Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 478: A wave of technical public relations

As expected, the best thing is the one that is not allowed to be seen.

Looking at the entire "Sea of ​​Love and Sin", it is indeed as legendary. There is not a single frame in the whole movie, which is useless.

Every minute and every second, every character in the play is at risk for the entire story.

As a movie that was rated X after the film rating rules began, all the elements in it are vividly displayed.

After watching it, it gives people a hearty feeling.

"Tell me, did Lilia kill her lover in the end?" The ending of the movie is open-ended. Lin Xixi thought about it for a long time, but could not guess the truth.

Jiang An, who had been watching from an appreciative angle, seemed to be a bit like an outsider, "Ninety percent, that man is dead. He has no name in the whole play, and even the two times he appears, they are all in silhouette. .”

"But look at the last part. When Lilia hugged her husband, there was a little bit of ferocity in her eyes."

"I think that's what it's like."

Lin Xixi nodded and pursed her lower lip slightly. At this moment, she was still immersed in the aftertaste of the movie. Her slightly ignorant and obsessed look made Jiang An furious.

Even now, she was like Lilia in the movie, using her indelible charm that she displayed inadvertently, making all the men in the movie fall for her.

Jiang An was also lost in her beauty in a moment of delusion.

The fierce lips touched the soft cheek, and Jiang An was as brave as a lion, pinning his unprepared prey to the bed.

No matter how powerful the prey is, it will eventually lose resistance when facing the predator.

Soon, under this fierce offensive, Lin Nvxia gradually lost her way. Waves of weak feelings eroded her limbs, making her body no longer obey the orders at all.

The moonlight stayed shyly outside the window, and the stars gradually turned away.

The waves are rolling and the temperature is slowly rising...

Excessive fatigue cannot be stopped with a bottle of Red Bull.

Lin Xixi, who was comforted by Jiang Yao and fell asleep, was leaning on the window sill, admiring the scenery of the sun and moon outside.

It was already very late when they got home, and then they watched a movie for three hours and paid the royal rations. After all the hard work, it was almost dawn.

Although fatigue invaded him in waves, Jiang An didn't want to sleep.

He was still satisfied with Lin Xixi's birthday this time, and the little girl also looked very happy. This episode was enough.

But besides being happy, he also had to think about work issues.

The appearance of this film was simply a gift from God to him, although he proposed that he would be willing to give part of the income as a thank-you gift to the filmmaker.

But the other party rejected him without even a reason.

This also left a deep impression on Jiang An, and he would even make a decision to see with his own eyes where this immortal came from when he had the chance.

The key question now is, once the film is obtained, whether the entire film can be perfectly integrated into the game technically.

Become the brightest ace in this open-ended game.

Jiang An has researched many games on the market today. Although each one has a clear theme when it is announced, once you actually start the game, you will find that any theme or theme is all nonsense.

Their ultimate goal is to make players earn money.

He definitely plays games to make money, but he doesn't want to just make money blindly.

It is best to maximize all elements and magnetically attract all players to have a sticky gaming experience while making the money that should be earned.

And krypton gold is only one aspect, the source of big money is the corresponding advertisers.

He had designed this with Lin Qingyou before. In an open game, advertising can be embedded in almost all aspects of the game.

The key lies in whether the method of implantation will affect the game itself.

A series of technical issues and design issues were constantly lingering in his mind.Coupled with the catalyst of fatigue, Jiang An might have fainted from a headache if he hadn't been able to see the sleeping beauty next to him.

Men are the most difficult people.

But he can't bring this embarrassment back to his woman.

They are innocent.

Before you know it, the moon sets and the sun rises.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to get up. After Jiang An washed and tidied up, and prepared breakfast, he left a note for Lin Xixi and went straight to the company.

Xiao Nizi has no class today. She was so tired yesterday, so she just needs a rest.

And after a night of pondering, he did get a lot of bright ideas.

"Frog Qu, Lao Jiang, you are really a warrior."

Lin Qingyou originally thought that he came early enough, but after entering the company, he saw Jiang An waiting at his work station, staring at a pair of big dark circles under his eyes, no different from a panda.

"Did you stay up all night last night?"

Although Lin Qingyou is not a person who likes gossip, Jiang An can't help but picture Jiang An working hard to complete the task.

Although it is hard work, it is also really sweet!
"I am a berserker."

Too lazy to argue with him, Jiang An pulled him and quickly told him about the movie, along with several entry points and fitting angles that he had thought of.

Lin Qingyou was stunned for a moment and admired him from the bottom of his heart: "Sure enough, Boss Jiang is Boss Jiang. These ideas of yours are incredible. If you just throw them out, you can overturn the framework of the current game structure in the market."

"But although the idea of ​​going against Tiangang is a good one, have you considered the technical issues?"

Lin Qingyou definitely appreciated him, but she couldn't open her mouth and break her legs.

Ideas and execution, as well as technical support, must be coordinated.

"Now the merger of the two games has been completed. There are no problems with the overall structure. All character settings and the core driving functions of the entire game are also in order."

"I have made content reservations before, and speaking from experience, it is no problem. It can accommodate all the materials of the entire movie."


Having said this, Lin Qingyou paused and his expression suddenly became serious: "If you want the technology to be successful, you must give me at least a week."

"What about five days?"

Jiang An understands that five days is enough to integrate these data and complete the initial test and stabilization. Lin Qingyou said this obviously hoping that the time would be more relaxed.


Lin Qingyou's refusal was straightforward and forceful: "Lao Jiang, I didn't make any reservations. You have to give me a week this time. I wanted to give you a surprise, but I can't hide it from you."

"Now that I have integrated all the technologies and got a brand new program group, I need an operation time to embed this program group into the game."


Turning on the computer and calling up the source code of the program group, Jiang An, an expert, knew what it meant at a glance.

He immediately decided to agree to Lin Qingyou's request and extend the time from one week to half a month!

"Lao Jiang, have you made up your mind?"

Lin Qingyou took out the atomizer and took two deep puffs: "It will indeed be more stable in half a month, but our announcement may fall behind those bastards like Wang Tu."

"Can we bear all the problems brought about by this time point?" (End of Chapter)

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