Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou kept mumbling about this matter in the office.

At some point, Jiang An came back.

He just went out and persuaded several partners who were cooperating on publicity and other projects, and promised to support them in delaying the release of the game.

I originally wanted to take a good rest after arriving at the company, but as soon as I walked in, I felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

A staff member told him that there were curses from time to time at Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou's side.

It's not that I'm making a small report, the whole company knows that they have a good relationship, and the company is also under great pressure during this period. I'm just worried that they have something that they can't resolve.

"I see."

Jiang An nodded, thinking that these two guys wouldn't let him worry, so he rushed directly to Lin Qingyou's workstation with an unusually honest body.

At this moment, Zhang Zhejie was still promoting his attitude: "Old Lin, if he really wants to do that, beat him up. I will bear all the responsibilities on my own!"

"Who are you going to hit?"

Although Jiang An didn't know why, he knew that he had to suppress the boy's anger first. He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Zhang Zhejie, whose brows almost turned into knots.

"Who offended our Mr. Zhang?"

"You're back!"

Seeing Jiang An and Zhang Zhejie, he quickly pulled him over. His mysterious look made Jiang An even more curious: "What's going on? The company is very busy now. If anything happens, we should solve it as soon as possible."

Zhang Zhejie nodded and repeated what he had just said in detail. Maybe what he just said was a bit over the top.

So in many aspects, he played a little role himself.

Fortunately, Lin Qingyou kept making corrections beside him, and the establishment of Liu Youran's studio was weakened a lot.

"I know you are angry, but you can't talk nonsense."

Lin Qingyou was tired of explaining: "Lao Jiang, what do you think about this matter?"

"What do I think?"

Jiang An was delighted: "If Yang Wenqin really engages in data interception, I would be very happy."

"Anyway, not all the data we currently upload is encrypted. If he uses it, the Internet police will intercept his entry traces, and Wangtu will be closed down."

"Nima, Lao Jiang, you must have been prepared for what you said!" Zhang Zhejie's eyes were bright, but the conversation changed and Liu Youran was mentioned again.

"Wouldn't it be great for her to open her own studio, and it has nothing to do with us."

"If there is a chance in the future, we will cooperate normally. If there is no chance, forget it."

"The game industry is so rich now and the entire market atmosphere is huge. Wouldn't it be great if she could make a name for herself?"

Frog fun? !
His calmness caught Zhang Zhejie off guard: "Lao Jiang, you are really open-minded."

"Okay, if you don't mention this matter, then you are really not worried that Yang Wenqin is stabbing us in the back?"

Jiang An shook his head and couldn't help but smile: "Are you worried that he won't do this?"

"I don't……"

After all, it's all guesswork.

Jiang An hummed: "Why do you think so much? We have to face challenges in all aspects when doing business."

"No matter what Yang Wenqin does, it's his strategy execution and has nothing to do with us."

"I want to defeat Wang Tu head-on."

"What about Lady Lin? If she knows about Liu Youran, will she not let you, Lao Jiang, sleep in the toilet?" Zhang Zhejie was made uncomfortable by his calmness and indifference.

But Jiang An's answer filled him with a mouthful of dog food.

"Do you think I am a younger brother in the same family as you? Xiaolin-san won't take this matter to heart."

"The foundation of our relationship will not be shaken by any external force; not to mention us, it is you and Ruojia, as well as Lao Lin and Ning Ning."

"Do they care about this kind of thing?" Jiang An's smile became more and more intriguing: "If so, I can only say that the two brothers still need to work hard."

After leaving these words, Jiang Anfeng walked away calmly.Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou, two non-single dogs, were left here chewing dog food.

And this dog food came too suddenly.

The way he feeds me is also a bit uncomfortable, and I always feel like I'm being taught a lesson by him.

"It's over. Is it over?"

Lin Qingyou came to her senses and took two hard puffs, turning the warning light on the atomizer red.

"You should go do something serious. When the new machine is brought in, I have to quickly connect the data to it. I have been messing with you for a long time, and I must catch up on this progress."

Naturally, Zhang Zhejie couldn't refuse Lin Qingyou's eviction order.

When Jiang An went to work, Lin Qingyou also started a ruthless coding mode.

After waiting for a long time, no one cared about such a big news, and in the end, he ate it all.

Feeling a little sad?

Sighing, Zhang Zhejie stopped being an eyesore and returned to his office to "test" the game.

Because of Jiang An's decision, the entire company and its core forces were forced to work overtime.

Working overtime in the game company is simply a daily operation. Jiang An was able to control the commuting time so accurately before, because he cared for everyone.

But now, when it comes to the tough battle, some rules cannot be too dogmatic.

Lin Xixi rested at home for a day and woke up in the afternoon. Of course she also saw the WeChat message Jiang An sent her.

He explained the overtime work, Liu Youran's studio, etc.

Sure enough, Lin Nuxia's attitude was the same as what Jiang An said, and she didn't take it to heart at all.

Not to mention Liu Youran's job is opposite Jiang An, even if it is located next to Jiang An, what will happen?
Love is love, work is work.

That’s trust!
However, Lin Nuxia is indeed a little worried about Jiang An's body. For daily work, overtime consumption of physical strength is more than three times that of usual.

So Lin Nvxia, who had had a day off, decided to take care of her husband's health and diet like a good wife.

At home, she prepared thick wolfberry soup in advance, as well as the two classic dishes-twice-cooked pork and malatang.

It has been warming in the pot, quietly waiting for Jiang An's return.


After everything was ready, and after waiting quietly for 5 minutes, Lin Nuxia decisively chose to go into the canyon and kill everyone.

Wait around and keep yourself busy so that time can pass faster.

That's it!

Although they were working overtime, Jiang An also controlled the time a little better. At eight o'clock in the evening, all employees got off work.

Because he knew that Lin Xixi had worked very hard to prepare dinner, he also made a small detour and bought some snacks that Xiao Nizi liked.

But when he opened the door to his home, what greeted him was not the smell of food.

The smell of sweet juice from thick wolfberry gave him a heavy blow at that time.

This taste... absolutely amazing!
"Classmate Xiaolin, did Xingjid come to our house?"

"Why does the house smell like the evil of medieval alchemy?"

"You're back?!"

Lin Xixi ran down from the bed in surprise, without any shoes on her feet, "Is there something evil about this smell?"

"This is the blood-rejuvenating soup I specially prepared for Teacher Jiang."

"Are you exhausted from working overtime today?"

Lin Xixi's cute look made Jiang An couldn't help but smile. But the problem was that although he still couldn't figure out what the blood-rejuvenating soup in her mouth was, Jiang An still thought that the taste was quite evil. (End of chapter)

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