Chapter 378 Showing off?Miss Ningning? ~
Jiang An really didn't expect that Lin Qingyou would be so anxious.

He couldn't help but feel happy and couldn't help but smile: "Old Lin, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet."

"This, cooking noodles, is just like life. You have to do it step by step, right?"

"After washing the vegetables, put two eggs in a bowl and stir them evenly, okay?"

"I understand, understand, what are you questioning? You make it seem like I really don't know anything."

Lin Qingyou responded a little unconvinced.

"Okay, as long as you understand, aren't I afraid that you don't understand?"

Jiang An couldn't help but smile.

"Fuck you, am I as unintelligent as you think?"

"To be honest, I think cooking is not difficult. The main reason is that I had no interest before. It seems that I have a talent!"

Seeing Lin Qingyou's confident look, Jiang An couldn't help but laugh: "I laughed, no, who gave you the confidence, Old Lin?"

"What makes you impure this time is... the courage Liang Jingru gave you?"

"Stop talking about that. The vegetables are washed and the eggs are done. Now, which step is it?"

"Boil water and cook noodles."

In the following time, Lin Qingyou really cooked the noodles step by step under Jiang An's words and deeds.

10 minute later.

Two bowls of steaming noodles appeared on the two mobile phone screens.

Looking at this scene, Jiang An raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"It's not bad. I have to say that my imitation skills are quite good."

"Although the performance is a little worse than mine, overall, it's still okay and has a bit of my charm."

Jiang An said with a smile.

"Fuck you, this wave all depends on my own talent, okay, why does it depend on you~" Lin Qingyou said proudly, holding the noodles in her hands and looking at Jiang An in front of her.

"Okay, okay, you are extremely talented..."

Jiang An smiled silently. After this guy was done, he was like this.

Damn it, I won’t fly with you next time.

"Okay, I'll ignore you for now. I seem to have heard some noise in Ning Ning's room. I guess I'm about to wake up. I'll ignore you for now. I'm going to show off."

With that said, Lin Qingyou hung up the video call directly.

Seeing this, Jiang An shook his head slightly and prepared to hold two bowls of noodles.

As a result, I heard a soft, kitten-like voice coming from behind:

"Hey~ Teacher Jiang~ you got up so early to make noodles for me to eat."

After hearing this, Jiang An turned around and saw that Xiao Nizi woke up from her sleep and was lying next to him.

Jiang An looked at her funny: "Your nose is really smart. I just finished it and you woke up?"

"What you said~ Of course, as soon as I smelled the fragrance, I got up quickly. I knew that Teacher Jiang was making delicious food for me again."

"Yes, it's delicious, green vegetable noodles."

"It's okay~ It's okay, you can take it even with light food."

Lin Xixi responded with a smile.

"Okay, okay, stop talking so fast, go brush your teeth, wash your face, wash up!"

"That's great."

Lin Xixi chuckled, then turned and walked towards the bathroom.

"Silly." Jiang An smiled helplessly, shook his head slightly, and then walked into the living room with a straight face.

Then I saw that Lin Qingyou had sent a bunch of messages.

"Woc, Jiang, my god, this bowl of noodles is really delicious."

"Ning Ning praised me directly after eating it. It was so considerate!" "..."

After hearing what this guy said, Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "I said, can you calm down a little bit? I just praised you, are you so happy?"

"Then you don't understand~"

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore."

Jiang An looked at Lin Qingyou's message on the phone screen and couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

People, when you meet someone you like, things will really change.

Lin Xixi came over at this time and looked at Jiang An with some confusion: "What's going on? You are so happy."

Jiang An smiled and said, "You'll know just by looking at it."

With that said, he handed the phone to Lin Xixi.

Then he said helplessly: "I just woke up this morning, and this guy came to harass me. What do you want me to do?"


Lin Xixi took the phone with a look of curiosity on her face.

Isn't this Lin Qingyou... also drunk?

Why did you come to Jiang An after you woke up?

"You may not believe it when I tell you. He wants to make breakfast for Xu Ningning, and then asks me what to do?"

"Ah? Are you cooking for Ning Ning?"

Lin Xixi was also stunned, what kind of operation is this?
Why do you still need to learn to cook?

"What do you mean by making a love breakfast!" Jiang An was also speechless. It was really an explosive thing to imagine.

"Breakfast of love, pfft."

Lin Xixi couldn't help but laugh, then pointed at the breakfast in front of Jiang An and said with a smile: "Then this is considered a breakfast of love, right?~"

Jiang An couldn't help but laugh: "Is this considered a breakfast of love?"

"Okay, let me tell you, the most exaggerated thing is that this guy doesn't know how to cook at all, and then he asked me to start a video and teach him bit by bit..."

"Okay, although Lao Lin is relatively stupid, it seems like he has finally enlightened himself!"

Lin Xixi rubbed her chin, then picked up her phone and sent a message to Xu Ningning.

"How are you? Are you awake? Miss Ningning?"

Jiang An sat down and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but laugh and said, "Don't expose Lao Lin. I've been told to create an image of a loving boyfriend."

"Okay, okay, I promise not to expose Lao Lin."

"Hmm, I'm awake and eating. What about you? Isn't there someone who hasn't eaten yet?"

After hearing this, Lin Xixi glared and looked at Jiang An: "Look, this is really not what I want to say out loud. If you look at the words, it will be difficult for me not to say it out!"

Jiang An also laughed: "Just bear with it, after all, Lin Lao Lin finally made breakfast today, so let's just let her pretend."

"Go, go, go."

Lin Xixi took a deep breath and said that she would endure it today.

So, after thinking about it, she quickly replied: "What do you mean, is this breakfast today? No way, you actually got up to make breakfast?"

Xu Ningning replied quickly: "How is that possible~ Lin Qingyou made this for me, no way, someone didn't have breakfast? Didn't anyone cook it for her?"


Lin Xixi silently glanced at the face in front of her and snorted angrily.

"Who hasn't?"

Then he quickly replied: "Okay, Xu Ningning, so, you stayed at Lin Qingyou's house last night? Our relationship has improved by leaps and bounds? Am I going to have wedding candy soon?"

"...You are thinking too much. I just stayed at his house for one night and nothing happened to us!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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