"Dog man, dog man!"

Lin Xixi took a shower again, changed into a set of clothes, and came out. Before the rosiness on her face faded, she began to protest to Jiang An.

"I really misjudged you this time. You were all dressed up so early in the morning. Why did you just..."

Lin Xixi really couldn't say the shy words behind her.

Jiang An naturally also changed his clothes, but this time he was in high spirits: "If you want to blame me, I can only blame Xiao Lin for being too charming."

"I am not restraining, restraining, restraining again..."

"But I couldn't help it."

Looking at him looking a bit naughty, Lin Xixi really felt that he had learned a bit from Zhang Zhejie.

"Okay, let's go quickly. You set the company's rules against being late."

"If the boss takes the lead and is fined, I think everyone will be willing to watch the fun, right?"

Faced with Lin Xixi's threat, Jiang An didn't take it to heart at all: "When I arrived at the company today, I changed this rule. At least as the boss, I can't be counted among them."

"Although they are treated a little differently, there is nothing we can do about it. Who makes them not have such a lovely fiancée as mine?"

"...Only you can say it!"

Lin Xixi's face turned rosy again, and Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "But I'm not going to the company now. If you had told me yesterday, maybe we could have left together."

"I made an appointment with someone from my superior unit to meet at ten o'clock."

"If it's quick, maybe we can go back to the company for lunch."

"Oh." Lin Xixi pouted with her small mouth: "Okay then, you go and do your work, I will wait for you at the company first."

"By the way, what kind of superior unit are you from?"

As an independent company, how could Jianghu have a superior company?
Regarding this point, Jiang An only gave a simple explanation: "Actually, this is a car company. They want our company to be included in future products."

"It can be integrated into their products. It should be considered a cooperation, but they have invested some money."

"That's why it's called the superior unit."

"I see." Lin Xixi nodded and didn't take it seriously. After the two of them went downstairs together, they broke up.

Jiang An was busy with work, and Lin Xixi also took a taxi directly to Jianghu.

Her driver's license is just a decoration, and if Jiang An doesn't use it, it will definitely be a decoration.

Lin Nuxia was in a good mood today. On the way here, she even went around to Siren's house and ordered a batch of coffee. Everyone in the company had it and agreed to deliver it in an hour.

Although Zhang Zhejie, Lin Qingyou and others call her Lin Nvxia, who among the others in the company doesn't know that Lin Xixi is their boss's wife?
Since you are the boss's wife, the CEO's wife, you have to show some attitude.

Of course, another factor is that because she received a generous scholarship this time, Lin Xixi is not a solitary person.

All the way to the downstairs of Jianghu, she was about to enter the building. Unexpectedly, she accidentally saw Liu Youran.

Today, she put on a very artistic outfit without losing the composure of a professional.

Why is she here?

Before Lin Xixi could react, she didn't expect that Liu Youran also saw her and was walking towards her.

"I didn't expect that we would meet here."

"Are you here to see Jiang An?"

Liu Youran's tone today was very calm, not at all as cold as when he was backstage at the competition yesterday. Lin Xixi nodded and smiled calmly and calmly. "Yes, they are very busy now. When I come here this time, I plan to do something to help him."

Lin Youran pursed her lips, her smile a little unnatural.

"It's good. His business is getting bigger and bigger. With your help, he can feel more relaxed."

"He has always been very relaxed since we got together." Lin Xixi's answer surprised Liu Youran, as if someone had something stuck in his throat.

I clearly didn’t say anything.

Maybe... I didn't say anything.

Slightly embarrassed and a little shaken in her heart, Lin Youran unnaturally bent her eyes, and then she could only bring the topic to the painting competition.

"I didn't expect that our answers to the topic of this dialogue would be the same."

"I have never seen him as you describe him."

"He must have been very happy when he saw that painting, right?"

"Yeah, he'd be happy."

Lin Xixi's tone was sonorous and powerful, but not hurtful. Especially the love and overflowing happiness flowing in her eyes at that moment stung Liu Youran's heart.

It also made her understand where she lost.

Although the results of the competition were judged by Professor Luo, no one in or outside the industry would question her authority regarding this Taishan.

But at that time Liu Youran was not completely convinced. After all, she was indeed better at using skills.

Could it be that the standards used in presenting the work still miss this point?

After she returned home, she couldn't figure out where she lost.

But this time, she really understood everything.

I also have a clearer understanding of how powerful Professor Luo really is.

At this moment, Lin Xixi had already walked towards the building where Jiang Hu was located. Although there was no farewell, they also needed this between them.

Sighing softly, Liu Youran walked towards the company a little disappointed but also sober.

Her studio will officially open today.

There were no boring and clichéd ceremonies. All the members of the studio, except that everyone had received a gift she had prepared in advance, had not even heard a word of mobilization.

Liu Youran told them very clearly that the first priority of the studio is to make money, and this place can also be considered a carrier.

All members are a team but also different individuals.

Maybe they are all talented, but working alone in this era requires too much capital, and not everyone can afford it.

And if one day, whoever feels that she has the ability to stand alone, she can leave the studio at any time, and she is still willing to treat the other person as a friend.

Perhaps it was her words that created the orderly yet tense and disdainful atmosphere in the studio.

Today is only the first day of business, but at least three corresponding cooperation orders have been delivered to Liu Youran's office, and all of this will be attributed to a little girl.

It has been ten years since a little girl drifted from Binhai City to the Magic City.

And at this moment, she is also here waiting for the boss, Liu Youran, to appear... (End of Chapter)

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