only belongs to you!

Jiang An's voice echoed in Lin Xixi's ears. At this moment, she couldn't believe her ears.

"It's all mine?"

Jiang An nodded heavily and looked at her sincerely and clearly: "Yes, you heard me right, everything belongs to you tonight."

"Nvxia Lin! Hurry up."

"We are still waiting to serve you!"

Zhang Zhejie cheered from the side: "We can't wait!"

Naturally, Lin Qingyou would not be like him. He would just hold Ning Ning's hand tightly. At such a time, shouldn't he give her a hard time?

Perhaps it was Jiang An's sincere eyes or perhaps the big guy's call that finally made Lin Xixi slowly come out of her shock.

Looking at the huge amusement park in front of her, open only to her, with red eyes, she just said three words softly.

The voice was so low that only Jiang An could hear it.

Without any more words, Lin Nuxia returned to her former self. Since this place only belongs to her tonight, of course she cannot let down Jiang An's heart.

"Let's go, let me enjoy it tonight."

"But we agreed that you all have to play with me!"

Who can refuse her request today?
Everyone surrounded Lin Xixi and walked into the amusement park.

Jiang An has made arrangements here in advance. All the rides tonight will have dedicated personnel in charge, all lights will be reserved, and the sound effects will be specially changed to a cheerful birthday overture.

Lin Nuxia will definitely have a great time today and experience almost all the rides.

The speed of a rapid march soon exhausted Zhang Zhejie.

"Come on, the heroine really has good physical strength."

"I can't hold it anymore; you go play and let Ruojia stay with me."

"It won't work so soon?"

Jiang An couldn't help but look at him with a smirk: "I thought you were so strong, is this all?"

As he said that, he deliberately glanced at Ruojia: "It seems that you have to be nicer to him in the future, otherwise it will be very troublesome if you can't keep up with your physical strength in the future."

"Frog fun!"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhejie immediately objected: "Lao Jiang, it's wrong for you to say that!"

"I use good steel on the blade, do you understand?"

"With my physical strength, there's nothing wrong with me at all. If you don't believe me, just ask Ruojia!"

This sudden joke made Ruo Jia's face turn red, and her pink fist fell hard on Zhang Zhejie, but there was no way to shut him up.

"Really, there's nothing wrong with my physical strength!"

He was yelling here until his face was red and his neck was thick. Lin Qingyou, who was watching the show on the side, didn't know what he said in Ning Ning's ear, which made her face blush.

Just weird.

Jiang An really couldn't understand why his words of concern seemed to make the atmosphere awkward.

Is it because he said something wrong, or because his two buddies are not so clean-minded.

Well, it must be their problem!
Jiang An would not admit that he was the one hinting to them.

But as the old saying goes, a thief has a guilty conscience.

An idea suddenly came to Jiang An's mind, whether he should find time to give his brother some Maca wolfberry or something. Why, he felt that he was really not good at it.

Men, never fail!

"Teacher Jiang, what are you thinking about?"

Lin Xixi saw that he remained silent for a long time, with a wicked smile on his face. She stood on tiptoe and asked, "Isn't your mind filled with dirty jokes?"

"Don't blame me."

Jiang An spread his hands and couldn't help but laugh: "The person who is going to make jokes today should be Lao Zhang."

"Get out!" Zhang Zhejie, who had been trying his best to prove himself, became even more anxious now.

If Ruojia hadn't been there to stop us, everyone might have been able to watch a wonderful show of bird watching under the moon tonight.

Even without drinking, he was already drunk.

"Okay, I see that you are really tired." Lin Xixi couldn't help it and came out to give him a step: "How about you take a rest, just in time... I want to go ride the Ferris wheel."

In this amusement park, the Ferris wheel has completely different meanings for Lin Xixi and Jiang An.

It was in that closed 15 minutes that they broke through the layer of window paper between each other.

Today is their first birthday together, and Lin Xixi really wants to do it again, follow that familiar track, and relive the story of that day.

"That's a good proposal!"

Zhang Zhejie said like I understand you, "Nvxia Lin has spoken, of course we will obey her orders."

"Lao Jiang, then we'll wait for you at the water bar over there."

Jiang An not only left behind all the operators of the amusement facilities, but also kept all the snack stalls in the amusement park operating as usual.

What I want is to make this place exactly the same as it was during the day.

Lin Qingyou and Ning Ning are both sensible people. After saying this, they went to the water bar with Zhang Zhejie and others to chat.

"Let's go, it's just the two of us."

"I will still sit in that box today." Lin Xixi held Jiang An's hand, and the scene of that day seemed to have appeared in front of her eyes, but Jiang An did not move.

"Why don't you go?"

Lin Xixi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly narrowed her eyes: "Isn't Teacher Jiang's fear of heights worse than before?"

"If this is the case, it's okay if we don't go."


Jiang An shook his head and said nothing more, pulling Lin Xixi forward.

Until, they stood in front of the roller coaster.

"Do you remember this?"

Pointing to the fastest and most exciting roller coaster in Shanghai, Jiang An said softly, "You said this is your favorite ride."

Lin Xixi nodded, she had already guessed what Jiang An was going to say.

"It was because of me that you didn't sit down."

"I said I must experience a roller coaster with you next time, just today, okay?"

Looking at his gentle eyes and the roller coaster like a giant steel dragon in front of her, Lin Xixi really wanted to nod. Last time, because the wound on Jiang An's head had not healed, and because he saw his fear of heights, she finally nodded. This long-awaited project was abandoned.

To this day, she has not experienced one.

To be honest, she really wanted to experience the exhilarating feeling of being on a roller coaster.

However, looking at Jiang An in front of her, she still shook her head.

"Forget it, I don't want to sit down as much as I did before."

"Besides, this place belongs to me tonight, and there's still a lot I haven't played with yet."

"Do not."

Holding her hand, Jiang An was particularly determined: "Give me one that fulfills your promise, okay?"

"I promise myself, it's absolutely fine."

Although it is difficult to control his fear of heights, Jiang An believes that he can do it. After all, he has made a lot of preparations for today.

I just hope to make up for the regrets of that day.

Looking into his eyes, Lin Xixi hesitated for a long time before finally nodding: "Okay, I promise you."

"Don't worry, Teacher Jiang, I will hold you and hold you tightly when the time comes." (End of Chapter)

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