Chapter 385 On family status!
Lin Qingyou looked at the three people over there with some curiosity.

Mainly, he was really curious about what happened between Jiang An and Liu Youran.

These two people don't look simple.

But Xu Ningning didn't say anything. Although Lin Qingyou was curious, he didn't directly start gossiping.

But who would have thought that I didn't want to eat melon or gossip.

Just in time, people here are here? ?

This is a big melon sent from heaven, I can’t live without eating it.

Lin Qingyou blinked and looked at Jiang An: "Lao Jiang, don't you and Liu Youran have a story?"

As soon as this is said.

Jiang An couldn't help but glance at Lin Qingyou in front of him, showing a somewhat bewildered expression: "Eh?"

"No, how did you know? Who revealed it to you?"

When Lin Qingyou heard this, he couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, don't worry about this, I just asked out of curiosity."

"I believe you, Xu Ningning must have spilled the beans to you."

Jiang An replied angrily.

Who do you think you can hide from this guy?

"Hey, hey, no, don't misunderstand me. This has nothing to do with Ning Ning."

When Lin Qingyou heard this, he quickly interrupted with his hands, trying to explain clearly that it was not Xu Ningning's problem.

heard this.

Jiang An Yile: "Hey, I see you are anxious. Why are you anxious?"

"That's not the case, you know, I don't really care about it."

As he spoke, Jiang An showed a calm smile:

"Brother, I used to like Liu Youran for ten years, but in the end, he was used as a substitute. Do you think this is outrageous?"

I heard Jiang An's words.

The smile on Lin Qingyou's face suddenly stopped in an instant.

He didn't think of it, he couldn't even think of it, even if he risked his life.

Is this what Jiang An actually said?Is this such a bloody plot?
"Why aren't you talking? Look at how nervous you are." Jiang An noticed that Lin Qingyou didn't speak, and couldn't help but said in a funny tone: "I'm serious, you don't have to be so nervous." , it’s not a big deal, and it’s over, I don’t even care about it anymore.”

"You don't care anymore, but I do..."

Lin Qingyou said angrily: "But you are also a talented person. Can't you tell that you are mainly into the soulful genre?"

Jiang An smiled when he heard this: "What is affectionate? I think I might be sincere..."

While talking, Lin Xixi and Xu Ningning had already walked over.

"Ningning." Lin Qingyou looked at Xu Ningning and said with a smile.

Xu Ningning glanced at him angrily, and said a little helplessly: "Why are you looking at me like that~"

"Ningning, Ningning, you look so beautiful today."

Don't be stingy with your sweet words.

Lin Qingyou's main thing is to praise more.


Xu Ningning bit her lip, feeling the urge to bite the guy in front of her to death.

To be honest, didn’t the two of us go out together?

How long did it take for you to realize that I'm pretty?

Have you forgotten the time you were forcefully kissed by me in the car?

"Okay, Lin Qingyou, please stop praising me. I feel like if you continue to praise me like this, Xu Ningning will become immune."

"Hey, little sister, what do you say?" "Who is your little sister!" Lin Xixi glared at Lin Qingyou in front of her. This guy calls her little sister every day. This is taking advantage of her. It’s cheap!

"You, I'm a little older than you, it's okay if I suffer a little loss."

"Fuck you~"

Lin Xixi stuck out her tongue, then moved closer to Jiang An. She placed her little hands on Jiang An's waist and whispered:

"I saw Liu Youran and the others."

Jiang An smiled when he heard this, rubbed the girl's soft and silky hair, and whispered: "What's the matter? Are you scared when you see them? Do you feel that you are not Liu Youran's opponent in the competition?"

"Tch, what do I have to be afraid of? To be honest, didn't I win the duel with her long ago? My mentality is very peaceful now, okay?"

Lin Xixi raised her lips and said proudly.

Her current mood is indeed very peaceful, and it doesn't matter if it's not peaceful. The exam is about to begin, and it's impossible to cram into it.

"Isn't that right? Anyway, winning or losing doesn't mean anything to you. Let's just do our best."

"That's right, I, the heroine Lin, have traveled all over the world. I have suffered defeats and defeats, but I have never been afraid!"

With Jiang An's encouragement, Lin Xixi gradually returned to her previous self-confidence.

"That's okay, I'll trust you, Xiaolin-san."

Jiang An smiled. Lin Xixi just had confidence.

After all, this is really just a game.

There is no need for one game to affect your overall mood.

This is Jiang An's own thoughts.

In other words,
So what if you don't win the championship?
In Jiang An's heart, Lin Xixi is still the best painter in the world.

"Don't worry, I'm different from those stupid men. Sisters, I think you can successfully win the championship. Let me tell you this, I don't even recognize other people's abilities!"


Jiang An blinked lightly and smiled:

"It's okay if you don't approve of it, then it's the same for me. I'll approve of you, Lady Lin!"

Lin Xixi heard this, smiled, and winked at the two of them: "Okay, since you two recognize me so much, if I win the championship, I will treat you two to dinner!"

"What's wrong, little sister, if I didn't say anything, you really don't care about me!"

"..." Lin Xixi glanced at Lin Qingyou with a resentful look:

"Fuck you, who wants you to be my brother? What good does it do to me if you treat me as my brother?"

Hearing this, Lin Qingyou couldn't help but laugh: "There are so many benefits to having me as your brother."

"Let me tell you this, if you let me be your brother, in the future, whoever dares to bully you, I will be the first to stand up for you!"

"Haha, aren't you going to help me out now?"

Lin Xixi said, directly holding Xu Ningning's arm beside her, and looked at Lin Qingyou in front of her proudly: "How is it? Can you help?"


Lin Qingyou was silent.

Well done, you don’t behave like a human being at all!

"If you stand out, of course you have to stand out. Aren't we all buddies..."

Lin Qingyou sighed, then glanced at Xu Ningning beside him and said, "Ningning, look at your best friend bullying me."

Xu Ningning raised her eyebrows: "That's not okay. I can't control this matter. After all, you provoked him first. Besides, Lin Xixi practices judo. I don't even dare to provoke him. How dare you?"

After hearing this, Lin Xixi waved her little fist decisively, with a fierce look.


Looking at the two people in front of him, Lin Qingyou was really convinced.

(End of this chapter)

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