Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 477: Dog man, there is nothing good in his mind!

Lin Xixi lay in Jiang An's arms, nuzzling her like a little rabbit, making Jiang An feel itchy.

After all, there is nothing to say about this little girl's figure. She is excited now, and her red eyes are getting more and more pitiful.

The point is, a man can't stand the feeling of those two soft balls rubbing together, okay?
Jiang An is not a saint who stays calm.

Jiang An has always been right about people and things.

Lin Xixi was his engaged wife, and she had the responsibility to hand over some royal rations every day.

To be honest, he was about to lose it.

But now, not yet!

Although it was getting late, Jiang An wanted Lin Xixi to have a good rest. She was too tired from playing today.

"Okay, Xiaolin-san, don't be so moved, right?"

"If you really can't bear it, you can comfort me."

Although there was no word "garbage", Jiang An's car was driving so fast that he almost missed Lin Xixi.

dog man!
When he was so romantic, he actually brought up those things again. What kind of rubbish was in his mind?
Lin Xixi hurriedly broke away from his arms and stared at him warily: "You are already very tired today, okay? Don't think about all that mess."


Jiang An put his hands together: "I didn't mean that. Xiao Lin misunderstood me so much. I'm really speechless."

"I think it's in your little head that you put that rubbish in your head, right?"

Jiang An looked at her deflated look and couldn't help but laugh: "Forget it, I don't care."

"Come on, look at this."

Turning on the computer, Jiang An found a romantic movie he had prepared before, which could only be seen abroad, "The Sea of ​​Love" by the top Oscar-winning director Solomon Carlos.

This is an...X-rated movie, which is not allowed to be shown in many countries.

"How did you end up here!"

After Lin Xixi saw the title on the screen, she jumped for joy. She had heard about this movie a long time ago, according to the information she consulted.

This film combines more than a dozen different thematic factors such as love, crime, suspense, and post-age fantasy.

Under the wonderful direction of director Solomon Carlos, all the included elements are integrated into one, telling the story of love and conspiracy, helplessness, frustration, and lamentable sin in a secular context.

The entire film is 2307 minutes long, and not a single frame is garbage.

As a product of the era when black and white films and color films alternated, this film uses two-way film technology, using color film as the main line of the story, while black and white film is used to interpret the conspiracy, memories, etc. in the play.

When Lin Xixi was looking for this film, she didn't know how much effort she wasted. At most, she could only find a few one-minute clips.

The entire film is said to be difficult to view online.

Today, Jiang An actually found the complete version of this film. Could she not be excited?
"Teacher Jiang, how on earth did you do that!"

"I spent so much effort on this movie and was defrauded of hundreds of dollars, but I still can't find it."

Jiang An couldn't help but smile and pulled her into his arms: "Actually, there is nothing mysterious about it. This movie is indeed difficult to find. I also accidentally met a filmmaker when I was looking for promotion cooperation on the Internet." "He sent me a sketch."


Lin Xixi knows the value of this film best. Not to mention the complete cut, even a one-and-a-half-hour clip can be bought for a sky-high price.

"Don't lie to me, this couldn't be... some evil trick, right?"

Speaking of this, Lin Xixi even regretted telling her these words in the first place.

She never thought that Jiang An would take such a big risk for her.

In an instant, Lin Xixi's eyes turned red.

"When did our classmate Xiao Lin become so crybaby?" Jiang An couldn't help but smile. He couldn't help but laugh.

After all, Lin Xixi's reaction was a bit unusual.

"Although I am indeed willing to do some marginal things for you, this movie is really fine."

Jiang An smiled mysteriously and slowly told the whole story.

"Actually, this is a coincidence. The company is planning to launch an open-ended game soon. Lao Lin and I discussed it. Since it is a fully open-ended game with a complete universe mode."

"Then we definitely can't avoid the movie as the ancestor of video entertainment. But which movie to integrate into it and how we can successfully obtain the copyright has become the biggest problem."

"For all Hollywood movies, if the copyright is not tightly held by those film companies, even if they are willing to sell it, I don't have the money to buy it."

Speaking of this, Jiang An couldn't help but sigh. In terms of funds, as a new company, they are indeed very good, but compared with other large companies, the difference is not too big.

It's not even as good as someone else's hair, which is a drop in the bucket.

"So the two of us could only focus on public copyright movies. It was really a coincidence that we came across this one."

"Because many countries around the world did not authorize the screening of this film at the time, the director finally chose to give up the copyright after editing the film three times and changed it to public copyright."

"In this way, although all the copyright income will disappear, at least the film will be able to flow out."

"Including you know this, it is also through such channels;" Jiang An sighed and continued, the movie had already started: "But due to the general environment at the time, the film lacked publicity, so not many people really obtained, and the director and producer only released a batch at their own expense."

Lin Xixi nodded. She admired Teacher Jiang even more. His previous game ideas were particularly rigorous, and now he could find rare movies with public copyright.

These factors are destined to set off another craze for his game!
However, Lin Nuxia is still a little resentful towards Jiang An. He had such a good idea, why didn't he tell her before?
Faced with the "question", Jiang An's answer was only one sentence: "How about I tell you after I get the movie? Lao Lin and I have discussed it. If we really can't get the public copyright, we would rather Abandon this plan."


Lin Xixi felt a little regretful after saying this. Given Jiang An's character, he would not do anything like getting on the boat without buying a ticket.

"The movie has started, hurry up, I'm also looking forward to what kind of amazing content will be presented here." Pursing his lips, Jiang An opened a can of Red Bull.

Lin Xixi's mouth twitched when she saw this.

Sure enough, this bitch is still thinking about that matter in his mind. (End of chapter)

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