Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 430: Are you starting to play mahjong now?

Just when Jiang An had such an idea.

Lin Xixi, like a little goblin, ran away to the side, hid on the side and giggled:

"That's not possible~"

"You can't do it, Teacher Jiang~"

"At least, it's not possible in the kitchen."

With that said, Lin Xixi placed all the ingredients on the table carefully and said with satisfaction:

"Since I can still seduce you, it means that my baby still has no psychological or physical problems."

"pretty good."

"Then I'm relieved."


Saw Lin Xixi's behavior.

Jiang An's expression froze slightly, and then he reacted immediately.

He glared at her angrily: "Nvxia Lin, I advise you not to play with fire. There is a saying that goes well, if you often walk on the shore, how can you not get your shoes wet?"

"Don't fall into my hands."

Lin Xixi slightly stuck out her tongue and said calmly:
"Don't worry, Teacher Jiang. I'm called a restraint. How could something go wrong~ Okay, I'll go out to accompany the two elders. You can stay here."

After saying this, Lin Xixi turned around and ran away.

Knew it.

The harder you work when flirting, the more decisive you are when running.

Without saying a word, he just ran away!
Jiang An gently shook his head in a funny and helpless manner.

No one can do this.


Soon, the lunch started.

The old man is still very satisfied with Jiang An's performance.

Not bad, he also knows how to cook and so on, and he still has a good eye.

And grandma naturally saw it, and she had always been very satisfied with Jiang An.

Compared with Lin Xixi, Jiang An is very sensible.

"Grandpa Jiang, grandma, are ready to eat~"

"Chef Jiang personally took action today, and the food he made was so delicious~"

While Jiang An was cooking, Lin Xixi naturally took over the serving duties, bringing out plates one by one.

I have to say that Jiang An is very good at this level.

Full color and flavor.

I scored a lot of points in front of my grandma.

Seeing the raised corners of her grandma's mouth, Lin Xixi couldn't help but have a slight smile on her face.

Grandma looked a little more satisfied.

Naturally, she also hopes that Jiang An can be liked by her grandma.

But now, Jiang An's performance is indeed very, very good~

Before eating this meal, everyone was a little embarrassed, but after eating, we became quite familiar with each other.

Lin Xixi took her grandma upstairs to find a room.

The old man asked his grandmother's opinion whether to live in a separate room nearby or simply live in this house.

After all, there are still many empty houses.

What grandma meant was that there was no need to be so troublesome. It was a good thing that the two old people could still look after each other. To this, grandma readily agreed.

Looking at Lin Xixi's movements.

Jiang An also sat on the sofa and glanced at the old man on the rocking chair.

Can't help laughing:
"Old man, you are very busy today and have many things to do."

The old man glanced at him:
"Isn't that just for you, kid?"

"Really, you can't do anything well, and you have to rely on your old man to help you!"

Jiang An chuckled: "Old man, you can't say that, you have to know."

"Didn't I bring you a granddaughter-in-law?"

"What do your parents think?"

"Hey, didn't they tell you?"

"Fart, that's because I don't want to ask, I don't want to pay attention to them."

Hearing this, Jiang An was slightly speechless, but he quickly smiled and said:
"Are you still angry with them personally?" "Why am I angry? What is there to be angry about?"

The old man responded calmly.

"Okay, okay, you're not angry~"

Jiang An scratched his head and said:

"As for my parents, they have no objection now anyway."

"They just think that the two of us are quite suitable now, and they are willing to let us continue to develop."

The old man reluctantly nodded.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with what you say."

"The two of them finally said something normal."

The old man waved his hand: "Okay, let's leave this matter as it is. Actually, I don't think you need to care about their opinions."

"That's it, that's it. I'm quite tired today. I agreed to take Grandma Lin Xixi to play mahjong tonight."

"Play mahjong??"

Jiang An's eyes widened with a look of disbelief.

No, no, no, old man.

Your progress is too fast, it's as fast as lightning!

Have you already started playing mahjong?

"Yeah, what's all the fuss about."

Jiang An glanced at the old man and said with some doubts:
"No, why are you playing mahjong?"

"Isn't it normal to play mahjong? We old men and women should do something like this now."

heard this.

Jiang An nodded lightly: "Okay, I don't have any objections. I just think you guys are too fast."

"Whatever, it's reasonable."

The old man corrected him, and then hummed a tune happily: "I'm leaving, you two kids, let's play~"


Witnessing the back of his old man.

Jiang An's eyes wavered slightly.

Damn it, why didn't you realize that your old man was so powerful before?
Play mahjong?
Damn, did you get together to play mahjong so quickly? ?



Lin Xixi took her grandma's hand and quickly took her to the prepared room.

Then after looking around, he asked his grandma and said:
"How about it, grandma, what do you think?"

"Do you think you're satisfied with this place?"

After hearing this, grandma couldn't help but smile and said: "Of course it's good, I think it's pretty good."

"I'm very satisfied with this place!"

"As long as you are satisfied, that's fine. Then grandma, after you finish eating, do you want to lie down here and rest?"

"Why are you resting? I'm going to play mahjong!"

I saw excitement flashing in grandma's eyes.

Lin Xixi's eyes froze slightly, revealing the same confused expression as Jiang An:

"Playing mahjong?? Who are you playing mahjong with? When will you play mahjong again?"

"Hey, I'm going to play mahjong with you, Grandpa Jiang. He said there are a few other old men and women next door, and they'll go play mahjong if they have nothing to do. Of course I'm going."

"Okay, okay...if that's the case, I can indeed go."

Lin Xixi took a breath silently.

This speed is simply beyond my imagination.

Progress is rapid! !

I'm going to play mahjong so soon, and there's no one left.

"Okay, then you can go and play by yourself. From now on, when I have nothing to do, I will play mahjong with Mr. Jiang and bask in the sun."

"What about your cell phone addiction?"

Lin Xixi said, "Grandma, didn't you take the route of an Internet-addicted elderly person before?"

How can things change so quickly now! ? (End of chapter)

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