pain.

"Aunt, what's going on?"

"What else could happen? These idiots from the city want Yu's pond, and now they're beaten by that girl from Xi'er!"

"Hey, who are you? Which family are you from?"

Yu Yan:......

These aunts in the village are really powerful. There is no one in the village who doesn’t know them. Anyone who wants to pretend to be an acquaintance here will definitely get a hard fight!

"Oh, I am the person Miss Yu Mumu invited to deliver things to relatives."

"Yu Mumu? Hey, isn't this the child picked up by the third brother of the Yu family? I heard he is a star..."

The aunt was so excited that she drooled on his face. Fortunately, Yu Yan had been a lawyer for many years and had never seen any difficult people. Otherwise, he would have been really frightened by the attitude of this aunt!
Suddenly the aunt interrupted her words forcefully: "Yes, I was invited by Miss Yu. No, I want to ask how to get to the Yu family!"

 There will be an update later

(End of this chapter)

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