"Come on, Teacher Jiang, sit down quickly and try the blood-restoring artifact I prepared for you."

Lin Xixi was so confident in her craftsmanship that she even put aside the snacks Jiang An bought and pulled him to sell her blood-rejuvenating soup.

Looking at the large bowl of red and slightly sticky wolfberry soup in front of him, Jiang An wanted to ask, "Am I that weak?"

It seems that the pressure on this little girl is not enough.

Tonight, we still need to work hard!

Lin Xixi rolled her eyes at him, pouted and said, "What are you thinking about, bitch man? This is specially used to restore your health."

"I read on the Internet that working overtime consumes a lot of kidney energy."

"This is why I specially prepared the blood-rejuvenating soup for you. The wolfberries in it are all specially ordered by me. I pick them first."

"Try it quickly, it's all natural and pollution-free!"

Middle-aged people have no choice but to soak goji berries in a thermos?
Jiang An is really wronged. He is obviously still very young, okay?
But there was nothing he could do. Since this was Lin Xixi's intention, he certainly couldn't and couldn't decide it.

He smiled bitterly, and when he picked up the bowl, the smell became even stronger.

Jiang An's brows were furrowed tightly, and words about dying generously were written all over his face.

"Is it that bad to drink?"

Lin Xixi was a little unconfident because of him. In order not to make Xiao Nizi sad, Jiang An summoned up the courage to smile and drank the blood recovery soup in the bowl. No, it should be said to be wolfberry concentrate. .

Just this one bite almost sent him away.

It is too sweet!
And extremely sticky!
"Is there any water? Give me a sip, hurry up."

Lin Xixi saw that he didn't seem to be faking, so she quickly got a glass of water. Jiang An rinsed it several times before removing the sticky stuff at the bottom.

"Is it really that bad?"

Lin Xixi couldn't bear to see him like this.

Jiang An hurriedly comforted him: "It's not bad to drink, but it's a bit too strong. You can add a little less next time."

"Put less? That won't work. The video says it must be one pound."

She is so serious, what else can Jiang An say?
I can only scold those unscrupulous video authors in my heart. In order to gain traffic, they completely ignore the feelings of the audience.

Just like she had seen on her mobile phone before, someone was teaching how to make eggplant with sauce.

Three or five eggplants require a full tablespoon of yellow sauce.

It's the kind of water spoon that starts with half a pound of water used for cooking. Isn't that completely nonsense?

If you add a spoonful of sauce like that, people can turn into bacon...

Although the special blood-rejuvenating soup was a big pitfall, there was nothing wrong with the meals prepared by Lin Xixi.

She had made twice-cooked pork and spicy hotpot several times and was completely familiar with it. After dinner, Jiang An simply cleaned up and it was not even ten o'clock.

Unexpectedly, classmate Xiaolin took the initiative to invite him to bed.

What's going on?

Unable to bear the itch in his heart, Jiang An certainly couldn't miss such a good opportunity.

Was that big bowl of concentrated wolfberry soup just for free?

When a bundle of dry firewood mixed with gasoline hits a spark, it will inevitably burst into flames.

Especially today, classmate Xiaolin didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but she even wore high-quality silk.

The experience is directly upgraded.

The next morning.

Perhaps it was really the result of the concentrated wolfberry soup. Jiang An, who had not slept all night before and had been busy for half the night yesterday, actually got up at around five o'clock.

And full of energy.

When Lin Xixi woke up, the time was pushed to 06:30.

"You, hurry up and eat. Don't forget that this afternoon is the finals of the painting competition."

"Don't miss it." "Today?!"

Lin Xixi, who was eating porridge, was stunned: "Is it today?"

Jiang An smiled bitterly: "Have you forgotten?"

Lin Xixi nodded politely but awkwardly, but immediately said harshly: "So what if I forget?"

"Teacher Jiang will definitely help me remember it!"

What else could Jiang An say with her like this?
"Okay, you hurry up and eat in the morning. I'll go to the company, and then at noon, we'll have dinner together when we go back to school. Lao Zhang and Lao Lin will both go."

"Are they coming too?"

Lin Xixi pursed her lips together: "Aren't you very busy now? Maybe forget it."

"No, today is very important to you."

Jiang An looked at her insistently: "In addition, it is impossible for Xu Ningning and Xu Nuojia not to be present."

"I told you a long time ago that I must stand up and support you."

As Xu Ningning said, best friends can only show their value at this time.

"Will that really not delay the progress of the project?"

Lin Xixi was still worried, but Jiang An no longer planned to discuss the matter any further: "Don't worry, Lao Lin, Lao Zhang and I have already reserved a time in advance."

"We go to school and everyone else has their own thing to do."

Jiang An sighed. When he got busy yesterday, he realized that he was a bit bragging in front of Lin Qingyou.

There are many administrative issues that he simply cannot take care of on his own.


Especially this time, it also involves the issue of publicity and distribution, as well as the need to adjust the game registration, etc.

"There are so many departments. Even if I were torn apart, I wouldn't be able to reach them all."

So Jiang An thought for a while and decided to mobilize other relevant personnel in the company and let everyone run together.

At that time, even if they can't agree on something, they can still contact the relevant personnel first.

"If there is a time difference, then I will have corresponding opportunities."

I don't know why, but seeing Jiang An say this, Lin Xixi suddenly felt a little sad.

She knew very well that Jiang An was the kind of person who would not bring home any pressure or emotion from outside work. He was always so happy in front of her.

But can society really be so smooth when traveling abroad?
Is it...that I don't care enough about him...

The lips pressed together slightly, and Lin Xixi's big eyes suddenly became a little darker.

"what happened to you?"

Jiang An came to her side with concern: "Does Xiao Lin feel any pressure?"


Shaking her head, Lin Xixi decided to digest it all by herself. Jiang An could protect her from wind and rain and be her harbor.

Then don't you do the same and want to be Jiang An's safe haven?

Going in both directions is the eternal foundation of love.

"Just when I think that my opponent today is Liu Youran, I just want to see her paintings and what you look like in her paintings."

"Teacher Jiang, aren't you looking forward to it?"

Jiang An squinted his eyes and couldn't help but smile. In fact, he wasn't looking forward to it.

After all, he knew that no matter how skilled and accomplished Liu Youran was, all he could draw was his past self.

But in the past, it was far less real than it is now.

"I want to see what I look like in Xiaolin's mind." (End of Chapter)

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