Weird story about rules: Play as a boiling sheep at the beginning!

Chapter 4 Weird: What are you going to do next?

Chapter 4 Weird: What are you going to do next?

She was a beautiful woman who couldn't help but look at her. She had fair skin and delicate facial features that were slightly cold. She was wearing a long black dress that made her mysterious and unknown. Although her full red lips were not decorated in any way, they were still alluring. people.

The moment he saw her, Jiang He's mind was instantly occupied by her, and he longed for her extremely, especially those slender hands that were crossed together and placed on the lower abdomen, dignified and elegant.

He wanted to...kiss her hand.

In fact, Jiang He did so.

Under the gaze of countless people in the live broadcast room, he seemed to adjust his green apron nervously, and then strode towards the woman.

No one thought there was anything wrong with Jiang He at this time. After all, there was nothing wrong with a convenience store clerk going to greet a customer.

Of course, this was before Jiang He did the following actions.

Jiang He walked up to the woman, his hands helplessly clenching the hem of his clothes, his eyes blazing.

"Hi, may I know your name?"

The woman in the black skirt didn't seem to expect Jiang He to come up and say such words, and her cold expression changed for a moment.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she spoke softly: "Wen Lan."

"Wenlan... this is a good name. It sounds refreshing." Jiang He's eyes were sincere, as if he really thought so.

At this time, the live broadcast room of China Kingdom was already exploding.

: Damn it, why do I feel that Jiang He is attracted to this woman in black dress!
: Don’t feel it, isn’t it obvious? And if you look at his eyes and actions, he’s still a bitch!
: I'll blanch the sheep!I thought this chosen one could be normal. If he likes the woman in the strange story about rules, don’t kill him!

Eating thick phlegm with maggots in feces: Hmm... am I the only one who thinks women in black skirts look good?

: Did you forget upstairs?The first few were so beautiful, but their weird true identities showed up, and they were so ugly!
Thick phlegm and eating maggots in feces: It was okay, although it was a bit difficult, it came out.

: What comes out?I asked you what came out!Upstairs, you should be taken away!

Ignoring the topic that started to stray in the live broadcast room, in the capital of the Kingdom of China, in a conference room where senior executives of the Kingdom of China gathered, a white-haired old man who was the leader spoke after a long silence:

"This Jiang He hasn't shown his talent yet. Don't give up just yet. Check his resume to see if he has any experience as a dog licker."

Others in the conference room nodded in agreement. China has a vast territory and rich resources, and the largest population in the world. With such a large base, it is not easy to have such a chosen one with normal IQ and body. It is necessary to protect it.

In the world of ghost stories, Jiang He straightened his face and spoke with great seriousness.

"Can I kiss your hand?"


Three question marks appeared in the woman's mind. She looked at Jiang He and wondered if her appearance was too easy to talk to. She would do it with her own hands when they first met. This chosen one... was a bit interesting.

Wen Lan laughed lightly, his voice like a clear ringtone, "Okay."

As soon as she finished speaking, she raised her slender right hand, which was like mutton-fat jade, and stared at the river with murderous intent vaguely floating over her.


On the other side, Dr. Wo Shenxu also faced the arrival of customers.

However, the customer who came into the convenience store here was not Wen Lan, just an ordinary-looking middle-aged man.

He walked into the convenience store and saw Dr. Wo Shenxu. He walked over in a few steps and said impatiently: "Didn't you see that the cigarettes at the front desk are out of stock? Hurry up and restock!"

Dr. Wo Shenxu frowned slightly and was about to say something when a rule suddenly appeared in front of him. [Hidden rules: Please be respectful to the customers entering the store and do not disobey his/her instructions, otherwise you may face greater danger than a convenience store. 】

Wo Shenxu's pupils shrank, he immediately stopped talking, and immediately turned around and went to the back door of the convenience store leading to the small warehouse.

At the same time, the live broadcast room was flooded with praises.

: Oh, fortunately Dr. Wo Shenxu's talent worked. I just watched a live broadcast room, in which the chosen one refused the customer's request, and the customer swallowed him up.

: Yes, with this rule, Dr. Wo Shenxu has solved the hidden danger.

: It is indeed a high-level ghost story. Such important rules are hidden. Many chosen ones died this time. Dr. Wo Shenxu is amazing.

: Hahaha, everyone, go and see. The sissy star from China has fallen in love with a customer and is thinking about the hands of her relatives. Everyone, go and see the fun!
: Hahaha, are all the people in the Kingdom of China mentally retarded?Isn't this just looking for death? It's so interesting.

In the live broadcast room of the Kingdom of China, the people of the Kingdom of China, who originally had some hope, instantly began to curse.

: Let me just say that this celebrity is unreliable. It turns out he is a licker, cao.

: Convinced, he dared to provoke weird people, and I didn’t know what to say about him. He was so bold that he was brainless. He was really lucky that he didn’t die immediately.

: Have you seen the killing intent in this woman's eyes? I bet that if Jiang He dares to kiss her, he will die in the next second!
At this time, in the conference room, the white-haired old man's expression became increasingly silent.

"Damn it, advanced ghost stories can't use prompts, otherwise..." A middle-aged man clenched his fists, almost unable to control his emotions.

"Calm down and keep watching." For some reason, the white-haired old man always felt that this river might not disappoint them, even though there was no basis for this.

The world of ghost stories
In the convenience store, Jiang He looked at Wen Lan's outstretched hand and was about to kiss it when he suddenly discovered something.

He held Wenlan's hand, frowned, and said in panic: "Your hand!"

Wen Lan's face turned cold, and she was about to withdraw her hand to deal with Jiang He, but when she heard Jiang He say this, she immediately lowered her head and looked over.

Jiang He looked at the hand of the woman in the black dress, and there was an undetectable red mark on it.

"Why are you so careless? Did you open the door just now and was pressed? Let me blow it for you!"

Jiang He's eyes were filled with distress, and he immediately exhaled hot air through his mouth.

Wen Lan shook uncomfortably, his eyes inexplicable.


The corners of her mouth rose a little higher.

"Wait for me." Jiang He suddenly thought of something and immediately straightened up and went to the shelves at the back.

Wen Lan didn't move, her hand was still suspended. She didn't want to kill the Chosen One now. She wanted to see what tricks the Chosen One could do.

Soon, Jiang He came back with a band-aid, carefully put it on Wen Lan, and then asked softly, "Do you feel better?"

Wen Lan retracted his hand and looked at the band-aid on his hand, but somehow he didn't take it off.

Then, she seemed to remember something, and an interesting smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"Chosen One, thank you, but what are you going to do next?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang He raised his head and found the male clerk walking towards him with a gloomy expression.

(End of this chapter)

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