Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 504: There are some opportunities, I don’t care

When Yang Wenqin answered the call, he stood up and walked around to the small mezzanine in the office.

This place is where he usually rests.

About five minutes later, Yang Wenqin walked out with a cheerful face: "You continue to watch here, I'll go out."

"Tonight's data shouldn't change much. I'll have them prepare a midnight snack later."

"Mr. Yang."

At this time, Wang Dong suddenly came forward and stopped him: "Tonight is particularly important to us."

"You want to go out?"

"Wang Dong, I leave the overall situation to you."

Yang Wenqin pushed him and said with crooked eyes: "It's all up to you how much you can achieve tonight."

"Mr. Yang!"

Wang Dong originally had something to say, but Yang Wenqin had already broken through the door. Looking at his leaving figure, Wang Dong felt extremely unhappy.

This guy is clearly irresponsible.

Although the studio's results are all based on running data, one-third of the millions of traffic is real.

More than 100 million downloads are already a very good result for a brand new game.

"You bastard, why can't you see other people's results?"

Wang Dong squinted his eyes and waited for a while before calming down his excitement.

"Come on, let's keep an eye on it tonight. I think the situation is very good now. Let's open up a backup download line!"

Under the leadership of Wang Dong, everything in Wang Tu Studio is on track.

Their staff didn't rest all night, and as a competitor, Jianghu, Zhang Zhejie led his team to supervise them all night long.

And at his forced request, Lin Qingyou was also pulled to work overtime.

Without her technical support, if Zhang Zhejie wants to know the opponent's running score data, the error will definitely be very large, although Jiang An has not planned to do anything yet.

But people made it clear that Yang Wenqin must pay the price.

Naturally, what Zhang Zhejie is doing for them now is preliminary preparation work. Such behavior requires more accuracy and caution.

Therefore, they also worked overtime at the company overnight.

If Lin Qingyou couldn't bear it any longer this morning, Zhang Zhejie could have pulled him to continue to endure the red eyes.

As a veteran figure in the world, Zhang Zhejie definitely paid attention this time, but in comparison, Jiang An's behavior was not too irritating.

Yesterday, while others were busy working, he dragged Lin Xixi to flirt with her in the office.

Everyone was doing their best, holding candles and fighting in the field, and Jiang An and his wife went directly to the red house to eat Western food.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhejie had the illusion that the emperor was not as anxious as the eunuchs were: "Sometimes I really feel that I am redundant."

"Are you also a member of the company? Besides, Jiang An must have his own plans."

Xu Ruojia, who came to deliver food to Zhang Zhejie, also knew the situation here and specially ordered breakfast this morning to be delivered to the company.

"I also know that Lao Jiang must have a plan, but he is too stable and makes us seem like we are not serious."

After taking a big mouthful of sweet bird's nest porridge, Zhang Zhejie felt like he was alive.

"No wonder people say eating bird's nest is good."

Looking at the bird's nest porridge on the table, Zhang Zhejie said with emotion: "Sure enough, one bite will make you full of energy. From now on, we will eat this every day."

"Eat it too, it will make you white and tender!"

If Zhang Zhejie didn't look so crooked in his eyes at the end, Xu Ruojia would really believe that his purpose was pure.

"Asshole, stop talking so much and eat quickly. It will cool down in a while."

Zhang Zhejie chuckled. Although he was trying his best to hide the embarrassment of having his arm twisted, he was really happy at this moment.

It's just that some people are happy, but some are not.

When Liu Youran opened her studio today, she unexpectedly met someone who made her feel instantly bad.

Yang Wenqin!
At this moment, Yang Wenqin was wearing a stiff suit, but the collar of his shirt was wrinkled, and he smelled of alcohol.

Liu Youran looked at him and took an unnatural step back.

"Why are you here?"

"Why not?"

Yang Wenqin laughed, and regardless of whether Liu Youran wanted to or not, he opened the studio door and walked in.

"I didn't expect your studio to be pretty good." Yang Wenqin looked around carefully: "It's just a little small. There are so many art studios now. If new ones want to gain market share, they have to do a lot. big."

"Only when you are big can people see your strength."

"It's none of your business."

Liu Youran didn't want to talk nonsense with him: "Tell me, why are you here today."

"Can't you ask me to sit down?"

Yang Wenqin smiled a little sinisterly, because it was not yet time to work in the studio, so there were only two of them here.

But Liu Youran didn't care. He took her to the office and handed her a glass of water.

"Can you speak now?"

"Hey, is this right? Do you remember what you and Yang Tao did to me at that time?"

The corner of Yang Wenqin's mouth tilted into a smile, and his eyes narrowed to a slit.

He would never forget that day when he just wanted to invite the two of them to have a meal but was rejected.

"You are an artist, so I believe what happened yesterday. Did you hear about it?"

Yang Wenqin threw the adjusted mobile phone in front of Liu Youran. It contained his detailed income and data of yesterday. Not only that, but more importantly, it was the ranking logo of Wangtu Studio and Zai'e Factory Mall.

"Did you see that the game I produced this time had nearly 400 million downloads in just one day?"

"The income is more than 500 million."

"After my studio closed down last time, do you still remember what you did to me?"

"You're just saying this?"

Seeing his shameless look, Liu Youran was really disgusted: "If that's the case, I heard you, you can leave."

"Do you not care at all that I'm so good now?"

Yang Wenqin looked at her in surprise: "It turns out that Jiang An has been beaten to death by me this time, and I'm not afraid to tell you that if Jiang An's future games are online, he will suffer the same fate as me."

"This is his retribution! And when I come here today, I actually hope to cooperate with you."

"If your studio wants to develop, you always need a stable unit to support you."

After saying that, Yang Wenqin was half-lying on the chair, looking as if he had already decided on Liu Youran: "First of all, it is impossible for Jianghu to cooperate with you. You also have to develop. Don't do anything to make yourself regret just for the sake of one breath." matter."

"Youran... to be honest, only I will give you a chance."


Liu Youran couldn't help but smile and glanced at Yang Wenqin: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"of course."

Yang Wenqin chuckled: "My studio and I need you. Besides, don't you think I am better than that Jiang An?"

"No matter how good you are, what does it have to do with me?"

Liu Youran rejected his voice, who was cold and lowered her eyes just to cover up the sting in her heart.

Yes, Yang Wenqin has nothing to do with her.

What about Jiang An?

He is so good, but he has nothing to do with me...

The quiet twitching in his heart made Liu Youran sigh unnaturally. When Yang Wenqin saw this, his eyebrows twitched: "You rejected me without even thinking about it?"

"Don't tell me that you are still thinking about Jiang An."

"Don't you think you're ridiculous?" Yang Wenqin looked like a savior, staring at Liu Youran: "Jianghu developed earlier than my studio, and you are opposite them, but has Jiang An come to see you?"

"Has he ever given you a contract to work with?"

"How ridiculous."

Perhaps because he was irritated by such a straightforward rejection, Yang Wenqin's face gradually turned ugly: "I advise you to think about it carefully."

"Now that Wang Tu is relying on the honor and traffic he has received, he will definitely be able to obtain huge amounts of diversion investment in the short term."

Yang Wenqin shook his head, "So if we cooperate, I can give you part of these diversion investments."

"The king's plan will expand, this is inevitable."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that we have received three diversion investment intentions."

"So if you miss this opportunity, I can't guarantee whether we can still cooperate in the future." (End of Chapter)

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