Chapter 388 The Him in Memories

Really, are you kidding me?

A junior was actually mixed in. Is this reasonable?

For this teacher, this was completely beyond imagination.

After all, it's the finals now.

It's rare to see someone from a lower grade mixed in.

According to the situation of the competition in previous years, it is normal for juniors to appear in the first two rounds. After all, this green field has never lacked real talents.


Now this is the finals.

The real masters are gathered here. Those who can sit here are all senior students who have experienced many years of study and practice.

A junior can actually break in.

This can only illustrate one problem.

This little girl's ability is really amazing!

Thinking of this, the teacher's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Well, she is very interested in Lin Xixi now.

He was the only junior in the audience. Needless to say, he was definitely a very capable kid.

"I don't know what ranking she can get this time, but it's okay. Even if she doesn't get it this year, I think she should be able to get it next year."

The teacher was thinking secretly in his heart.

She was very optimistic about Lin Xixi.

According to the above information, Lin Xixi is participating for the first time this year, a student who has been enrolled for two years.

"Anyway, let's see her performance first."

The female teacher thought quietly in her heart.

After all, Lin Xixi is still young.

Even if you fail this year, you will still have a chance next year, or even the year after...

So this time is an experience.

"The champion this time has to come from those who are older and have more experience."

After thinking for a few seconds, the female teacher sighed.

It is easier for people with experience and ability to win.

While thinking about it, she began to unpack the test questions in her hands.

This is sealed, ensuring absolute fairness in the competition. Likewise, even she, as the examiner, doesn't know what the test questions are.

"Dear candidates, I am about to unpack the exam questions now. As you can see, the sealed bag is not damaged and there are no signs of being opened."

"Now I want to unpack the test questions."

There is no doubt about the formality of the final round of the competition, which is basically done in the most formal way.

There are three invigilators in total, and the other two are at different angles at the two doorways.

Lin Xixi couldn't help but take a breath after hearing these words. To be honest, if she wasn't nervous at all, it would be a lie.

How could I not be nervous at all...

Although she really doesn't value whether she can win this game that much now, she is still a little nervous instinctively.

"I can't be nervous, I want to be calm, I want to be calm."

After taking a deep breath, Lin Xixi's eyes flashed with calmness, and he calmed down.

It will be very, very peaceful!

"We must use this mentality to take the exam." Lin Nuxia murmured to herself in a low voice.

On the other side, Liu Youran's expression was as indifferent as ever.

She was born with a sense of indifference and indifference, which gave people the feeling that she actually didn't care about anything.

But actually.

Looking at her being so indifferent, her eyes kept wandering on Lin Xixi.

She actually really wants to see what kind of girl Jiang An is not tired of yet, and even likes her so much.

"It looks really good-looking."

Liu Youran lowered his brows, looking a little inexplicably sad.
Being good-looking is really the most unsolvable thing.

She actually knows that her greatest asset is her good looks.

But when Lin Xixi looked equally good-looking, her advantage was gone.

"But...what am I thinking about."

Just as he was thinking about it, Liu Youran suddenly couldn't help but laugh to himself.

What was she thinking?How could Jiang An really change anything because of this kind of thing?

He is just affectionate.

When Liu Youran thought of this, he couldn't help but take a deep breath and forget about it anymore.

Just concentrate on preparing for the exam.

Maybe... after the exam, everything will turn around?
Thinking of this, Liu Youran's eyes couldn't help but flash with determination.

"The candidates are ready to start the exam, and the drawing papers have been distributed."

"Where are today's test questions? I've posted them on the blackboard. You can start reading."

"There are still two hours until the end of the exam. Pay attention to the time, think, conceive, and draw."

After the teacher said this, he stopped talking.

Give everyone enough time to think about the content.

After hearing this, everyone nodded and started to read the question.

Lin Xixi, on the other hand, tightened her face slightly and stared at the topic in front of her.


Saw this topic.

Lin Xixi was slightly startled, feeling a little confused.

It’s actually similar to the question drawn in the first round!

Another emotional term.

To this day, Lin Xixi still remembers that the first round of assessment question was "missing".
At the time, she felt that she might not have anything to miss.

So I just drew a random picture of a memory that once was very interesting.

But this's missing.

"Who are you missing?"

Lin Xixi lowered her head slightly, her eyes twinkling with a little melancholy.

When she was very little.

What I miss is that my parents can go home.

When I grew up, I went to school in another place. At that time, I missed my grandma.

Worrying about whether she is doing well at home.

And now...

It seems that she is worried about Jiang An.

Not seeing each other for a day is like three autumns.

Lin Xixi didn't expect that her love for Jiang An would become so strong so quietly.

The last time she went to Kyoto for training.

To be honest, she missed Jiang An terribly that night.

I just feel like why time passes so slowly.


When Jiang An suddenly appeared in front of her.

She almost fainted with joy.

I have never felt that the feeling of wanting to see someone can be so strong!
"What I miss Mr. Jiang."

Lin Xixi read softly.

Then, the look in his eyes instantly became firm.

Then draw Teacher Jiang!
The decision this time probably came down to two rounds.

The fastest ever.

Almost as soon as she got the title, it didn't take long for Lin Xixi to decide that it was Jiang An.

Because I miss this proposition, I really don’t need too many choices.

If she had to choose, it would definitely be Jiang An, her Mr. Jiang.

If I don’t see you for a day, I will miss you.

Because I miss you, I want to stay together forever and never separate.

Then, let’s draw a teacher Jiang.

Draw a picture seriously, just like when you first met, draw a picture for him that belongs to him.

"Just like when we first met~"

"Draw a picture of Jiang An in memory, the first time we met~"

(End of this chapter)

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