Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 454 Who is a serious person who cooks by himself?

After hearing Lin Xixi's answer, Jiang An also fell into thinking.

Xiao Nizi didn't know what she wanted, but he had to think about it and prepare some gift for Lin Xixi.

After all, it's a birthday.

For Jiang An, every birthday of Lin Xixi is particularly important.

Naturally, it cannot be treated lightly.

Jiang An had no chance to participate in Lin Xixi's birthday in the past.

But for the current birthday, Jiang An hopes everyone can participate.

Seeing Jiang An's serious look, Lin Xixi scratched her head gently and said with some humor:
"It feels like you've suddenly become serious."

"Otherwise, I am very serious about your matters."

Jiang An looked at Lin Xixi in front of him, thought for a moment and said, "Think more about the gift..."

"If you have a birthday party, you still have to have one. I have to think carefully about how to organize one for you."

"It's the first time I've seen you take so much interest in someone else's birthday."

Lin Xixi pouted slightly and said somewhat unexpectedly.

"Nonsense, others are others, but you are not others."

Jiang An stretched out his hand, pinched the girl's face, and said seriously: "You are my baby."

"Oh my, I feel so numb all of a sudden!" Lin Xixi's eyes widened and she couldn't help but curl her lips and said:
"But... as for a birthday party, I really want to hold one, because I've never had one before, and I also want to invite friends and have a meal together."

Jiang An raised the corners of his mouth when he heard this:

"Okay, I'll take care of this little thing. Isn't it just a birthday party?"

"It's completely satisfying, Lady Lin."

"Humph~ If you promise me this, I'll be looking forward to it."

"Look forward to it, look forward to it." Jiang An stretched out his hand and pinched Lin Xixi's face, feeling some inexplicable affection in his heart.

Looking at Lin Xixi's expectant eyes, Jiang An felt particularly clear.

A girl might really want to have a birthday party like this.

"We're home, what do you want to eat for lunch?" Lin Xixi asked after changing her shoes, tilting her head and looking at Jiang An in front of her.

"What's wrong? Do you mean to cook?" Jiang An blinked and looked at Lin Xixi in surprise.

What are you doing? Xiaonizi is going to cook today?
"What do you want me to do? I'll cook for you."

Lin Xixi replied seriously, not joking.

heard this.

Jiang An showed a slight smile: "Okay, then you do it."

"I'm really looking forward to seeing what delicious food you can make."

"Tch, let me tell you, when I was at school today, I listened to my deskmate studying recipes and came up with a super delicious dish."

"So I'm going to make it for you to eat."

Lin Xixi responded seriously.

"Okay, then you do it, I have no problem. I want to see if you can poison me today!"

Jiang An sat on the sofa with a smile. Lin Xixi took the initiative to ask for cooking. Although it was most likely "dark cuisine", he was still quite interested.

"Okay, then I'm going to cook."

Lin Xixi put on an apron and looked like a little cook.

Then he ran off to cook.

Look at her back.

Jiang An raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes fell on the phone screen, and then he saw the message from Zhang Zhejie.

"Lao Jiang, have you eaten?"


"Zha, come to my house to cook, I have enough ingredients!"

"It's not that you are sick~ Who can cook for a decent person? Of course it is my wife who cooks!" (End of Chapter)

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