Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 508 Yang Wenqin: Waiting online, it’s quite urgent

"It seems that this world is really interesting."

Liu San touched his chin thoughtfully: "It was already a super achievement last time. Such young blood can continuously create brilliance."

"It's true, we had an internal recommendation last time, so we made a good bet."

Zhang Neng nodded. He also meant the same thing: "But now we have to continue to look at it. Wangtu itself is also an emerging company."

"But you look at what they do."

Speaking of this, Zhang Neng still felt a little regretful, "I just took a look at the data. If we don't count the downloads that they brushed out, there are more than 100 million downloads. For a studio of their size, they have already reported It’s more than a gain.”

As a back-end employee of Goose Factory, all games listed in the app store, from the development company to all related units involved in production and promotion, must be registered.

Just look at the industrial and commercial number and you can quickly determine the size and volume of the other party.

"This is why people's hearts are not ancient."

As Liu San spoke, he was already performing a traffic interception operation. The first step in blocking the key was to intercept the traffic at both ends: "I guess he wants to make more money, or he just wants to become famous in one fell swoop."

"But not everyone can be Cameron."

Mentioning that great director, Liu San's eyes were filled with admiration.

After work, he is also a senior movie fan, especially Cameron's movies, which are almost crazy.

Of course, in addition to the excitement of his own movies, what he admires more is Cameron's journey.

For a truck driver back then, he was able to achieve such great success after changing careers. It was luck, but it must also be ability.

Liu San used to work in other industries, and later switched to the Goose Factory. Perhaps this was also his hope for himself.

"There's only one Cameron."

Zhang Neng was also operating at the side. They were all familiar with data tasks and could handle them with their eyes closed: "Either, to reach a new height beyond him, or to be unique, afraid of other people's success and not being able to copy it."


The two of them finished their work while talking.

Other departments of Goose Factory also coordinated and cooperated. In less than 10 minutes, the game developed by Wangtu Studio was urgently stopped.

At the same time, all registered players are also targeted by all accounts.

This is an operation that complies with relevant regulations and is mainly used to trace account security and compliance.


Wang Tu Studio.

Yang Wenqin was not in a general panic at this moment.

Because just 1 minute ago, they received a notice from Goose Factory stating that their game had risk issues, so they were urgently stopped.

At the same time, based on the contract signed with the application mall before listing, they need to submit the source code within 5 minutes.

In addition, all administrative information, self-owned qualifications, relevant data, etc. related to this game, including core technical reports, will be submitted.

What this means is self-evident.

"Old Wang, give me a cigarette!"

Wang Dong looked at the pale man and said nothing. He just called his colleagues and handed them cigarettes.

At this moment, he also needed a cigarette to relieve himself.

"Boss, I think there must have been a thunderstorm."

After taking a breath, Wang Dong said lowly and helplessly: "Although we don't know what's going on yet, the current situation is very unfavorable to us."

“Even if it’s emergency public relations, I’m afraid it’s too late.”

Yang Wenqin took a big sip and sneered: "Emergency public relations? Stop making trouble. We don't have that ability at all."

It might be okay to work with other units on public relations, but this is a goose factory!
Is that a joke?

"Then what should we do? Just sit here?" Wang Dong couldn't accept his negative approach.

If you struggle a bit, you might still have a chance!
Of course, Wang Dong knew that as a technical staff member of the company, he had not participated in any data running, so even if he was held accountable, it had nothing to do with him.

However, the key is that once the game explodes, who will get the share of it?

Yang Wenqin's situation at the moment is not optimistic. Maybe he will be completely ruined this time.

"If I don't sit here, where would I go?"

Yang Wenqin wanted to run, but could he?

"Okay, if you have nothing to say, go out and let me think about it."


Wang Dong shrugged. He originally wanted to accompany her out of humanitarian considerations.But since the boss doesn't accept his kindness, then don't be an eyesore here.

After Wang Dong went out, the sweat on Yang Wenqin's head started to drip down. He wiped it with a tissue several times, but it was of no use.

He was really too panicked.

right!Call up!
Suddenly, Yang Wenqin thought of two people - Mr. Liu and Brother Lei!
The only people who might be able to help him right now are these two people.

Immediately, Yang Wenqin dialed Mr. Liu's number. After the call was answered, a lazy voice came from the phone: "Are you looking for me?"

"Master Liu! Save me!"

Yang Wenqin's voice was very hoarse due to continuous smoking. Mr. Liu on the other end of the phone couldn't help but hum.

"Save you? Did you drink too much?"

"No, Mr. Liu, listen to me..."

In one breath, Yang Wenqin recounted Wang Tu's recent situation in detail, including his own scoring.

"Look, our game has been blocked now. I think this must be some clue that the Goose Factory has caught."

"Although I am doing the work of Wangtu Studio, you are always helping behind the scenes."

"This is also your property. You can't ignore me."

Yang Wenqin's tone was full of pleading, which was almost funny compared to how he secretly complained about wanting to get away from the big tree like Mr. Liu and go it alone.

"Do you care?"

Mr. Liu snorted, and after a short pause, his contemptuous tone became more frivolous: "How do you want me to help you? Nanshan is difficult, haven't you heard of it?"

"In the entertainment industry, the area that cannot be touched the most is the area in Nanshan."

"Okay, I understand, you are waiting for my news!"

After saying that, the phone has been hung up.

Looking at the restored screen, Yang Wenqin almost wanted to scold his mother. The way Liu Shao looked just now made it clear that he had no intention of helping him.

In his heart, after greeting his eighteen generations of ancestors, Yang Wenqin called Lei Ge again.

When he narrated the incident again, Brother Lei's attitude was obviously more direct than that of Mr. Liu.

"You're an asshole!"

"Can't you survive?"

"Okay, I know about it."

With the experience just now, Yang Wenqin hurriedly spoke and told Brother Lei not to hang up the phone, he still had something to say.

"Brother, this time we are really in trouble."

"You give me a hand no matter what, brother will definitely be grateful!"

"As long as I can survive this time, I will give you one-third of the studio's two-year profits, okay?"

Compared with Mr. Chen, Yang Wenqin didn't know very well how powerful Lei Ge was.

In line with the principle of spending more money to get things done, this time he has spent the maximum amount he can afford.

It's just that he feels that the money is a lot, but he has to divide it because of what it is.

"Don't think you are very generous." Lei Ge said ruthlessly: "If I can help you solve your problem, the money won't be much."

"But it's better if you have an attitude. It will be more convenient for me."

"Wait for my news!"

Both thighs were similar to the answers given, which made Yang Wenqin feel cold. Who didn't know the reputation of Nanshan Pizza Hut, and the two of them were definitely not willing to provoke such a big opponent easily.

Yang Wenqin knew well that if Mr. Liu could still help him alleviate his troubles, then Brother Lei basically wouldn't have much chance.

But now that the matter was over, no matter who it was, he had to let the other party give it a try.

At the same time, the legal department of Goose Factory has also prepared all the required relevant documents.

As long as they wait for the signature of the relevant leaders, they can launch an attack on Wang Tu Studio through legal channels.

If you want to roll the leeks from the goose factory, you are simply taking the wrong medicine.

"Liu San, Zhang Neng."

Just then, a handsome young man in a black suit walked out of the leader's office: "You two, please work hard. My assistant will contact you shortly, and then we will go to the Magic City together."

"The leadership attaches great importance to this issue and intends to set it as a typical case."

"So we have to go to the Magic City in person to discuss relevant issues with Wang Tu Studio." (End of Chapter)

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