Chapter 392 Lao Zhang, long time no see
Seeing Lin Xixi's silly expression.

Xu Ningning knew that this girl must have bad intentions, otherwise how could she have fun there?

It must be some weird topic, and then I drew something that I can’t say!

Xu Ningning thought so.

When Jiang An saw that Lin Xixi was unwilling to say anything, he couldn't help but shook his head in confusion:

"Okay, okay, if you don't want to say it now, forget it, then we can talk about it later when we get back."

Lin Xixi nodded lightly, very satisfied: "That's about it."

"By the way, we didn't talk about eating. Let's go and eat."

Upon hearing this, Lin Qingyou immediately picked up the computer and said, "Let's go and eat."

Jiang An glanced at him: "Damn it, who said I would take you with me? Why are you so self-conscious?"

"Haha, what's wrong with taking me with you? Ask these two beautiful girls if they can agree not to take me with you?"

Lin Qingyou looked at Lin Xixi and Xu Ningning confidently.

One here is his sister and the other is his future wife.

He didn't believe it. How could these two people not agree to take him with them?

When Lin Xixi heard this, she blinked slightly and couldn't help but said: "Who are you? Why should I take you with me? I didn't tell you. I don't know you."

Lin Qingyou: "..."

You've gone too far, Lin Xixi.

We both have the surname Lin!

Then, he could only look at Xu Ningning to one side.

Xu Ningning was stunned for a moment, and then hesitated a little: "Hey... why don't you bring this with you? Otherwise, it would be pitiful for him to eat alone."

"Well done Xu Ningning."

Lin Xixi instantly raised her thumb and showed an expression of admiration: "You have betrayed our organization now. At this time, shouldn't you also pretend not to know me?"

"That's inappropriate~"

After all, Xu Ningning didn't say that.

After all... Lin Qingyou, he can't always be like that?
heard this.

Jiang An and Lin Xixi immediately looked at each other and smiled.

~Look, what are you talking about?

Isn’t that what these two people are doing now?
Lin Qingyou saw the colors of the two people and understood their intentions instantly.

Good guy, are you helping him as a wingman?
"Okay, okay, if you want to come, then everyone should come. I've already called Zhang Zhejie, and they will be here soon. Since the branch opened, everyone has not had a good gathering." Jiang Anlue Somewhat sighing, this is really the truth.

In the beginning, everyone got together whenever they had nothing to do.

Because we are close, but now that we are busy, naturally it will not be so easy and relaxing.

Especially Zhang Zhejie, this kid has been running crazy outside recently, risking his life for business.

"Yeah, what has this guy Lao Zhang been busy with lately? It's so hard for me to even see him."

Lin Qingyou was also a little strange. To be honest, Zhang Zhejie was the first person who had a good relationship with him.

As a result, I didn't see him during this period of time, which was a bit strange.

"He is running the business. All the company's business is now handed over to him, so he has to run it." Jiang An couldn't help but explain.

"Oh, you are really taking up the banner." Lin Qingyou murmured in a low voice.

Is this much more awesome than he imagined?

Unexpectedly, Lao Zhang, who usually seems to be laughing and joking, actually became arrogant now. "Yes, mainly because I never thought before that Lao Zhang has such great potential. You may not believe that he is a genius in marketing." Jiang An was amazed. He had read the recent company reports.

That was the answer handed over by Zhang Zhejie.

Basically, 19 of the 15 companies have been acquired so far.

What is the probability?
Of course, Jianghu Studio itself is excellent, which is the main reason why major companies are willing to cooperate and invest.

But putting these aside, Zhang Zhejie, the marketing department, also needs to talk about it.

Otherwise, business will not fall from the sky.

"Tsk, awesome. It seems that I should treat him to today's meal." Lin Qingyou took a deep breath and said.

"Hey, hey, hey, why did I hear someone say that they want to feed me and wipe me when I came here? It seems that I have to be beaten severely today, hahaha."

Look at the sound.

Good guy.

Zhang Zhejie came over wearing a suit and looking like a successful man, with a proud smile on his face.

The smile on Lin Qingyou's face suddenly stopped in an instant: "What the hell, why do you come here just as you say?"

He was just being polite, but who would have thought that he would actually come?
Jiang An raised his eyebrows in amusement: "Eh? Lao Zhang, don't say it, don't say it. You put on this suit, you really feel like... an inexplicable boss. I feel, you Are you the boss of our company?"

Zhang Zhejie waved his hands quickly when he heard this.

"Don't say this nonsense. Don't blame me, kid. I'm just a manager~"

After saying this, I heard the boy whisper:

"If I become the boss, wouldn't I be the one who pays the salary?"


Jiang An couldn't help but laugh: "So that's what you had in mind."

"That's necessary. How about Lao Jiang? This month's bonus cannot be less. I have won all the people on the list you gave me."

Zhang Zhejie smiled triumphantly.

"Awesome, got them all?"

Jiang An showed a surprised look.

"Yeah, except for those few hard bones that I can't chew off, the rest are basically done."

When Zhang Zhejie came to the hard point, his expression became a little irritated: "I highly doubt that these companies were all signed by the same company. Otherwise, it would be impossible for this to happen. Grandma, all of them are... Not willing to sign with us.”

"It should be Wang Tu Studio."

Jiang An responded calmly.

"It's really them?"

Zhang Zhejie showed a look of astonishment and said with great disgust: "What the hell, it's really that kid Yang Wenqin who is messing around behind the scenes."

"Isn't that right? Besides, we saw him two days ago, with Wang Dong's team."

"Wang Dong?"

When Zhang Zhejie heard this, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

"Damn, that's definitely Wang Tu, because when I was chatting with a company that day, that company referred to Wang Dong's team. Damn, I didn't know it at first, but now that you say that, I understand Well, the Wang Tu Studio of Qing Dynasty is Wang Dong and his team?"

Zhang Zhejie opened his eyes wide and analyzed with an unhappy look on his face.

"Yes, it's okay. Lao Zhang is very smart, so it belongs to them."

Jiang An smiled and then continued:

"Yang Wenqin learned smarter this time. He no longer just poached people. This time he directly poached an entire team. Of course it's different."

(End of this chapter)

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