Chapter 393: Hungry, but not hungry anymore.

"As you said it, I feel that Yang Wenqin's IQ has improved. In the past, he would never have been able to do such a smart thing."

Zhang Zhejie shook his head and said with a very unhappy expression.

If there was anyone who was most unhappy about this matter, it would be him.

After all, all the performance taken away belongs to him.

Isn't this the same as taking food from your mouth?

So it's strange to be happy.

"Tsk, let's not worry about it for now. If this guy wants to compete with me for performance in the future, I will definitely grow old with him!"

Zhang Zhejie couldn't help but say a few harsh words as he spoke.

Lin Qingyou smiled cheerfully and said, "It's okay, Old Zhang, you really have a macho feeling now."

"Okay, okay. If we haven't seen each other for a few days, we should be impressed by it!"

"Fuck you, you're hurting me in your mouth again, right?"

Zhang Zhejie rolled his eyes, then looked at Jiang An aside, and whispered: "Lao Jiang, tell me, is there any way to deal with this matter now? To be honest, seeing that my resources are gone, I I feel very sad!”

Hearing this, Jiang An couldn't help but chuckle.

"The resources are gone?"

"Why are you panicking? Do you know the truth? Money begets money. That is, your resources are based on what you already have, and then they can spread more and more."

"Hey, what you said makes sense, but I don't seem to understand..."

Zhang Zhejie looked thoughtful, then shook his head slightly, falling into confusion.

" do you say this?"

Jiang An narrowed his eyes and smiled, and then began to explain:

"Actually, the principle is very simple. You will understand it when I say this."

“Why are we contacting so many companies now?”

"The reason is very simple, that is, we want to cooperate with them. In this process, we use resource cooperation as a way to improve our own capabilities in all aspects. Then we will be better and have better resources. Naturally, They will also take the initiative to find us.”

Jiang An's explanation is very easy to understand.

Zhang Zhejie nodded lightly: "Now I understand, the relationship is that as we become stronger, we don't have to worry about having more resources."

"Yes, as for Yang Wenqin? They can't keep up with our pace at all now, so why do you still care about them?"

Jiang An added that he was also a little worried that Zhang Zhejie really didn't understand the situation.

That’s why it’s so clear.

After Zhang Zhejie heard these two sentences, he finally understood them.

He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said with a smile:

"Okay, Lao Jiang, I understand."

"This is going well."

"But, I have a feeling that this Yang Wenqin has been imitating us."

"Imitation is definitely imitation, but isn't there nothing you can do against him?"

Jiang An smiled: "There is a saying that goes well, those who are like me will die, and those who imitate me will live."

"According to Yang Wenqin's eager for quick success, he is definitely not a good guy. Don't say anything about things that allow him to develop independently. He can only imitate and understand."

This is not Jiang An's blind confidence.

It just shows the current situation in the industry.

It is difficult for people who imitate to get ahead, there is no way around it.

In other words, if you want to achieve results, the only way is to be original.

Moreover, it's not that Jiang An underestimated Yang Wenqin too much.

It's just that he is very confident and very confident in his own achievements.So what if Yang Wenqin did a good job?
Jiang An still has confidence and beats him time and time again on this track.

"Hiss, it's true. The boss is tough when he says it. I still have to think about whether it's okay. Our boss just says something and just fuck him into confusion."

"I agree. The boss is indeed a bit tough when it comes to his words. For ordinary people, Juebi wouldn't dare to be so tough."

"It's so funny, you guys, if you don't play Teacher Jiang for a whole day, you'll be idle~"

Seeing that everyone was about to start teasing Jiang An, Lin Xixi couldn't help but come over with a smile and use her imagination to help Jiang An.

Jiang An also smiled and rubbed the girl's forehead:

"Did you hear me? Don't brag about me. I'm just trying to analyze the situation for you. Do you understand?"

"After all, this Yang Wenqin can be regarded as my...unjust opponent. Ever since I really put my focus back on running a studio, this guy has been relying on me like a dog-skin plaster..."

"I don't know if he is tired or not, what on earth he is thinking..."


At the same time, everyone in Jiang An was chatting.

Liu Youran walked out of the examination room, Yang Tao stood up and showed a faint smile: "What's wrong, Youran, I feel like you are in a normal mood."

Liu Youran raised his head and looked at her with a smile: "Haha, is it's okay, I feel fine."

"How should I put it? Anyway, I think it's okay. I drew what I wanted to draw."

"Good, that's very nice."

Yang Tao patted Liu Youran on the back, and then said:

"It's enough to draw what you want to draw. With your strength, You Ran, this is completely enough."

"really? Haha."

Liu Youran forced a smile, and the image of Jiang An in his portrait appeared in his mind...

She couldn't help but shrink her smile slightly, and after a few seconds of silence, she whispered;

"Let's go and have a meal, I'm a little hungry."

This exam not only consumed a lot of mental energy, but also consumed a lot of physical strength.

So she could clearly feel a strong sense of hunger coming over her.

"Let's go and eat."

Yang Tao happily took Liu Youran's arm and prepared to eat together.

On the other side, Yang Wenqin walked over with a smile: "You are leaving in such a hurry."

"I said, what are you doing?"

"Don't wait for me."

Liu Youran glanced at him, then looked at Yang Tao aside:

"Why hasn't he left yet?"

Yang Tao couldn't help but shrugged, showing a helpless look: "How do I know this?"

She was not in a good mood either. She had just had a quarrel with Yang Wenqin, and Yang Wenqin turned around and went to do some business.

As a result, she thought Yang Wenqin had left, but now he came back?

Isn't this a bit inexplicably disgusting?

After hearing this, Yang Wenqin smiled and said: "Oh, Taozi, didn't I just tell you that I would treat you two to dinner at noon."

"So, let's go, no one can steal this meal from me."

When Liu Youran heard this, his eyes could not help but tremble slightly:

"Forget it, I'm not hungry anymore and I don't really want to eat."

"So be it."

(End of this chapter)

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