Looking up at Jiang An, Lin Xixi suddenly felt guilty.

Jiang An missed something just now, that is, the pressure of the whole company is on him.

But, why didn’t I notice it at all?

Every day, when he was with him, he always looked so happy and carefree, and gradually got used to Jiang An's care.

Lin Xixi was coaxed by him inadvertently.

How abominable...

Biting her lower lip gently, Xiao Nizi's face turned a little uncomfortable.

"what happened to you?"

There was a brief silence, which made Jiang An come back to his senses instantly. He knew that he had just made a mistake, and he was just trying to find a reason to change the subject.

But before he could open his mouth, his mouth was blocked by a pair of cherry lips.

The sweet taste took over his heart in an instant.

Hugging fiercely, gnawing hotly, everything was soon burned by this fire, and Jiang An could no longer restrain the beast in his heart.

The moment he started to attack, Lin Xixi also became a struggling prey. Although she struggled, she seemed to be at the mercy of others.

After a violent storm, peace finally came.

Jiang An was lying on the bed, still holding his smooth body in his arms: "It's really rare for you to be so proactive today."

"But...it looks like I'll be wearing your stockings with you tomorrow."

"Dog man, do you like this?"

Lin Xixi's little face was rosy. She didn't expect that her behavior just now would get such a fierce and passionate response from Jiang An.

Although it was a sweet upgrade, a genuine product from Balenciaga was just scrapped.

Over 1000 yuan, which is a pity.

But if he likes this, can he wholesale some on a certain treasure and keep it at home?


Inadvertently, Lin Xixi's face turned even redder, and something very cool filled her head.

little girl.

Her rosy look was as cute as she could be. Faced with such a coquettish and coquettish girl, Jiang An couldn't help but smile.

Lin Xixi's face turned even redder immediately, but she had something to say here.

"You were already happy just now. Now this heroine has something serious to tell you."

"Teacher Jiang, let me ask you, who am I in your heart?"

"You?" Jiang An narrowed his eyes: "Of course she is my girlfriend, my fiancée, my wife."


"It's good that you know." Lin Xixi looked at him unusually formally, teeth marks already showing on her lower lip: "So this time I will forgive you."

"and many more."

Jiang An was confused: "What do you forgive me for?"

"It seems you haven't realized your mistake yet."

Lin Xixi was really anxious now, and her eye circles were slightly red: "Let me tell you, just like you just said, since the company is under so much pressure now, why did you never tell me?"

"Can't I know?"

"I'm also willing to share it with you."

It turned out to be the case.

When Jiang An suddenly realized this, he felt an indescribable warmth in his heart.

I didn't say anything to her, just because I didn't want to bring the depression at work back home.

Although Lin Xixi is already his fiancée, in Jiang An's eyes, he hopes that she can live happily every day.Try not to cause her any trouble.

"I know what you are thinking." Lin Xixi's tone suddenly softened a lot, and she looked at him with pity: "But we are a family."

"I really hope I can help you with anything."

"I love being happy every day, just like you are to me."

"Promise me, okay?"

At the end, Xiao Nizi's tone turned out to be a bit pleading for no reason, which instantly broke Jiang An's defenses.

It seems that two people being together is really not just what I think you need.

"Okay, I promise you."

After a long silence, Jiang An finally gave the answer she wanted.

"But in my opinion, the current pressure is normal. After all, the company is developing."

"I just didn't take these too seriously, so I didn't tell you."

"No, I hope you can tell me anything." Lin Xixi's answer was so sure and straightforward.

The way she looks now, she is no longer the heroine Lin she was in normal times. She is just a most ordinary little girl who is eager to be cared for.

Jiang An didn't say anything else, he answered with his eyes.

Although it was still very early, they were surprisingly quiet that night.

The next morning!
Jiang An got up on time, and when he was about to pack his things, he found that Lin Xixi beside him was missing.

"When did this little girl get up at night? Could it be..."

Concern leads to chaos, and a slight change makes Jiang An worried.

But immediately he saw Lin Xixi, who was only wearing a pair of snow-white silk pajamas, carrying two plates of exquisite hand cakes and coming towards him: "Teacher Jiang, breakfast is ready. Go to the toilet and take a shower quickly." ,I'm waiting for you."

"This hand cake is a luxurious and top-notch one!"

"I also bought fried tofu and thread noodle soup, waiting for you."

Frog fun...

Seeing Lin Xixi turn around and sneak into the kitchen again, Jiang An was really confused. What was going on this morning?
Although he knew that Lin Xixi had no serious lessons during this period.

But normally, Nvxia Lin would stay in bed and get some beauty sleep. Today, she was suddenly so hardworking. Could she be digging some kind of hole waiting for her?
Although Jiang An warned himself time and time again not to speculate on Lin Xixi like this.

But he just couldn't do it.

After all, all of this is so inconsistent with Lin Nuxia's character, it's almost like she's a different person.

After making up his mind to observe carefully for a while, Jiang An still followed Lin Xixi's instructions and hurriedly went to the toilet, took a shower, etc.

After everything was cleaned up, the two of them had breakfast together again. Jiang An didn't even see where the hole she had dug for herself was until it was time to go out.

Helpless, he had no choice but to surrender.

"Xiao Nizi, what kind of show are you singing today? It's better to be more direct, otherwise you will keep doing this for a while."

"I'm almost having a heart attack."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Xixi glanced at him and said arrogantly: "Now listen carefully, after careful consideration last night, this heroine has made a decision."

"From now on, I will take advantage of this period of rest to take the initiative to serve as the art producer of Jianghu Company."

"Jiang An, the president of Jianghu Company, has no right to refuse and needs to pay the corresponding fee. A kiss every morning and evening."

"So now, come on, kiss me!"

What is this operation?
Jiang An was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that it must have been what happened last night that made this little girl think about it. She wanted to help him.

In that case, what are you waiting for?
When Lin Xixi was unprepared, Jiang An suddenly hugged her, and the scene that followed was simply too sexy... (End of Chapter)

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