Chapter 377 What’s the point of breakfast?
How did Jiang An fall asleep?

He doesn't know it himself.

I felt dazed, and when I opened my eyes again, it was already morning.


While Jiang An was thinking, his eyes fell on Lin Xixi beside him.

The girl just lay in his arms, her breathing was very steady, and her small face was so beautiful and soft that it was heart-warming.

"I remember, I seemed drunk last night." Jiang An squinted his eyes with memories in his eyes, thinking of what happened last night.

Because he and Lin Qingyou were having a very interesting chat, they started changing glasses, and then accidentally lost control and started drinking too much.

I got drunk on the spot.

The two of them were dizzy, but luckily Xu Ningning and Lin Xixi were there.

Jiang An thought of this and couldn't help but touch his lips,'s good that Xiao Lin is there.

However, he was really drunk last night, not pretending to be drunk, so what he said was out of his control at all!
Thinking of this, Jiang An couldn't help but feel guilty.

But if you think about it carefully, it shouldn't be anything.

After all... I have nothing to feel guilty about.

So thinking about it this way, I guess there is nothing to feel guilty about.

How should I put it, for Xiao Lin, Jiang An’s main focus is to have a clear conscience.

"Well, it's true. It's called not doing bad things and not being afraid of ghosts knocking on your door."

Jiang An stretched and prepared to get up and make some breakfast.

I drank too much last night and was actually very hungry.

Looking at the time again, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

Jiang An couldn't help but smile dumbly. Good guy, he actually slept for so long in one breath?
I guess Xiaolin-san is also hungry.

Thinking of this, Jiang An simply put on his clothes and walked quickly to the kitchen. He found that Lin Xixi had already packed everything on the table.

"Xiao Lin, you are becoming more and more virtuous."

Jiang An muttered to himself and walked to the door of the refrigerator, ready to look for something to cook for Lin Xixi.

However, the phone rang.

When I opened it, I found that it belonged to Lin Qingyou.

Jiang An couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, showing a look of confusion.

No, this kid... Why are you calling me when you wake up?
I don't know what you think about me.

Although Jiang An was a little disgusted, he still answered the phone.

Lin Qingyou's naked upper body figure soon appeared on the screen.

Jiang An couldn't help but frowned; "Why are you calling so early?"

"Oh my god, it's still early. What time is it already?"

"It's ten o'clock, brother. I got up early, right?"


Jiang An glanced at the time and said angrily: "Okay, stop talking so much nonsense, just tell me why you called me, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, I'm going to hang up, I'm going to make breakfast!"

"Hey, wait, hey, that's what you said, breakfast. I'm also preparing to make breakfast. That's why I called you."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Jiang An still hasn't come back to his senses.

"I want to ask you how to make breakfast."

"You asked me how to make breakfast?" Jiang An was a little confused, with a puzzled look on his face.

Are you kidding me, kid?Want me to teach you how to make breakfast?

"Yes, I'm just asking you how to make breakfast. I'm thinking, it's so early and Ning Ning is still sleeping. If I make her a loving breakfast, doesn't this get extra points?"


Jiang An was speechless for a moment. He never thought that Lin Qingyou would have this idea again.

"No, wait?"

Jiang An suddenly noticed something, and a strange look appeared on his face: "Wait, what did you just say?"

"Xu Ningning is still sleeping? Love breakfast??"

"Gaga extra points?"

Lin Qingyou was slightly stunned in the video, then nodded slightly and said:
"Yes, Ning Ning stayed at my house to sleep last night."

"But don't get me wrong. My house is big and has two beds. We don't sleep together."

"So I thought of making breakfast to thank her."

Jiang An nodded lightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

If the two of them slept together, then the progress would be too fast.

If Lin Xixi found out, why not give Lin Qingyou a good beating first?

"Okay, then you can make breakfast to thank me. That's okay, Lao Lin. The progress is pretty fast now."

"My relationship with Ning Ning seems to be improving by leaps and bounds."

After hearing this, Lin Qingyou shook her head a little embarrassed: "That's not really true, it's mainly because I was drunk after the drink last night, so she had to send me off, which created a little chance. .”

"Then why don't you thank me yet? Doesn't your conscience hurt for my attitude?"

"...It hurts, it hurts too much."

Lin Qingyou laughed, and then returned to the topic: "Okay, can you tell me more seriously, how do you make this breakfast?"

"I must make a loving breakfast for Ning Ning. I heard on the Internet that men who can cook get extra points."

"Okay, okay, you can add points. Just watch me do it. I'm going to make vegetable and egg noodles. Do you have vegetables and eggs at home?" Jiang An couldn't do anything about this guy, so he just decided to do something by himself. Let him do the same.

Hearing this, Lin Qingyou quickly opened the refrigerator and rummaged for a while, then quickly smiled, nodded and said: "I found it, yes!"

"Okay, just watch it. You can do whatever I do."

"If you miss any steps, I don't care about you."

"Okay, okay, don't worry, Brother Jiang, I will do whatever you do today, and I promise not to fall behind!" Lin Qingyou nodded crazily, with a happy face.

Jiang An was happy to take him flying, and of course he was happy.

in other words.

He had already done it, but he still didn’t believe it. How could he not do it well?

"Green vegetable and egg noodles, I think anyone can make them well, unless you are not a human being."

While complaining, Jiang An took out the vegetables from the refrigerator, glanced at Lin Qingyou and said, "The first step is very simple. Wash the vegetables first. Can you understand this?"

"I understand, I understand very much!" Lin Qingyou also took out the vegetables and followed Jiang An's example.

"Yes, you still have great potential. At least you don't have much problem with your imitation ability."

While Jiang An was talking, he had already put the washed vegetables on the table aside.

Lin Qingyou also followed suit, and then urged: "The next step is the next step!"

"Hurry up, I'm afraid that if Ning Ning wakes up later, my love breakfast plan will be ruined!"

After hearing this, Jiang An was speechless for a while.

"Why are you so anxious, kid? As the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu if you're anxious, do you understand?"


(End of this chapter)

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