"That's enough, please get out."

Liu Youran removed the water glass in front of Yang Wenqin without looking at him. The eviction order was right in front of him, and a closed door would not be too far away.

Yang Wenqin looked at Liu Youran, who had his back turned to him, and raised his eyes fiercely: "Very good, Youran, if you regret it, maybe I am willing to give you a chance."

Wangtu Studio!
Wang Dong, who had been working hard all night, saw that the game data had stabilized and he could finally sit down and take a rest.

A cup of rich, pure American food is his sustenance to relieve fatigue.

"Brother Wang, look, our game is now in the Goose Factory Store, ranking No. 4."

"If we keep this up, relevant personnel should contact us in three days."

A young man wearing glasses in the working group said with high spirits.

In contrast, Wang Dong was much calmer: "Do you think we can maintain it for three days?"

Yesterday was the first day the game was launched. If you dominate the rankings for five days, the most people will throw you one intention for discussion, unless it can be like a dog fight at the beginning.

Only if you continue to dominate the rankings and have explosive results can you be favored by major manufacturers.

"The largest game company in China right now is Goose Factory. Will such a behemoth care about us?"

The young man didn't quite agree with what he said: "Then the last time they were in Jianghu..."

"The rivers and lakes are the rivers and lakes, and the king's picture is the king's picture."

A team led by someone like Yang Wenqin has too many false positives.

Moreover, he does not fully trust Wang Dong.

"You have been busy all night and you should go and rest. By the way, if Mr. Yang comes back in a while, remember to call me and I will tell him something."

Wang Dong felt that from last night to today, all the data that came out were much different.

If this continues, it will be easily discovered by Goose Factory.

Once something goes wrong, Yang Wenqin's studio may face a second bankruptcy, which is even worse.

According to the relevant codes issued by the goose factory, once they are caught, they will have to face high compensation and bear corresponding legal liabilities.

The legal team of Nanshan Pizza Hut is no joke.

The young man agreed and went to bed. Generally speaking, the number of game downloads during the day on weekdays will decrease a lot, which is a normal period.

So as long as the technicians follow up, everyone should take a break and save work.

Unexpectedly, before he finished his cup of coffee, Yang Wenqin came back with a head filled with resentment and grabbed him to discuss the matter of increasing the data.

"Mr. Yang, you don't really think that the supervisors at the Goose Factory are all fools, do you?"

Yang Wenqin smiled: "No one said anything about them, but now that the game has such a large streaming volume, Goose Factory has made a lot of money from its own advertising investment."

"Will he take care of us?"

Wang Dong disapproved of this kind of luck mentality: "I think it's better to be safe."

"If something happens, you don't have to bear it."

Yang Wenqin's mind was filled with Liu Youran's indifferent attitude. The thought of being shown off by that woman again made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

I had no choice but to turn this fire into motivation for work and make more money.


Wang Dong spread his hands, and he was the boss: "Then I will contact them. In addition, do I want to implant a gift bag or something in the game, just as a surprise easter egg for my players?"

Yang Wenqin shook his head: "There is no need to do this. A good game is to allow players to cherish every game resource."

Nodding, Wang Dong said nothing more and followed Yang Wenqin's instructions.

Two days have passed in the blink of an eye, and the number of downloads of Yang Wenqin's games, secretly promoted, still maintains the fourth position in the rankings, and may even catch up with No. 3.

Gouchang Building, Application Department.

Liu San stared at the data graph on the screen with a somewhat indifferent expression.

As an employee of the Penguin App Store, his daily job is to look at data and supervise the loading capacity of each game and other related issues.

After clocking in this morning, he followed the work process and checked the data as usual.

It is said that a newly launched game can achieve such a high number of downloads in one day and one night, so it should be promoted with emphasis.

But experience told him that there seemed to be something wrong with these data. "You seem to have something on your mind?"

Zhang Neng, a colleague on the side, brought him a cup of coffee: "Did you have a good rest last night? Or is your girlfriend sick and getting serious again?"


Liu San waved his hand: "She is so alive now that she can throw me out; I think there is something wrong with this."

As he spoke, he pulled up the data and asked Zhang Neng to look at it together: "Here, it's this game, produced by Wangtu Studio;"

"What's wrong with this game?"

Looking at the high number of downloads, Zhang Neng was quite happy: "With such a large amount of traffic, it may become a hit."


Liu San shook his head and questioned very firmly: "Look, although the download volume of the game is high, what about the game time?"

"I just checked and the previous announcements and preparations for this game were very good."

"I believe there is already a player base in the market and high expectations."

"For a game like this, after it is open for download, the number of players who choose to go in for a physical examination as soon as possible should be at least 77%, but look at this."

Pointing to the experience time table on the screen, which was less than 30%, Liu Sandao said: "The longest online time in this game is 35 minutes."

"The shortest time is less than 1 minute. Log in to your account, enter the game, and then exit the game directly."

"Don't you think there's a problem?"

When he said this, Zhang Neng also felt that something was wrong, but the two of them were not in charge of technology and could not conduct further verification.

"How about we transfer this matter to the Technical Supervision Department?"

Liu San also means the same thing: "This matter must be taken seriously. I suspect that this is the game manufacturer behind the scenes, arranging the leak; the company is now focusing on cracking down on this kind of behavior."

Zhang Neng smiled disdainfully: "If you dare to play this trick in our company, the game factory will die?"

The butcher's knife of Nanshan Pizza Hut is not for cutting tofu.

"Now are we just a suspicion."

"If it's such a hard work, please contact the technical department, and I'll report this to the director."

Liu San and Zhang Neng performed their respective duties, and at the same time temporarily handed over the monitoring data issues to comrades in the same group.


Jiang An took Lin Xixi to work as usual and continued working as usual.

But what is a little different today is that Jiang An is preparing to launch the game in advance this afternoon.

Lin Qingyou and his technical team members are fully prepared.

"Lao Jiang, now we have to wait for the approval of the Goose Factory Mall, and our game will be operational immediately, but your game name..."

Jiang An smiled: "No matter what the name is, it is a good game. Besides, isn't this also the feedback from the Goose Factory?"

Due to force majeure, the name of Jiang An's game was finally proposed to be changed to "A New World for Dogs" by the relevant departments of Goose Factory.

Although it was a bit different from their original intention, Jiang An felt that it was acceptable.

“A good game is not in the name.”

Lin Xixi held a large cup of milk tea and took a sip: "It's mainly the words "Produced by Jianghu" that make it a golden sign."

If it weren’t for Jianghu Studio’s success in Goose Factory, they wouldn’t have been able to carry out such a challenge in the Penguin App Store.

"No matter what time it is, it's what my grandfather said. To strike, you need to be strong." Zhang Zhejie rubbed his aching temples at the side: "The world is still the same world. This is our gold medal arrow."

While everyone was talking, suddenly an email reminder popped up on Lin Qingyou's background. When he opened it, he saw that it was the online key sent by Penguin.


Putting down the atomizer, Lin Qingyou entered the key into the background after getting Jiang An's signal, and their new game was officially launched.

During his operation, Jiang An also contacted Xiaotian. She and many other little sisters had been ready and ready to accept Jiang An's signal at any time.

Once their game goes online, Xiaotian and the little sisters will be broadcast live on multiple platforms at the same time.

Not to mention other publicity and distribution companies and channels, as partners, they are now even more focused than Jiang An. As long as the application mall opens the link, they will also export to the market through their respective channels. (End of chapter)

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