The young man looked at Wang Dong now, as if seeing a life-saving straw: "Brother, what you just said was not a joke to me, was it?"

"Why are you teasing me?"

Seeing that nothing would happen in the office this time, Wang Dong took him outside to smoke.

In the game industry, there are very few people who don’t smoke.

As a coder, if you don’t have a cigarette, you don’t have enough energy.

The two came to a window one after another, and the young man took out his Liqun cigarettes and gave it to him.

After taking a sip, Wang Dong said: "My life in the Magic City was even more difficult than yours. At that time, the Magic City was at the cusp of the storm."

"There are many employment opportunities, but there are also many scammers."

"My brother was made homeless several times and was almost sold. If I had been slow to respond at the time, I would have been working for others for nothing until now."

The young man curled his lips when he heard this: "Fortunately, this is the era of harmony."

"Otherwise, when I met you, I would have been afraid that I wouldn't be able to survive."

"There is an old saying..." Wang Dong paused for a moment before remembering: "If you want to ask about the way down the mountain, you must ask someone who has been there; these old sayings all make sense."


Feeling that he had penetrated almost enough, Wang Dong once again withdrew the topic to today's situation: "I guess all of us will have to cooperate with others' investigation in a while."

"I'm telling you, tell the truth."

"What should the company do?" The young man felt quite loyal at first, and he should have asked the question.

"You're a fool."

Wang Dong said ruthlessly: "Brother, how old are you this year? Something like this happened to the company now. To be honest, it has nothing to do with you directly, and it will not affect you in any way."

"But if you don't cooperate well, or you give false evidence or something, it will eventually affect your whole life."


The young man nodded dully. He really thought that, like in the past at school, good brothers were in the same group and they had to take responsibility for each other.

But looking at Wang Dong's earnest and instructive appearance, he felt somewhat enlightened.

Work and life are really different.

"When you enter society, you have to follow its rules."

Wang Dong originally wanted to say something, but then a uniformed staff member suddenly clapped his hands and focused everyone's attention.

"That's right, because of some problems, we need you now."

"Follow us to the relevant units and explain some issues. I hope you can cooperate."

"Don't do anything that is not good for yourself."

After the other party finished speaking, he saw a big hat suddenly barging in outside the company door.

Although there were many of them, they were all polite, but their majestic appearance made everyone present unable to think of anything else.

The key is, there’s no need for it.

Explaining the situation is the responsibility of every citizen.


Compared to the outside, Yang Wenqin in the office felt much more uncomfortable.

He wanted to delay time and seemed to be sitting there bored, but in fact he was staring at his watch.

From just now to now, exactly 10 minutes have passed, and I plan to look at that document in 5 minutes.

Unexpectedly, Sun Li, who had been silent throughout the whole process, suddenly became angry.

It was him just now who took the document back.

"It seems that Mr. Yang is not actively cooperating with us to solve the problem, so we have to follow the formal procedures."

"On behalf of the legal department of Goose Factory, I would like to request relevant units to intervene in the investigation. At the same time, both parties will cooperate to solve the current problem!"

Hao Yun is sitting here today just for this moment.

Standing up, he didn't say anything, but let two big hats come in from outside the door, ready to give Yang Wenqin a set of silver bracelets.

"What are you doing!"

Yang Wenqin immediately ran away when he saw the bright thing: "What have I done? I need you to put a restraint on me!"

"I protest!"

"Protest?" Sun Li sneered: "If you had read that document just now, you would have known that your company's actions alone cost our company tens of millions of losses."

"We are responsible for every advertiser, and the amount of tens of millions is a particularly huge amount even in terms of economic crimes."

"Wearing a ring is just the most basic operation."

"Please cooperate." He explained. Without saying anything, the two big blocks directly put the silver bracelet on Yang Wenqin's wrist, but it was a front-facing cuff.

"take away!"


Even at night, there are still all kinds of people in the magic city in the night.

At this moment, these people have gathered in groups, just outside Wang Tu's studio. They are watching the employees inside being escorted out one by one, and they cannot hide their gossipy thoughts.

"What do you think happened to this company?"

"Then who knows?" An uncle next to him said leisurely: "If I hadn't seen so many police cars, I wouldn't have known there was a company here."

"I guess it's not a serious place."

Several aunts who had just returned from the square dance field also talked about it: "Maybe it's not a very clean company. Look at how many little girls there are."

"It's possible, it's very possible."

The comments from people around made the members of Wangtu Studio unable to raise their heads at all.

Most of them are students who have just entered the society from the ivory tower, and some are even just doing internships.

I have never experienced severe beatings from society and am very thin-skinned.

As soon as I heard the words of the people around me, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Several little girls even started crying in shame. They wanted to explain, but there was no way. They were controlled and did not have such power.

The only people at the scene to help them were the kind-hearted uncles with big brimmed hats. If they hadn't been maintaining order, there might have been even worse things to say.

Many people would never have thought that being watched for the first time in their history would be like this.


"Lao Jiang! Come here!"

Jiang An is taking the whole company to build a team at the Moulin Rouge. At this moment when everyone is in a tense atmosphere, Xu Ningning and several little girls from the company are already getting started.

Everyone was cheering and venting about their recent hard work.

But at this moment, Zhang Zhejie, who had just gone to the toilet, suddenly ran over, dragged Jiang An and walked out without even explaining to Lin Xixi and Xu Nuojia.

"Frog Qu, you are so awesome."

Jiang An deliberately joked: "You brought me out like this, aren't you afraid that Lin Nvxia and your family Ruojia will peel off your skin later?"

"You bastard, I don't want to mess with you now."

Zhang Zhejie's serious look was uncharacteristically serious, and Jiang An also realized something.

"problem occurs?"


Turning on his phone, Zhang Zhejie looked through some pictures and videos: "See for yourself, something did happen, but it wasn't us."

"It's Yang Wenqin!"

Hearing this, Jiang An frowned unnaturally. Clicking on the video, you can see what it looked like when the employees of Wang Tu Studio were taken away.

"I see."

Nodding slightly, Jiang An had already guessed: "It must be because they were brushing data. Something happened."

"Look, there are a few people here who don't look like administrative staff. They should be the legal affairs staff of Goose Factory."

Jiang An is very aware of Goose Factory's style of doing things. Either you don't take action, or you do it, you will have no chance of turning around. In fact, it started from the moment the Wangtu Studio game was banned.

He felt that the sharp sword on Nanshan was about to be unsheathed, but he was not sure how long it would take before it struck Yang Wenqin's head.

Looking at it now, they are indeed moving very quickly.

"I've offended the Goose Factory. I think Yang Wenqin is going to be doomed this time." Zhang Zhejie spoke with joy reaching his ears: "Wang Tu is doomed this time!"

"It's too early to tell."

"But now that Yang Wenqin's landmine exploded, it's time for us to help him."

"He tricked me last time and I didn't retaliate. Now I think it's the right time."

"Yes!" Zhang Zhejie also meant the same thing, and took advantage of his illness to kill him.

"Yang Wenqin, this bastard, it's time for him to be punished!"

Jiang An would definitely not be as excited as him. After thinking about it for a moment, he sent a WeChat message to the legal specialist he was cooperating with, asking the other party to provide the data and evidence that had been prepared, as well as all litigation information.

Immediately submit it to the relevant units, and ask the legal department to contact Goose Factory's legal affairs to appeal to Goose Factory about Yang Wenqin's plagiarism in the game.

This was already a pool of muddy water, but Jiang An wanted to make it even more muddy, allowing the undercurrent to rage beneath the surface. (End of chapter)

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