Chapter 390 The Him in Memories

"What's wrong with you? Why are you always biting your boss and not letting go!"

"Let me tell you, this is not okay. If you do this again, I will directly deduct your salary."

Jiang An had a straight face, but his face was slightly red. Why is this guy still attacking the boss?

Lin Qingyou curled her lips when she heard this, and couldn't help but said with some dissatisfaction:

"Look at you, the main reason is that you can't stand criticism and correction. As I said, it's all your problem."

" hard."

Jiang An sighed, what kind of employee did he find?

Xu Ningning glanced at Lin Qingyou: "Okay, can you stop chattering there?"

"Let me tell you this, neither of you are good people. One of you made a movie called Lord of the Pharaohs. It was spooky. The background music was very evil and not pleasant at all."

"I don't like this style."

"As for the boss, don't mention it. He looks no different from a sunny boy, but in essence, he is just a sixth child. He has nothing to say, the kind that has nothing to say at all!"


"Why am I the sixth child?"

Jiang An sighed depressedly, hey, isn't this a sunny boy?

My brother is obviously a sunny, big, boy.

On the other side, Lin Qingyou was stunned, and then his eyes instantly showed a look of ecstasy.

real or fake?

Did he hear it right?

Was Ning Ning talking about his game Lord of the Rings just now?
Does that mean to some extent that Xu Ningning has actually played his game?
my day!

Lin Qingyou felt like he was Spartan in an instant.

This is so special, so happy.

"No, Ning Ning, Ning Ning, do you really think my game is not fun?"

Lin Qingyou confirmed with an expectant look.

"Of course, that game of yours is not good. Of course, it can be regarded as a number one game, but it is not good for me. I don't like that style, including the games made by the boss. I don't like it either. I like it. Shooting game, dash, dash, that’s what it’s like.”

"I really have no interest in these large single-player games like yours."

Xu Ningning shook her head and responded.

"You actually tried my game. Sure enough, Ningning, you still have me in your heart and you still care about me." Lin Qingyou replied happily.

"...Don't think too much. I don't care about you. I just saw it on the shared computer in the office that day, and then I opened it casually. After all, I have never seen this game before."

"I gave up after playing for 10 minutes. It really wasn't suitable for me." Xu Ningning looked innocent. Although she didn't want to make it clear, she still had to make it clear.


Lin Qingyou was silent for a moment, great, so that's how it is.

It's time to rejoice.

"...Well, I played that game."

At this time, Jiang An spoke quietly and looked at Lin Qingyou in front of him: "Old Lin, don't be too sad. I wasn't competing on the same track as you before. I just wanted to see what you did. After playing it for a few times, I realized that it is a good game. Going to the theater is not suitable for the domestic market. You understand this."

"I understand your sister!"

Lin Qingyou rolled her eyes, her heart silently breaking again.

I was quite happy.

I'm so happy that Ning Ning is actually playing a game.

It's fine now, I'm numb.

People are not playing at all!Just try it!It’s not just for him!
Seemingly noticing Lin Qingyou's somewhat emo look, Xu Ningning glanced over and said angrily: "Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing? Why do you look so listless? It's because you haven't played much. Is it your game? That’s it. I’ll go home tonight and download one just for you to experience it.”

She's not entirely unsympathetic, either.

It's just that sometimes I feel it's not necessary.

But now it is obvious that it is still necessary. "OK!"

As soon as he said this, Lin Qingyou suddenly seemed to come to life, and he felt much happier.

"Tsk, okay, that's good!"


Jiang An watched this scene silently and shook his head speechlessly.

Hey ~
Men, indeed they are all like this.

His eyes gradually shifted to the examination room, and he didn't know how Xiaolin did in the exam.

What kind of brilliance will the heroine Lin show today?
"Come on, Xiaolin~"

Jiang An narrowed his eyes slightly, leaned back, and began to wait quietly.


in the examination room.

Everyone's emotions were tense, and their minds were all focused on the paintbrush in front of them.

Including Lin Xixi.

Her breathing was tight and not particularly relaxed.

This is a normal phenomenon. When people are highly concentrated, they will be completely involved in it.
As for Lin Xixi, she had entered this state unconsciously.

In other words.

She is currently thinking about how to draw Mr. Jiang who misses him!

What she painted was Jiang An on the night of her confession.

That's right, Jiang An at that moment was no longer a bad boy, but a handsome and handsome man!
With fireworks and stars in the sky, express your love to her!

That scene was something that Lin Xixi would never forget.

And now, she is working hard to recreate Jiang An in her mind!
"It needs to be more handsome needs to be more beautiful there..."

"Hiss, Teacher Jiang is so handsome, it's almost life-threatening."

"If it doesn't work, I have to find a way to do it for him sooner or later... Wait, I'm thinking about something irrelevant. I have to concentrate. I'm still taking the exam!"

Lin Xixi muttered to herself and finally looked back.

Staring closely at the drawing paper in front of him, he devoted himself to it again.


The same was true for Liu Youran at this time.

But she was more distracted than Lin Xixi.

Almost every time I draw a few strokes, I feel inexplicably in a daze.

There was nothing she could do about it. As soon as she drew it, Jiang An's figure and those scenes from the past had already appeared in her mind.

Liu Youran thought that after such a long time, he might have forgotten these scenes.

But now, she is very successful, using her own pen to forcefully recall it constantly.

She almost lost her determination to continue painting.

"No...I still have to finish the painting."

"Then draw him downstairs in the dormitory..."

Her thoughts were in a mess, and Liu Youran was talking to herself, her voice was so soft that only she could hear it.

That day, the lights in the dormitory building were very dim.

Jiang An stood there as always.

The crowds of people were pouring in from all around, making the place look particularly lonely.


(End of this chapter)

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