Chapter 389 The sunny boy is not the sixth child!

If longing has a shape, it must be what Jiang An looks like. This time, Lin Xixi will draw Jiang An well.

I still remember the Jiang An written by Lin Xixi when we first met.

It's beautiful, but sad.

He was sitting there like a very sad baby. Although he had a smile on his face, the sadness in the corners of his eyes overflowed and he couldn't hide it at all.

Seeing Jiang An like that, to be honest, Lin Xixi couldn't find any reason not to walk towards him.

not to mention.

He looks really good-looking.

It’s super in line with what I like.

Who doesn’t like handsome guys?

We, Xiaolin, can be considered half a face-controller, right?
Therefore, Lin Xixi stepped forward bravely at that time, for no other reason than to have a good talk with Jiang An and to heal the heartache of classmate Xiao Jiang.

As a result, who would have thought that we would end up today in such a confused way.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

After all, a man and a woman are a match made in heaven, right?
So isn’t it natural to be together?
thought of here.

The corners of Lin Xixi's lips raised slightly, and her mood became better.

Then she raised her eyes slightly and found that everyone was still thinking hard. She shook her head slightly and then started to move.

The brush continued to flow on the paper, carving out beautiful lines.


Sure enough, when I draw Teacher Jiang, I always feel so comfortable~

When Lin Xixi had already started painting.

Liu Youran was still feeling sad.

She was a little confused.

What on earth do you want to draw?


She misses a lot of things...especially Jiang An.

But, do you still want to draw Jiang An?
She had drawn Jiang An during the first round of assessment, although it was just a simple outline of his back.


Besides Jiang An, she didn't know what else she should miss.

Maybe, apart from Jiang An, there really is nothing to miss.

"Then, do I want to draw Jiang An again?"

Liu Youran fell into her own thoughts. For a moment, she didn't know how to solve this problem.

It just feels like it’s really outrageous.

She is such a big person and has lived for more than 20 years.

Except for Jiang An, there is not even a single person or thing worth missing.

Of course, this is also inseparable from her living habits.

For Liu Youran, the process of growing up has been the same.

There is nothing you want that you can't get.

In other words, while everything was gained so easily, nothing was lost.

So, what are you missing?

"It seems that there is only Jiang An, he is the only one for me."

Liu Youran took a deep breath, his eyes became a bit complicated, and at the same time, he finally firmed up his thoughts.

Since that is the case...

Then, draw Jiang An!

Just follow your heart, right?
I still remember that a long time ago, Jiang An’s penguin signature had these four words.

Follow your heart!

Okay... today she will just follow her heart.

Who can't be Jiang An that I miss?
With thoughts flickering in his mind, Liu Youran suddenly felt a lot more comfortable. He took a long breath and felt better.

She couldn't help but raise her head and glance at Lin Xixi not far away.

I found that she was already immersed in painting.

Seeing this scene, Liu Youran was a little curious.So...what is Lin Xixi painting?

Could it be Jiang An?
As soon as this idea came up, Liu Youran smiled and shook his head.

It couldn't be Jiang An, how could it be Jiang An.

Lin Xixi and Jiang An had only been together for a long time, and they still didn't miss each other.

So, to be honest, any thoughts about missing you are all fake.

"I won't miss you at all, and besides, your relationship isn't that deep, right?"

Liu Youran muttered to himself, and then his expression became much firmer.


That kind of thing.

Just let me miss Jiang An.

Thinking of this, Liu Youran directly picked up the pen and started painting.

For her, the championship is important.

However, what is in your heart is the most important thing.

Therefore, Liu Youran did not hesitate, Jiang An was Jiang An!


No one can think of it.

Both girls are drawing the same man.

And this man...

Jiang An himself naturally never expected that such a situation would happen. In other words, who would think that he could appear in the competition work of two girls?

"I asked Lao Jiang, what was your original intention in designing this game? I feel like you are quite a nice person. You shouldn't be the kind of person with sinister thoughts, right? Why do you want to make this kind of game?"

After hearing this, Jiang An replied dumbfounded: "What the hell are you talking about?"

"What do you mean I'm a nice person?"

Lin Qingyou pouted and explained speechlessly: "Of course that's the literal meaning. What I mean is, you are quite a nice person, but how can you have so much brain power to create so many disgusting games? ah?"

"...I don't like hearing what you say."

Jiang An rolled his eyes and said angrily:
"What do you mean by making so many disgusting games? I emphasize these games again."

"Our initiative is to heal!"

“The main focus is leisure!”

"Ah, yes, yes, yes!" Lin Qingyou nodded crazily, then complained angrily:

"I believed your lies at first. What kind of healing leisure is this?"

"Damn, it's so depressing!"



Jiang An was silent, then shook his head and said, "I still say the same thing, I hope to bring happiness to everyone."

"Yeah, I'll cut your heart off."

Lin Qingyou sighed, stopped typing on the keyboard, and said calmly:
"My work here has officially started. I guess it won't take long if we have a team."

"But to be honest, how did you come up with a game with this gameplay? I've racked my brains, but I haven't seen any game with this gameplay..."

Lin Qingyou is also a designer. To be honest, he highly praises this game.

Regarding Jiang An.

Even more full of admiration.

Because serious people would never be able to do it, nor would they be able to come up with such an awesome and weird game.

This level of torture.

To be honest, Lin Qingyou can only wonder if Jiang An has some hidden personality...


More than anything, he was certain of one thing.

That's this kid Jiang An, he's definitely a fucking genius!
Who else can achieve such high production speed?
"Okay, stop it, I'll deduct your salary if I keep doing it!"

Jiang An's face turned red when Lin Qingyou complained, and he couldn't help scolding him.

(End of this chapter)

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