Chapter 383 There are many people around him

Lin Qingyou was a little embarrassed, haha, everyone actually knew about this kind of thing?

Oops, he originally wanted to be low-key, but it seems that it is impossible to be low-key if he wants to be low-key.

"What's wrong? Some people are so happy when they make love breakfast?"

Noticing Xu Ningning's growing embarrassment, Lin Xixi couldn't help but poke her gently and whispered.

Xu Ningning glanced at Lin Xixi, feeling that she could see through everything in her eyes.

"What's going on with you? You're silent. That's not right. Xu Ningning, you are today!"

Lin Xixi said again.

Xu Ningning felt that she might be a little overwhelmed. She rubbed her face and tried to act as if nothing had happened. She subconsciously pursed her lips and said calmly: "Me? Of course I'm fine. I'm fine."

"What can I do!"

"Am I any different from usual?"

When Lin Xixi saw Xu Ningning's behavior, she really couldn't stand it anymore. She couldn't be teased anymore, so she simply leaned close to her ear and lowered her voice and said:

"What do you think, can a kiss be the same as a kiss on the lips?"

Because the voice was very low, naturally only Xu Ningning and Lin Xixi could hear the words.

After hearing this, Xu Ningning's expression changed extremely brightly in an instant.

Then he turned his head and stared at Lin Xixi beside him, falling into a state of doubt about life:
"You... what did you just say?"

Lin Xixi chuckled: "That's what you just heard."

She felt that there was no need to hide it from Xu Ningning. Anyway, Xu Ningning now knew that Jiang An and Lin Qingyou were wearing the same pair of pants.

This wave is Mission: Impossible and Infernal Affairs.

Xu Ningning's eyes widened at this, as if she was doubting life.

What a joke!
This, you all know this?

"No, how do you know this?!"

Xu Ningning also understood it. She just spent a long time.

It turns out that this girl knew about it all along and was he deliberately teasing her?
Thinking of this, Xu Ningning couldn't help but glare at Lin Xixi.

"No, how you know is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that you have been deceiving me just now, right?"

"...Hey, how do you say this? Ning Ning, I am not thinking, just teasing you~"

Lin Xixi smiled guiltily.

"Thank you for teasing me." Xu Ningning rolled her eyes, frowned slightly, and then quickly realized something:
"So, Lin Qingyou told Jiang An about the kiss, and then you told me?"

"Bingo~ Ning Ning is indeed Bingxue's smart person. You can guess this~ It's amazing."

"Hmph, I knew it was like this...these group of dog men are really connected to each other!"

Xu Ningning shook her head slightly, and then she saw Lin Xixi looking at her curiously: "So, why did you kiss? You can't just kiss for no reason. If you say that, sisters don't know anything about it. believable."

"Pfft... How should I put it? It's true that I didn't kiss him for no reason, but there wasn't much of a reason. Anyway, I just wanted to kiss him. Can you understand?"

Xu Ningning herself couldn't explain this matter. Why was she like that at that time?

The reason is very simple.


At that time, my mind was hot and I kissed her subconsciously.

Such a simple thing is really easy to understand.

"My evaluation is that it's really good. Your progress is so rapid, it's completely beyond Lao Jiang's and my imagination!" Lin Xixi gave a thumbs up, like a real person eating melon. The masses are average.

"Okay, okay, don't dwell on this matter. To be honest, I think it's nothing. After all, it's not a big deal."

"'s a little weird to be honest."

"Lin Qingyou didn't have any special reaction after I kissed him!"

This made Xu Ningning quite helpless. Logically speaking, she thought that after kissing Lin Qingyou like this, he would at least show some performance.

The result is good, there is no performance at all.This is quite a headache.

"What do you know? You just knocked people out. How can you say that?"

"Hey, it seems so. It is indeed possible that he was confused by my kiss?"

Xu Ningning thought for a while, and it seemed that this possibility was really possible. Otherwise, how could it be explained?
"Okay, okay, you've bullied others quite a lot, but what I'm most curious about is, how did you get here today?"

Lin Xixi was very curious. Logically speaking, Xu Ningning should not be here today.

"Isn't this just to support you? Otherwise, what do you think?"

Xu Ningning immediately responded angrily.

"Stand up?"

Xiao Lin is a little confused.

Didn't I come here to take an exam today? I didn't come here to fight. Why did I get into something like this to support the scene?

"Then what else do you think, you are really just here to prop up the show."

"I'm not thinking. If Liu Youran's best friend comes to bully you, I have no choice but to come too. What is this called? I have to come!"

Xu Ningning replied seriously.

When Lin Xixi heard this, she felt dumbfounded.

"Please, how could this really happen~"

"I think, then I have to be there."

"Don't worry, today is a competition. No matter how bad they are, they will not choose this time to mess around..."

Lin Xixi finally understood Xu Ningning's intention.

I just feel it’s completely unnecessary.

After all, the main purpose of Liu Youran's coming here today is not to take a good exam?

I was thinking about it.

The figures of Liu Youran and Yang Tao have appeared.

The two of them arrived not too early, but they seemed to be in a good mood.

"Youran, I'll rely on you to win the championship this time." Yang Tao stood next to Liu Youran with a smile, blowing rainbow farts every day.

Liu Youran glanced at her and replied calmly:

"I can only say that I should do my best. If I encounter a question that is particularly unsuitable for me, then there is nothing I can do."

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Yang Tao chuckled, and then his eyes noticed the figures not far away.

"Hey, Jiang An and the others are here."

I heard the word Jiang An.

Liu Youran turned his head very quickly and looked over in an instant.

As if looking for some prey.


She saw Jiang An standing next to Lin Qingyou, smiling and looking as usual.

And on the other side.

It was Lin Xixi and the girl I met last time.

Looks like...his name is Xu Ningning, right?

For a moment, Liu Youran felt an inexplicable sigh in his heart.

It turns out there are so many people around him...

(End of this chapter)

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