In the water bar, Zhang Zhejie and the four of them were gossiping about each other's gifts to Lin Xixi.

"Old Lin, I think that little box of yours is very exquisite. It shouldn't be cheap, right?"

Lin Qingyou waved her hand: "Are you giving me a gift? The price is actually not important."

"If Lao Jiang hadn't cooked so many dishes today, I would have really wanted to try the cake you bought; I heard that her family is famous before, but I never had the chance to try it."

"Come on!"

Zhang Zhejie asked him to stop quickly: "Do you think it's just a cake? Old Lin, you are short-sighted. Ruojia and I put something else in it."

"It's just a cake, meaningless."

"This must be Ruojia's idea." Ning Ning pursed her lips and said, "You can't come up with such an idea."

"That is!"

Although he was sprayed, Zhang Zhejie was not ordinary proud: "Don't even look at whose girlfriend she is."

Lin Qingyou and Ning Ning were immediately amused. Of course, the point of laughter was not that he was bragging, but that after bragging, Ruo Jia pressed her hand on his arm and gradually tightened her grip.

At home, Zhang Zhejie, as the younger brother, is so arrogant. Doesn’t it mean he has no royal skills?
Ruojia's kind massage instantly made his eyes as wide as light bulbs.

My dear daughter-in-law, she is definitely ruthless.

While they were talking, they suddenly heard a roar in the distance.

There was a clanging sound, as if a giant beast was waking up.

"Oh shit, Lao Jiang is risking his life!"

Several people followed the sound and saw the slowly moving roller coaster. Zhang Zhejie, who is also afraid of heights, was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.

"It's over, it's over. He will come down later and will probably be sent to the hospital."

He knew best how serious Jiang An's fear of heights was.

"For Nvxia Lin, we, Boss Jiang, have indeed spent a lot of money."

Before he finished speaking, he was about to take out his mobile phone and call 120 in a serious manner.

But Ruojiake didn't give him face: "Stop talking nonsense, Jiang An worked so hard for Xi Xi..."

"Hey, I'm so enviable!"

Hearing that the words were wrong, Zhang Zhejie quickly expressed his position: "I can accompany you too!"

"never mind."

Ruojia slapped him gently on the stomach: "I don't know what it will be like when Boss Jiang comes down later. If there are more of you, it will be too hot and noisy tonight."

"I'm fine! Really!"

Zhang Zhejie wanted to continue to perform, but was immediately suppressed by Xu Ruojia's look.

Although Lin Qingyou didn't say anything, he gave Ning Ning a positive answer with his eyes.

You like it, so do I.

The roller coaster, which looked like a giant steel dragon, had soared into the sky about fifteen stories high, and then suddenly turned back down. Amidst the huge roar, Lin Xixi's excited screams could still be vaguely heard.

However, this was just an appetizer. Just when the roller coaster descended to a rapid speed, it suddenly stopped there as if it was stuck, even though it was late at night.

But through the bright lights of the amusement park, one could vaguely see the shadows of Jiang An and Lin Xixi hanging upside down in the air.

In this scene, Lin Qingyou also felt a little weak.

I began to worry about Jiang An above. The current amusement facilities are too powerful, and I guess even if I go up there, I won't be too comfortable.


With a loud sound, the jammed roller coaster suddenly surged down like a flood with an almost [-]-degree slope, and then disappeared into the night with inertia.

"Oh my god, Lao Jiang is dead."

The scene just now made the hairs on Zhang Zhejie's back stand up.Just at this moment, the roller coaster was reset and they hurried over. If Jiang An really had any problem, this would be the time when he needed someone.

As the safety gate opened, the pale Jiang An walked out slowly with the support of Lin Xixi.

"Frog Qu, Lao Jiang, are you still alive?!"

"Really awesome!"

Jiang An smiled stiffly and couldn't say a word.

However, Lin Xixi couldn't hide the happiness on her face at this moment. She hugged Jiang An excitedly and kissed his lips fiercely.

"Nvxia Lin, please pay attention to the impact."

Seeing this scene, Zhang Zhejie glanced at Ruojia sourly: "I know you are very excited, but we have eaten enough dog food."

"What do you know?"

Lin Xixi ignored him at all: "Do you know how much courage it takes for a person to overcome fear? His fear of heights is so serious that he is willing to ride a roller coaster with me..."

Having said this, Lin Xixi suddenly became speechless, and a pair of firm eyes looked at her with tenderness.

“There is always someone who will prepare everything for you and be willing to accompany you to do all the crazy things.”

“I’m willing to be this person.”

Jiang An's confession was not a confession. He said it at this moment, but it also gave a lot of dog food to those present.

Zhang Zhejie curled his lips and nodded affirmatively at him.

Sure enough, you are sour, you are serious.

A roller coaster is actually a bit tragic, which is enough.

However, seeing how Lin Xixi was enjoying this trick, Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou could not help but praise Jiang An angrily. It seemed that his desperate efforts were definitely worthy of such a result.

Although Jiang An had made preparations before, the number one roller coaster in the Magic City was indeed well-deserved.

When he was first up there, he barely made a sound. He was so nervous that his hands and feet were cold, and his eyes were almost bursting with tears.

It's not that the tossing is uncomfortable, it's fear.

One of the reactions of extreme fear is stomach churn.

As the roller coaster officially started, Jiang An's mind went completely blank. His only thought was not to vomit.

But to be honest, after this experience, his fear of heights seemed to have eased a lot.

Only one such exciting project is enough.

But after resting for a while, he also took the initiative to invite Lin Xixi to ride the Ferris wheel. This time Lin Nuxia rejected him.

As for the reason...

Lin Xixi didn't say anything, but everyone knew that it must be for Jiang An's health, but there was another thing that they would never guess.

When the roller coaster climbed to the highest point and hovered, she happened to see the Ferris wheel box where Jiang An confessed last time, right next to them. At that moment, the two overlapped.

"Today is really fun."

Putting down her drink, Lin Xixi suddenly wanted to catch dolls with her eyes widened in laughter. People said that the claw machines in the amusement park were different from those outside. Because of the system settings, she basically couldn't catch one even dozens of times.

He just wanted to verify whether it was the same as the legend.

"If it's your birthday today, the goddess of luck will definitely favor you."

Jiang An, who had calmed down for a long time, became the pioneer, but even though he was walking in a majestic and high-spirited manner, his calves were still a little soft.

Of course, another problem is that he has never caught a doll at this age.

I don’t know if I will show my timidity if I wait a moment. (End of chapter)

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