Hearing Jiang An's words, grandma smiled and said softly: "Oh, I am already this age, why do I care about where I live."

"You guys, just fulfill your filial piety. I understand."

Jiang An smiled and said: "Grandma, this time, we really don't have to find a place for you to rest. Our old man prepared this."

Grandma nodded slightly, then looked at Lin Xixi:
"Xixi, you must also respect Jiang An's grandfather."

Lin Xixi suddenly pouted and said dissatisfied: "Grandma, look at you, you really don't trust your granddaughter. Of course I will be good to her, and Grandpa Jiang obviously likes me very much."

"Yes, my grandfather does like Xixi very much, so grandma, you can rest assured about this."

Jiang An smiled and responded helpfully.

Grandma then breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a much more relaxed look: "I have no objections to the matter between you two."

"Besides, to be honest, Xiao Jiang, you should be completely aware of the situation of Xi Xi's parents, so in this situation."

"I think you should just do what you want."

"Okay grandma~"



Along the way, the three of them chatted for a while.

Soon, the vehicle drove into the place where Mr. Jiang lived.

As soon as Jiang An arrived, he knocked on the door and shouted:

"Grandpa, old man, we are back."

heard this.

The old man's voice soon sounded.

"Okay, you brat, stop urging me here and there. You look like you're in such a hurry."

After hearing this, Jiang An had already seen the old man walking out.

Still holding a plate of fruit in his hand, he glared at Jiang An with disgust, and then saw Lin Xixi jumping out of the car, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hey, Xixi, you're here~"

see this scene.

Jiang An's eyelids twitched slightly.

Damn it, grandpa, you really don’t hold back at all!
And saw this scene.

In the car, a slight smile appeared on the face of grandma who was getting ready to get off.


Jiang An carried some things he had brought back and walked to the old man's side.

She looked at him unhappily and depressed, and said with disgust:

"Old man, old man, you have gone too far! You really don't regard me as a good grandson now!!"

The old man glanced at him, with a look that looked like he was looking at a fool, and said with hatred:

"You are so stupid. Isn't it just for you that I'm doing this?"

"Grandma Xixi is here. She must be there too. Of course, she has to talk to her carefully. People are watching her!"

Hearing this, Jiang An was slightly startled.

On the contrary... I didn't expect it at all.

The old man actually thought about it at such a deep level.


Your old man is still your old man.

But the only thing that's a little strange is.

Then why did you do that to me, old man, when grandma was away!


Soon, grandma and the old man met.

"Hello, old man."

Grandma looked at the old man in front of her with a smile.

Mr. Jiang also chuckled and said:

"Hello, hello, oh, you, just feel free to come in."

"You will treat me as your own home here, my family!"

I heard these three words.

The corners of Jiang An's mouth twitched slightly, and the water in his mouth almost spurted out without holding back. WOC, old man, you are really fierce!

I always thought you were just a bit fierce, but I didn’t expect you to be so fierce...

This in-laws are really... ruthless!
Lin Xixi's beautiful eyes also froze slightly, showing a somewhat confused look.


How could it be so fast...

The two juniors were a little surprised and confused here.

But... grandma's performance was very indifferent. Apparently, she was not that surprised by this title.

"Then thank you, in-laws~"

"It's okay, it's all trivial~"

Watching the two old people chatting very relaxedly.

Jiang An and Lin Xixi looked at each other and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang An was worried that his old man would be too enthusiastic and scare his grandma.

Lin Xixi was worried that her grandma was too afraid of society and would not chat with the old man.

But now it seems.

It's just that the two children think too much.

Not at all.

"Small problems, all small problems."

Jiang An gently rubbed the girl's face and whispered.

"That's fine~"

Lin Xixi narrowed her eyes slightly, and then said: "What should I eat for lunch...?"

Jiang An clapped his hands: "Of course, as a chef, I cook it myself."

With that said, Jiang An rolled up his sleeves and walked quickly towards the kitchen.

saw this scene.

The corners of Lin Xixi's mouth raised slightly.

Teacher Jiang~
What a good man~
The Gu family cooks gently, mainly because they are handsome!

It's really good.


Walking into the kitchen, Lin Xixi saw that Jiang An had just taken out everything from the refrigerator and started chopping vegetables. When she saw this, little stars appeared in her eyes, and she said happily:
"Teacher Jiang, do you know that men who can cook are really very attractive~"

"I'll tell you the truth, the first time I saw you cooking, I was a little... I couldn't help but become a nymphomaniac!"

Hearing this, Jiang An glanced at her funny and said:
"You, your nymphomaniac needs to be cured."

"Look at what I prepared. Is there anything you still want to eat?"

"If yes, then tell me."


Lin Xixi smiled beautifully and hummed: "Man, just pamper me~"

"You just want to use this method to win my heart!"

"Hey, they are all my favorite dishes. I feel like there is nothing more to add."

"Not bad, not bad. My heart is getting more and more popular now, baby."

"Then I'm too embarrassed to just stand here, so let me help you~"

As she spoke, she put on an apron, and then Lin Xixi came closer to Jiang An, put her little face against Jiang An's chest, and whispered:
"Teacher Jiang, do you think you are abstinent?"

"Huh? How do you say this?"

Jiang An was stunned for a moment, looking a little confused, as if he didn't quite understand what Lin Xixi meant.

"I mean, if you're not abstinent, then why haven't you eaten me after so long?"


Seeing Lin Xixi right in front of him with a sweet smile on his face, Jiang An couldn't help but feel hot in his lower abdomen.

Several words came to mind.

Kitchen plays?

The temptation of the little cook?

Hiss, there are elders outside, doing this! (End of chapter)

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