Zhang Zhejie said happily: "I bought this with the bonus you gave me. The meaning is very different."

"You are so willing." Lin Qingyou was a little surprised at the side.

The bag in front of me looks expensive.

I estimate it will cost 10,000+.

As a result, Zhang Zhejie said that if he took it, he would take it. This was something.

"Why are you so reluctant? Let me tell you, I may be a bit stingy with myself, but I really can't be stingy with Ruojia.",

"After all, she is my wife. If I don't pamper him, who will pamper her?"

heard this.

Lin Qingyou clicked her tongue and nodded: "Yes, the young man's view on love is very correct, very good, very good."

"Haha, by the way, Lao Lin, when will you and Ning Ning get engaged? Can we go together?"

Zhang Zhejie smiled, then seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but ask directly.

As a result, I heard this.

Lin Qingyou's face turned dark instantly.

What the hell is going on?

You two are really brothers, and the questions asked are similar.

"Damn it... just treat it like a human being. I'm being forced to get married by you two at a young age. Are you two human beings? Are you sure we didn't make an appointment to ask this question together?"

heard this.

Zhang Zhejie looked at Jiang An with a confused look on his face: "Lao Jiang, are you asking?"

"Old Lin, I am not colluding with Lao Jiang. I have been thinking about this topic. I must care about you. After all, aren't you the only one who fails to live up to expectations here?"

"When you chased Ning Ning, I was so anxious that I was so anxious and your movements were too slow!"

"Your sister..." Lin Qingyou's mouth twitched slightly.

These two people must have discussed it to ridicule him!

It's too much!

At noon.Lin Xixi just finished class.

Then he saw Jiang An at the door.

"Why did you come to pick me up?"

Lin Xixi looked curious and asked Jiang An in front of her.

"I can't help it. I miss you. I must come to you if I miss you." Jiang An raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then gently hugged the girl: "Let's go and eat."

"Tsk, you're being courteous for nothing, you're either committing adultery or stealing, tell me quickly, what's the matter?"

"I was wondering...is it your birthday soon?"

"Yeah, what's wrong? Didn't I tell you last time that it's my birthday."

Lin Xixi showed a sweet smile.

"Is there any gift you want?" Jiang An tilted his head and looked at the little girl, his eyes full of smiles.

When he saw Zhang Zhejie giving gifts today, he was thinking about choosing a gift for Lin Xixi.

At the beginning, I had not thought about what to give.

But now, I have a more concrete idea.

"A present?"

Lin Xixi tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "I haven't thought about it. I don't think I have any gifts I want."

"To be precise, you have always been the gift I wanted most. Now that I have got it, there is nothing I want anymore."

"So, you don't need to prepare any special gifts for me~"

Hearing this, Jiang An couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly: "Why, such a considerate person wants to save money for me?"

Lin Xixi rolled her eyes: "No, no~"

"It would be weird if I saved you money. I just don't want anything!"

"Even if you want to give it away, I can only say...I don't know what you want!" (End of Chapter)

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