Chapter 509 Swinging a Sledgehammer "Xiaotian is ready."

Lin Xixi, who helped Jiang An operate the mobile phone, said: "She has made appointments with more than 100 game anchors. Although they are not the top ones, they all have a certain fan base."

“Now we’re getting ready to jump into the game.”

"very good."

Jiang An looked at her serious look and couldn't help but smile: "Xiao Lin, after we finish today, we will take you to eat something delicious."


Lin Xixi's eyes widened with laughter. At this moment, Xu Ningning quietly slapped her arm: "Don't be too happy too early."

"When Wangtu Game was launched, it was spinning all day and all night."

"I think they are pretty much the same."

Xu Nuojia, who was temporarily pulled over by Zhang Zhejie to witness the miracle, also agreed: "Yes, and Boss Jiang is always so motivated, he might not sleep for several days in a row."

"I think it's not easy for you to get this meal into your mouth."

The two of them sang together, which instantly made Lin Xixi extremely happy, because what they said made sense.

Seeing this, Jiang An could only promise with a wry smile: "I won't do that anyway. There are so many people in the company, so I don't have to be here to watch."

"Come on."

Lin Xixi shook her head. She knew best how much Jiang An had paid for this game: "You, if you want to treat, you can't just treat me."

"There are so many people, and everyone has a share; it's for this game."

"How much did they pay?"

Lin Xixi pursed her lips and took Jiang An's arm: "So, if you want to treat me, you should treat everyone. As for this heroine, you will have many opportunities in the future."

"There's nothing wrong with saying that!"

Zhang Zhejie immediately echoed: "Anyway, Nvxia Lin is yours now. If you want to be sweet, Lao Jiang, why don't you do it anytime and anywhere?"

"But not brothers!"

When he said this, he did not forget to embarrass several key personnel present. When everyone was coaxing, Jiang An had no intention of refusing, and now it was a matter of course.


"It must be a treat."

"That's it."

Zhang Zhejie raised the atmosphere and achieved his goal: "Then I'm going to book a hotel. Boss Jiang, what are the standards this time?"

"There is no upper limit."

Jiang An was particularly happy. Even though the game was still being recorded and the server was not launched, and the results of the first launch were still uncertain, he felt that no matter what, it was appropriate to treat everyone as a guest.

Lin Xixi was right. Everyone present, including Ruojia, had worked very hard for this game.

Just say that Zhang Zhejie is doing business outside again and again, handling public relations and so on. Within two days, he will drink himself like mud.

Isn't that all thanks to Xu Ruojia's care?

Otherwise, as his brother and boss, how could he leave Zhang Zhejie to others?

Although some people work in secret, as a boss, we cannot forget other people’s hard work.

The atmosphere at the scene became much more lively due to such a fuss. At this time, Lin Qingyou had already entered all the games into the mall and successfully launched them.

"Notice, the plan begins!"

Jiang An gave the order, and everyone was communicating as if a switch had been turned on, because after the game was entered, it could be downloaded at Wang's house, and there was still a 5-minute detection time.

This time difference can also be exploited to coordinate the use of all channels for publicity and distribution.

Five minutes later, the game promotion of "Sledgehammer" appeared on all leading domestic platforms and channels. Xiaotian and her sisters' live broadcast of the game instantly filled the atmosphere of entertainment promotion.

"Damn it! This is a game of the world!"

In a college, the young guys who had just finished school and were bored suddenly saw the message on their mobile phones, and the class was excited.

When Jianghu launched Gou Ling Gou before, they were loyal players.

How can you miss this game called "Sledgehammer"?
There are at least 50 students in a class in a college, and how many grade groups and classes are there in a school?
The dog became so popular that it became a topic of conversation among classmates on campus.

Naturally, they will not miss the newly released games this time.

"This game! Awesome!"

Even the teachers in the Academic Affairs Office couldn't help but sigh after registering. Who could not be confused by such a grand and complete exploratory game with a world mode in the universe?
Suddenly, "Sledgehammer" became popular in thousands of households.

In Xiaotian's live broadcast room, there are many elder brothers who want to play Cloud Piercer after downloading the game to experience it!
“The anchor’s recommendation is awesome!”

"Enter with confidence, no pitfalls!" "666! I have opened the door to a new world!"

"Jianghu, yyds!"


Relevant units that cooperate with Jianghu are also doing their best to maintain all aspects of data and content.

During the announcement period, the server is kept stable, the network speed, optical flow is normal, and the variable system load capacity can be controlled to maximize the simulation core, etc.

Work like this is also busy among them.

Exactly six and 10 minutes have passed since the game was announced and launched.

"Sledgehammer" has become No. 1 on the Hourly Gang, and it is also No. 28 on the new game download list and No. [-] on the game list.

450 million downloads!

“Damn it, Lao Jiang, you’re even more awesome this time!”

Zhang Zhejie stopped pretending, took a bottle of Heineken, imitated Bond, and said in a low voice: "One hour, 450 million to [-], if calculated according to the data."

“The conversion rate of our old users has reached over [-]%. With such a level of stickiness, who wouldn’t be confused after reading it?”

"It seems that there is no problem for me to bring a Cullinan."

"Cullinan? See if you want this."

As Zhang Zhejie said this, Lin Qingyou, who came to the side, deliberately swiped a beautiful picture of the game for him, a little girl with silky pants, and sent it to him.

Zhang Zhejie glanced at it subconsciously and was stunned: "Old Lin, your optimization effect is amazing. These stockings look like Chanel."


"Have you ever seen Chanel stockings? I haven't. Where did you see them?"

When Zhang Zhejie heard Xu Ruojia's faint voice, he wanted to give himself a mouthful.

Make you stupid!

Let’s go!
He was obviously talking about good results in the game, but he forgot that Xu Ruojia was right next to him.

Zhang Zhejie's first reaction was not to apologize, but to deliberately hide the bottle.

"Look at you like that! Are you trying to hack me?"

Originally, Xu Ruojia was just teasing him, but she didn't expect this guy to do this. Wasn't he hinting to everyone that she would usually hit him with a wine bottle?

It's too much!

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble."

"I was just joking!"

Zhang Zhejie looked like he was wrong, which made everyone laugh. At this moment, Xu Ningning also thoughtfully helped Lin Qingyou replace the new atomizer bomb in the atomizer.

"Xixi, why don't you also sign up to play?"

Jiang An and Lin Xixi were both in the office at the moment. He felt it was a bit too noisy outside, and the game data was good, which he expected.


In fact, Lin Xixi had wanted to play for a long time, but she saw that they were all busy, even using her mobile phone to help contact Xiaotian, so she didn't say anything.

When Jiang An said this, she would definitely agree immediately.

After downloading and registering, Lin Xixi also started the official game experience.

Within 5 minutes, she was completely immersed in this new world.


An absolute stress reliever!
"Teacher Jiang, you are really a genius."

"No, genius doesn't have to be just one more thing than talent."

Jiang An looked at him and couldn't help but smile into slits: "I just monitored it, and the game downloads increased by 5 in 35 minutes. Counting all of us, there are now a total of 790 million downloads."

"This result has already surpassed that of a dog. It also knocked Wang Tu's game off the list."

"Has it been successful?"

Lin Xixi's little mouth pouted into a heart: "This is so awesome. It took just a moment to squeeze them out. I think this time I will definitely be ranked first on the list!"

"I think so."

There are some things that Jiang An just does his part: "But looking at it this way, the data is still growing. I want to see what the peak value is." (End of Chapter)

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