Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 492 Yang Wenqin: My brother also knows the art of war.

To this day, Yang Wenqin's mind is still filled with the scenes of that day.

At that time, in that huge venue, Yang Wenqin looked helpless and angry, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him.

What could he do wrong?

All problems must lie with Jiang An!
"Mr. Yang."

At this time, a beautiful woman in servant clothes opened the door and walked in. When he saw her, Yang Wenqin's eyes lit up, and the resentment weakened a lot.

"It's you, Xiao Ai-chan, are you all ready?"

Xiao Ai-chan nodded and winked at him cutely: "Do you still feel satisfied with us like this?"

Yang Wenqin snorted and waved her over, and Xiao Aijiang walked over generously.

When she walked to Yang Wenqin, her slender stocking legs were touched by him: "Yes, I really can't tell that you are over 20 years old. I thought you were only [-] or [-] years old, right?" , fifteen or sixteen years old!"

Xiao Ai-chan pursed her lips and smiled, not knowing whether it was intentional or not, but half of her ankles hidden in high heels were exposed.

When Yang Wenqin saw it, his eyes were about to shine.

If, if Xiao Ai-chan hadn't been specially prepared for that person, he would have had to eat her in the office today.

Unfortunately, now, he could only secretly suppress the fire in his heart.

Being jade or not will only ruin his plan!

This girl, including the remaining three people outside, was specially prepared by him for the big boss.

At this moment, Yang Wenqin's phone rang, and he could only helplessly retract his greedy eyes.

"Brother Liu! You called me."

"Everything is ready, I'll be waiting for you at the company."

"What? Well, I'll go to the old place!"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Wenqin stood up and straightened his suit: "Xiao Ai-chan, take your sisters with you. Let's change places today."

"Don't worry, just help me organize today's round, and I'll take care of the debt between you and Master Lang!"

When Xiao Aijiang heard this, she burst into laughter, but if someone was careful, they could still see the helplessness hidden behind little Ou Rang.

In fact, she and the three sisters outside were forced to come here today.

They were all good entrepreneurial students before, but not just anyone can get involved in the market.

This is not a start-up that has not been started yet, and the budget has been spent at the beginning.

At that time, Xiao Aijiang and the others were also full of enthusiasm. Without financial support, they actually chose to raise the loan.

But the loan thing is like a quagmire.

It's easy to get stuck in, but it's so hard to get out.

At the beginning, it was only a debt of 15 yuan, but surprisingly, it was raised to [-] yuan by that wolf man!

The four girls' families were not in good condition, and their business was more suitable for a complete failure. In desperation, they were threatened.

Mr. Lang forced them to join his company's public relations team and told them when they would pay off their debts and when they would be released.

But Mr. Lang is a complete bad guy. Xiao Aijiang and the others have been assigned by Mr. Lang to do public relations seven or eight times, but each time they can only get a little reward for their hard work.

This time, Yang Wenqin's public relations task for Wang Tu Studio was also assigned by Master Lang, but Yang Wenqin's words just now touched her heart.

As for why, these little girls did not call the police to solve the problem even when they were threatened.

Firstly, they are indeed in debt, and it is not a loan shark. Secondly, what Mr. Lang provides them is normal public relations work, which does not involve messy things.

Although it's a joke, it's not illegal.At most, he can be condemned morally.

In fact, it seems that there is nothing wrong with Mr. Lang doing this, but in fact, behind the scenes, when he assigned public relations, his income had already exceeded 15, and there were also 30 and [-].

He will never let go of these girls until all the oil and water is drained out of them.

Of course, if someone is willing to step forward and give him 15, that's another matter.

Xiao Aijiang was really happy at this moment: "Don't worry, Mr. Yang, our sisters will do our best today."


Yang Wenqin smiled and nodded, looking at Xiao Ai Jiang's look, he just felt funny.

after all……

These girls were stupid and had no idea about his relationship with Master Lang. His words were said lightly and there was no need to honor them anyway.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Yang Wenqin set off with a few girls, and the car drove fast along the way. The car stopped when they came to a secluded street in an old bungalow area.

"Let's go, you guys just came in here with me, so as not to be seen."

"Also, you all put on your coats."

Xiao Aijiang looked at the bungalow area outside from the car window, feeling a little uneasy. Why did this place look like the location of those horror movies?

Moreover, in broad daylight, there were not many people on the street, and even the surveillance cameras could not find them.

To say that I am not afraid would be a lie.

Since they were detained by Master Lang, they have seen almost all kinds of scenes, and they have a bad feeling when they come here.

"Mr. Yang, is there really nothing wrong with this place?"

"What's the problem?"

Yang Wenqin took out a box of cigars with a red flying eagle logo from the passenger compartment. This was one of the gifts he planned to give to the boss.

"This place is the most famous wealthy area in Shanghai. Although these houses are extremely old, they are all hundreds of years old."

"Each one is a separate house, and the price of these bungalows...is no worse than in the capital."

"Sisters, you have learned a lot today!"

Yang Wenqin boasted as he led them inside. After going around several yards, they finally stopped outside an all-white bungalow.

Yang Wenqin rang the bell outside the courtyard door, and soon after, the door opened by itself.

When I walked into the courtyard with the four girls, I was immediately greeted by a luxurious and intoxicating atmosphere, but there was always something indescribable about this smell.

"Sister, will there be any problem?"

A little girl quietly pulled Xiao Aijiang's sleeve and asked: "I always feel that this place seems not serious."

"It doesn't matter, there are four of us."

Xiao Aijiang also felt guilty, but she could only try to be brave this time, after all, Yang Wenqin's promise was still there.

If we can really seize this opportunity, wouldn't it be a good thing to leave it to Master Lang's control?

It's worth taking a little risk.

As they were talking, the door of the bungalow opened, and a middle-aged man with a high nose and a crisp suit came out. When Yang Wenqin saw him, he felt like he was seeing his grandfather's grandson.

"Brother Liu, are we not late?" (End of Chapter)

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