Chapter 3 Love Brain, activated!

After reading the rules, Jiang He narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately asked the male clerk who handed him the employee rules: "What time is it now?"

The male clerk said calmly: "Nine fifty-seven."

Jiang He breathed a sigh of relief and then asked, "Where are my employee uniforms?"

Hearing this, the male clerk rummaged around at the front desk of the convenience store and took out a slightly wrinkled green apron of the same style as himself.


After taking over the employee uniform, Jiang He put it on again and asked the time again.The answer is: nine point 59.

After getting the answer, within a few seconds, the male clerk said again: "Oh, it's ten o'clock."

At the same time, in another world of weird stories, Dr. Wo Shenxu, who was also wearing employee uniforms, analyzed with a calm expression: "Rule [-] has clearly stated that work uniforms must be worn during working hours, and Rule [-] also stipulates working hours. Therefore, this ghost story has been screened from the beginning. Once the reading speed is too slow, or if you cannot react after reading, it will be eliminated directly."

After Dr. Wo Shenxu's analysis, some people with slow reaction times also understood and started praising it in the live broadcast room of Lighthouse Country.

: As expected of Dr. Wo Shenxu, his reaction speed is very fast. I guess the sissy celebrities over there in China have been eliminated, haha.

: Yes, I heard that the celebrities in their country of China are all sissies, haha.

: Well, it seems that their little star has also cleared the level. It seems that he still has some brains, but that's all.

At this time, in the live broadcast room of China Kingdom.

: Oh my, this river is okay, but I didn’t get hit.

: Yes, this little star can do it. I remember there was a star before who was chosen to be part of a ghost story and was so scared that he peed his pants.

: You must be sick, blackmail my brother, what is his fault?

At this time, in the capital, in a 30-square-meter rental house, a girl wearing pink bear pajamas was furiously outputting in the live broadcast room.

This rental house is divided into two spaces, upper and lower, by a partition. The girl is in the upper space.

In the space below, an old-looking man was holding dishes with his calloused hands. Although the window was open, oil smoke still spread throughout the rental house.

"Xiaoli, daddy, please, daddy spent a lot of effort to find that technical secondary school for you, just go and give it a try."

"Shut up, I'll be your bread. How come I was born in this kind of family, with useless parents like you? I just used hundreds of thousands in my bank card to buy concert tickets, and you actually scolded me!" The 230-pound girl wearing pink bear pajamas muttered dissatisfiedly.

Below, the man who was cooking seemed older, with a few tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

He took out a check sheet and looked at the diagnosis result of late stage lung cancer on it. He kept shaking his head.

A year ago, around this time, his wife was diagnosed with cancer. It was discovered early and could have been saved.

But who would have thought that during a concert, the medical expenses he saved from selling his house would disappear out of thin air. Only later did he find out that his precious daughter had used them all to buy concert tickets.

"Hey, dad is gone, you have to live a good life."

At this time, the girl in pink bear pajamas was operating something.

"With 1 yuan, you can change your nationality and go to the lighthouse country. I remember that old guy still has some money on him."


In the world of ghost stories, nearly two-thirds of the chosen ones were screened out at this first level.

In the Waistless Kingdom live broadcast room, the fierce-looking Chosen One slowly read through the rules and was about to say something when he noticed that the male clerk who handed him the Employee Code gradually had a strange expression on his face. "It's already 10 o'clock for this chosen one." The corners of the male clerk's mouth rose quickly, and he grinned weirdly all the way to his ears.

The chosen one from the Waistless Kingdom was so frightened that he took two steps back and said in panic: "I know, I have to go to work, right? I'm going to wear an employee uniform!"

The male clerk's eyes also closed, narrowed into two slits, and bent downwards.

"Sorry, it's late."

After saying this, the male clerk showed a smile, revealing the sharp teeth in his grinning mouth.

Next, in the screen of Waistless Kingdom's live broadcast room, the male clerk opened his mouth and bit him. After a few painful screams, the screen went black.

[The chosen one of the Waistless Kingdom: Ga Yao, challenged the high-level ghost story: Convenience Store No. 444, but the challenge failed. 】

[The weirdness will come in 1 minute, coming to the city - Yangon, wreaking havoc for one day. 】

The number of comments in the Waistless Kingdom live broadcast room suddenly dropped by about half, and the remaining comments were all insulting.

As for those who don’t comment, I think they are people from Yangon City.


In the world of ghost stories, after Jiang He put on his employee uniform, he also started his work, cleaning the convenience store and replenishing supplies.

While wiping the shelves with a rag, Jiang He also focused on thinking about the rules.

Just now, because he was in a hurry to change into employee uniforms, he didn't think too carefully about the rules. Now that he thinks about it carefully, there is a lot worth pondering.

For example, Rule [-] and Rule [-]

[Rule 444: Convenience store No. [-] is only open during the day. If there are customers who enter the store after sunset or before sunset, please leave immediately. 】

[Rule [-]: After the sun goes down, customers from the supermarket will come in, so don’t act abnormal. 】

Now that we have said that the convenience store is only open during the day, why are there still customers entering the store?

Since there will be customers coming into the store later, why do we have to chase the customers who came in before to leave? Is it possible that... the customers are also different?
Jiang He silently wrote down this doubt and prepared to observe it when the time comes.

At the same time, Dr. Wo Shenxu also saw the conflicting points of the rules just like Jiang He. Unlike Jiang He, he spoke out directly due to his personality.

In the live broadcast room of Lighthouse Country, people also started to praise as usual.

: Dr. Wo Shenxu is really amazing. He suddenly thought of it. With such a smart mind, coupled with his S-level talent, he can see hidden rules, and even high-level ghost stories will be fine!
:right!Except for Dr. Wo Shenxu, the chosen ones from other countries are just like the mentally retarded. At first glance, they are empty-headed and do not understand anything.

: I’m glad I immigrated to the lighthouse country!

The strange talk about rules continued. Jiang He continued to think about the rules, but he heard a jingling sound at the door.

He looked for the sound and found that it was the sound coming from the bell hanging on the door of the convenience store.

The person who opened the door was a woman with black hair and a black dress.


Jiang He's eyes were distracted for a moment, then calmed down, and he suddenly showed some fascination.

[Characteristics: Love brain, you will quickly fall in love with the woman you see at first sight, and be willing to pay for her free of charge and show your love and care.After enhancement, the love brain becomes more serious, and your mind will only have her existence, and weirdness will not be able to pollute you. 】

(End of this chapter)

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