Jiang An is very clear that the current data is just a dynamic line. Before reaching the peak, the absolute value of this "Sledgehammer" has not been fully developed.

Lin Xixi nodded. She also wanted to see what kind of miracles this game would create.

"But Teacher Jiang, it's almost noon now, how about we eat something first?"


Looking at her, Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "What do you want to eat?"

"do not ask me."

Lin Xixi pointed outside the office: "We need to bring everyone's share. They can buy whatever they like to eat."

"As expected of the boss lady, are you so considerate of your subordinates?"

"Ignore you!"

Lin Xixi blushed and turned to the side, looking very angry, but Jiang An knew that the little girl must be enjoying herself secretly.

It was a pleasure for others to call her boss lady, but for her, it would be a different kind of teasing.

"Okay, I know what they like."

At times like this, of course, some excitement is needed!
Only spicy and numbing can further touch everyone's nerves.

Jiang An quickly ordered a lot of new Sichuan dishes.

To knock on the blackboard, Sichuan cuisine pays attention to the various flavors of cabbage, and the same applies to new Sichuan cuisine. Being spicy all the time is a mistake.

There are a lot of people in the company, and they all have their own tastes, so Jiang An uses spicy food as the basis, and then adjusts it with various complex-flavored dishes.

This way, basically everyone can find a favorite dish or two.

"I don't know whether I pay for this work meal or our boss's wife pays for it." After Jiang An paid the bill, he didn't forget to tease Lin Xixi.

But this time the landlady was too generous: "Of course it's my treat. I don't care about this little money."

"So heroic!"

Jiang An wanted to give her a thumbs up, but said, "If this is the case, how about you take part in the celebration party afterwards?"

"Come on."

Lin Xixi immediately shook her head and said sternly: "That's what you, the boss, should express to everyone. How can I take the credit?"

"This opportunity is still reserved for Boss Jiang, yes, that's it!"

Seeing her cute look, Jiang An smiled from ear to ear.

They were happy and peaceful here, and everyone was full of energy, but Wang Tu's studio on the other side was almost boiling.

Yang Wenqin looked at the backend data in front of him and the ranking list of the Goose Factory App Store, and he was so angry that he almost smashed his computer.

"what the hell!"

"Why did our data decline so fast!"

It was clear that he was ranked fourth just now, but in a short time, he was ranked seventh, and then fell directly out of the top ten.

And rising with it is "Sledgehammer" which is soaring all the way!
"Wang Dong, how do you explain!"


Wang Dong smiled: "Boss, shouldn't you call your friends and ask? This is obviously their fault."

"What does it have to do with me?"

Find someone to run the data. Now that the data is collapsing, does it have something to do with the technical team?
Of course, although Wang Dong didn't say anything, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

It seemed that what she was most worried about might happen.

However, Yang Wenqin didn't expect that much, "No, if they have a problem, they will definitely contact me in advance. With such a rapid decline rate, I think there is something wrong with the game itself."

"Go! Check it out for me!"

Wang Dong waved his hand, indicating that she didn't need to: "We monitor the game's internal data 24 hours a day, and everything is running stably."

"This can't be an internal problem within the game!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Dong did not forget to add another sentence: "If the problem lies with the technical team, I will burn this core code into a CD and eat it in front of you!"

At this time, Yang Wenqin was a little panicked.

Wang Dong dared to speak like this, he was absolutely confident, so the problem still lies with those who crawled the data.

After making several calls, only one person answered, and the other person even told him.

Now there is a little problem with the data group, and many operating signals have been disconnected from them.

Right now, including the lines in the hands of that person, they have to be suspended, otherwise she is worried that they will be exposed.This kind of illegal behavior, once caught, requires very serious legal liability.

Even if it is the lightest punishment, he still has to eat steamed buns for three years.

Who could be careless?
In other words, from now on, Yang Wenqin will have no one to help him run data.


Throwing down his cell phone, Yang Wenqin leaned back on his chair weakly, because what he lost was not just simple data, but also millions of dollars in income, or even more.

Wang Dong saw that the result was the same as he thought, but there were still people safe, which made him feel relieved.

"Mr. Yang, actually don't worry too much. Our games are still very playable, and the games themselves are also high-quality."

"Even if the initial income will be reduced, if you continue to operate, you will still be able to make money. It's just a question of how much."

Anyway, it has basically paid back.

No matter how much money you make in the future, you will make it.

She has a good attitude, but Yang Wenqin is not good at it: "You can make money no matter how much you make? Wang Dong, when did you become so easy-going?"

"That's millions! Or even tens of millions!"


"Then what else can you do?" Wang Dong hated his sour face from the bottom of his heart: "Now we only have one way to open up water, and besides, trickling streams, as long as there is water, it is not empty."

"You go out!"

Yang Wenqin didn't want to continue talking with him. He still had to think of ways to see how to get the data started.

Goose Factory Headquarters Building.

Liu San was just called into a temporary meeting by the diocese, and this will bring him back to the department with the contents of the meeting.

"Zhang Neng, Xiaojia, you two come here."

Needless to say, Zhang Neng has always had a good relationship with Liu San. The two are also partners, and Xiaojia is a technician in their department who is responsible for the control of the mall system.

She may not look like a little girl, but her skills are quite good. She had a big hit in the past when her traffic exploded.

The mall server suffered a momentary pressure change crisis, which was easily solved by Xiaojia.

I have to say that the power of netizens is really terrifying. Even if Gouchang doesn’t pay attention, there will be times when he can’t resist.

The two came outside the office, and Liu San took them to a tea room that could be closed.

This place itself is used by the company to discuss business.

"Listen, the technical team and the director have just discussed that this is a game produced by Wangtu Studio, yes, Wangtu Studio."

"There is a problem of black-box operation. All data traffic has been detected to be abnormal and is being tracked by the technical team."

“We also discovered a number of screen-spinning channel lines for running scores and chasing lines.”

Zhang Neng chuckled: "Look, it's the same as what I said, right?"

"Xiaojia, I have a cigarette, is that okay?"

Xiao Jia pursed her lips and did not speak. Instead, she took out a box of cigarettes from her pocket and threw it to Zhang Neng: "These are the foreign cigarettes my friend brought me two days ago. You are the only one who smokes them in the whole office. It's just right for you." is you."

"Thank you." Zhang Neng lit one and continued: "Then what does it mean, is it ready to hold people accountable?"


Liu San got excited when he talked about this: "The thing given now is to be implemented separately. The technical team and the legal department will control and trace the evidence line, and the other will immediately contact the relevant units and departments; the rest is for our department to do."

"That is to say, the game is suspended in the mall, and in accordance with the regulations and the contract, the advertising commission is withheld, and the financial department is contacted, and the relevant departments and banks are immediately contacted."

“Freeze all channel funds; then it’s time to fix the data.”

Liu San finished all the requirements in one breath. The three of them simply coordinated their opinions and performed their duties to perform the task. This kind of thing cannot be delayed.

Back at his work station, Liu San was about to start saving the seal key, but he accidentally noticed the game rankings in the mall.

"Sledgehammer" suddenly appeared before his eyes, with 800 million downloads, trial play, and sustained data of up to 92%, which made him nervous at the time.

"Don't be another data-fingerprinter!"

He cursed and took a closer look. When he saw the publisher's mark, he felt relieved instantly.

If it's Jianghu, then no problem.

The last time a dog killed a dog and created a myth, this new sledgehammer must be another god hunter, but it may replace their own previous achievements. (End of chapter)

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