Chapter 384 Three People and Four People

It turns out that Jiang An has no shortage of friends now.

It seems that it is much better than when I was together before.

At that time, Jiang An actually didn't have any friends. It was like he had no social life at all and they were always around her.

Even at that time, Liu Youran asked Jiang An like this once.

"Don't you usually have something to do of your own?"

That time, Jiang An's answer was.

"Yes, I'm just watching over you."

At that time, Jiang An seemed to be the only one in the world.

But now...

Many people gradually surrounded Jiang An, and these people seemed to be gathered together because of him.

It is undeniable.

He is truly a charming and capable man.

If it weren't for her, maybe Jiang An would have succeeded earlier.

thought of here.

Liu Youran's thoughts swayed slightly and he was pulled back.

His eyes were fixed on Jiang An, and he said in a low voice:

"Xiantao, at that time, did you see any friends around Jiang An?"

Hearing this, Yang Tao was stunned, then chuckled and shook his head and said: "How can you have friends? At that time, he would follow you every day. We were still the school belle. Why did you bring a security guard to school? "

"..." Liu Youran was silent for a moment, and then said: "Then look at him now, does he... seem to have no shortage of friends?"

Yang Tao was stunned for a moment, then nodded gently: "Well, yes, these people are all his friends."

"That's Lin Qingyou, a designer from Yang Wenqin Studio, a partner invited back from abroad. After the cooperation failed, they fell out, and then he went to Jiang An's studio for some unknown reason. , it seems that the relationship between the two people is quite close."

Yang Tao was very impressed with Lin Qingyou because the two had crossed paths at that time.

The most important thing is that Yang Tao was quite interested in Lin Qingyou before. He was young and promising, handsome and had a good family background. To be honest, with so many buffs, Yang Tao was a little tempted at first. of.

After all.

She and Yang Wenqin have always had an awkward relationship.

If Lin Qingyou was interested at that time, Yang Tao would take action without hesitation.

Not for anything else.

Lin Qingyou is definitely a better choice than Yang Wenqin.

As a high-end hunter, he never just stares at one prey.

And Yang Wenqin has never been Yang Tao's final choice.

It's just a pity that Lin Qingyou's character does not seem to be the kind of person who is not too serious, and he even said that he was not very interested in her. After various contacts and contacts at that time, Lin Qingyou showed no interest in Yang Tao's several overtures. No feeling, it looks like he has no interest at all.

So Carambola had no choice but to give up later.

"If he joined Jiang An Studio, it might be because Jiang An is more capable."

Regarding Yang Tao's statement, Liu Youran was very sober.

"It's true. At that time, it was just that dog that was a dog. Then Yang Wenqin and Lin Qingyou's game was blown up, and then the two people had differences."

Yang Tao shook his head slightly and explained the relationship clearly.

"Yes, I understand. The one next to you is the Xu Ningning you mentioned, Lin Xixi's best friend?"

"Yes, she and I almost had a fight last time. I don't know where she came from. She has a very tough personality..."

Speaking of Xu Ningning, an expression of lingering fear appeared directly on Yang Tao's face.

It would be a lie to say no.

The speechless look of Xu Ningning was still vivid in her mind.In other words...

She is no match for Xu Ningning!
"Do you have a tough personality..."

Liu Youran shook his head and thought about it carefully.

After all, that girl Lin Xixi is not a good person, and she has a very tough character.

How could her bestie be any better?

Thinking of this, Liu Youran didn't care at all.

Does Jiang An like that kind of tough character?
In fact, she always thought it was impossible.

What Jiang An likes...should be her personality?

Or even, a gentler character?

In short, it can’t be like this, right?

Liu Youran was lost in thought while hearing Yang Tao's urging.

"Hey, Yang Wenqin is here."

As soon as he said this, Liu Youran was slightly stunned, a little confused and confused.

"Why is he here? Why is he here?"

"Ahem... wasn't this what Yang Wenqin asked casually that day? I thought, it wasn't a big deal anyway, so I told him, but to my surprise, he came right over."

When he said this, Yang Tao couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

In fact, when Yang Wenqin asked, she didn't want to say anything.

But after thinking about it, he still told Yang Wenqin.

Unexpectedly, he really came.

"You Ran, Tao'er, you came so early, eh, you told me earlier, I happened to drive to school for something, so I could just see you off."

At this time, Yang Wenqin had already walked over with a smile on his face and seemed to be in a good mood.

After hearing this, Yang Tao said angrily: "Isn't it because you are a busy person? You usually don't have time to talk to us, but now you have time to pick us up?"

When Yang Wenqin heard this, he couldn't help but said with a smile on his face: "Oh Tao'er, don't you know, I have a lot of things going on recently,"

"I didn't mean not to reply to you. Didn't I just finish what I was doing? I'm here now."

As he said that, Yang Wenqin also glanced at Liu Youran on the side. The frivolity in his eyes was a little less, and he said seriously:
"Youran, long time no see, you are still very beautiful."

Hearing this, Liu Youran raised his head, glanced at him, and whispered:

"long time no see."

"Haha, how are you finding a job recently? Don't forget what I told you before, my door here will always be open for you."

Yang Wenqin's expression was very sincere.

He wasn't kidding.

He was indeed willing to keep his door open to Liu Youran.

"No, I'm not very interested." Liu Youran shook her head gently. She rejected Yang Wenqin before, but she still wanted to reject Yang Wenqin now.

"Um...Okay, anyway, if you are interested, just tell me."

Yang Wenqin laughed twice, what else could he say at this time?
Anyway, Liu Youran didn't give him face for a day or two, so it didn't matter.

"I'm just wondering, how did these three people get together?"

Not far away, Lin Qingyou saw this scene and couldn't help but said to Jiang An.

Star fruit, he knew it.

Needless to say, Yang Wenqin.

That Liu Youran... Lin Qingyou glanced at Jiang An.

(End of this chapter)

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