Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 493: The data may not be true, do you understand?

In front of Brother Liu, Yang Wenqin and his grandson are exactly the same, but if Jiang An is also present.

He will definitely recognize him at a glance. Isn't this the one he "caught" at that time, the senior boss!

The person who also threatened to give him technical support!
"not late."

Brother Liu chuckled and inadvertently revealed a scar on the side of his face. Xiao Aijiang and others breathed heavily.

"Come in and let's talk about business first."

Following Brother Liu's footsteps, Yang Wenqin and his party entered the bungalow. It was indeed as he said, although these bungalows didn't look very good from the outside.

But the interior decoration is indeed luxurious.

Everything is full of magnificence.

"Come on, I have something to discuss with Mr. Yang. You guys please go over there and rest first. Please feel free to enjoy the coffee, tea, drinks and other things on the table."

Brother Liu's tone was very gentle, but also carried an authoritative pressure.

But this did make Xiao Ai-chan and the others relax a lot. At least this person didn't attack them from the beginning.

"Well, you two bosses are busy first. Let's go aside and wait."

The so-called public relations is actually to accompany people to eat and drink, to create atmosphere and so on.

There are many truly useful public relations people under Mr. Lang, and they are all people who can do anything. No matter whether they are men or women, there is nothing they don’t do.

At the same time, those people also have different information about various companies.

As for Xiao Ai-chan and the others, they cannot reach that level.

If those real public relations are the core strength in Master Lang's hands, Xiao Aijiang and the others are obviously just tools to make money by skirting around.

The fate of tools is to be obedient.

Brother Liu sat across from Yang Wenqin and took the cigar he had just roasted.

"Yes, you understand me."

Brother Liu squinted his eyes with satisfaction, a thin slit, full of light of enjoyment: "Cigars are heated and ignited by roasting them over fire. Although open flames are good, they are not suitable for all cigars."

"Some honey-sweet eggplants that are stored in high humidity will not burn fully when ignited by an open flame, and the smoke will naturally be affected."

Yang Wenqin smiled flatteringly: "Brother Liu is indeed a master of gray eggplant. This is a detail that ordinary eggplant customers cannot appreciate."

"Yes, so you are also a thoughtful person."

Brother Liu obviously had something in his words, and it sounded like he was really praising his skill in burning tomatoes, but his eyes were intentionally or unintentionally glancing at Xiao Ai Jiang and the others in the lounge.

Especially when he saw several girls drinking tea, his eyes lit up even more.

"Brother Liu, are you satisfied?"

Yang Wenqin also meant something. Brother Liu hummed and slowly exhaled the smoke in his mouth: "Okay, let's be more serious. I have already taken care of the matter you asked me to help."

"If it weren't for his face this time, I wouldn't do such a disgusting thing for you."

Yang Wenqin nodded repeatedly and apologized: "Of course I know you do it for his sake, but I am very grateful that you can condescend to do this."

"You have to be grateful??" Brother Liu snorted disdainfully: "It's better to put your gratitude away, you don't deserve it."

Yang Wenqin was embarrassed, but didn't dare to say anything.

"You don't have to say anything, I know what I'm going to do."

"If Jiang An uses my technical assistance, I can get all his information for you."

"But only this time!"

Yang Wenqin nodded quickly: "That's right, that's right. It's already an honor for me to let you help me once."

As he spoke, he took out an envelope from his suit and placed it on the table. Judging from the outline, it contained a bank card.

"This is a little thought, please take it." "No need."

Brother Liu seemed very angry at his behavior and even threw away the cigar he had not finished smoking in his hand.

"Who do you think I am? Someone you can bribe?"

"No no no!"

Yang Wenqin shook his head hastily, "I didn't mean that. You helped me because of his face, and this is something else I want from you."

"Of course, don't be angry or anxious, it doesn't contain money."

"Money means nothing to you."

Brother Liu's eyes were very cold, staring at Yang Wenqin's face: "Then tell me, what is this, and who are you?"

"Don't say that."

At this moment, Yang Wenqin suddenly raised his head. He no longer looked like a grandson just now, and there was a sinister look between his brows and eyes.

"There's a good thing here. It's a person who was abroad a few years ago."

"The piece of video left behind... is on the bed."

What the hell!

Hearing this, Brother Liu was almost startled. Although Yang Wenqin didn't point it out, didn't he know what he had done?

It's just that some things have passed, and he thought there would be no traces left.

When Yang Wenqin saw this, he knew that he had won.

This time, I was able to deceive the guy in front of me into setting a trap for Jiang An. He was a favored person.

But Yang Wenqin is not satisfied with this. Although their game has not yet been launched, based on their understanding of Jiang An.

He either doesn't produce anything, but once he produces something, it will be a high-quality product.

Especially this time, he blatantly postponed the announcement, which shows that he is holding back his ultimate move.

Although Wang Dong's team is good, Yang Wenqin also thinks that his game is very good.

But in order to kill Jiang An, he decided to get multiple insurance.

A very important part of the game is running data!
"As an independent gamer, I think you must have many friends in this area."

"So if you help me, I will give you more rewards later."


The corner of Brother Liu's mouth twitched, and with Yang Wenqin's look, he knew he had no choice.

Although he was angry, he did not have the courage to refuse. After all, with his current status in the gaming industry, if the incident back then was exposed, his career would definitely be greatly compromised.

Not to mention the domestic ones, overseas alone, his cooperative relationships with some large independent game studios and producers will be destroyed.

It also includes some of the compensation he may face.

After gritting his teeth for a long time, Brother Liu lowered his proud head like a defeated rooster: "Okay, I promise you."

"But you have to promise, this is the only one."

Yang Wenqin was so happy that his eyes turned into slits with laughter: "Don't worry, of course it's just this one. Otherwise, if I make you really anxious, why don't you kill me?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Xiao Aijiang and the others who had fallen asleep in the lounge at some point: "Okay, it's almost time now, so I won't delay your good deeds here."

"This is my thank you."

A 50 gold card was thrown on the coffee table.

Brother Liu looked at the card, then looked at Xiao Ai Jiang and the other four. He really couldn't tell what his emotions were. He could only say something to Yang Wenqin with a smile on his face, "I hope you can remember what I said today!" "(End of chapter)

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