Jiang An was now under the dim lights of the Moulin Rouge, making his face look more angular.

Especially those deep eyes.

Zhang Zhejie sighed silently in his heart, this is a person who has been trained in the mall. The gap between himself and Lao Jiang is really very big.

The moment he caught Yang Wenqin brushing data, Zhang Zhejie thought about blowing it up in one go.

But Jiang An's attitude was very indifferent, precisely because he was stable.

That's why Jianghu has now seized such a good opportunity. Not only can it give Wangtu Studio a fatal blow, but it can also make their relationship with Goose Factory closer.

"Old Zhang."

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang An planned to tell him about the invitation letter sent to him by Goose Factory.

"I'll tell you something, but right now it can only be known to you and me, and Lao Lin. Don't tell anyone else in the company."


Zhang Zhejie nodded subconsciously, looking at him expectantly.

"Hurry up, I can't wait!"

"it is good."

Taking a deep breath, Jiang An spoke eloquently: "That's it. The invitation letter from the goose factory, I plan to make a decision after the three of us discuss it."

"Don't worry about the title. Goose Factory is a big factory."

"Although there are benefits to our cooperation, there are also risks. Our company is too small. If we really cooperate, we will not have the right to speak and execute, which will not do us any good."

Jiang An's analysis was very thorough, so it would be a good thing if he could cooperate head-on with Goose Factory.

But if this cooperation can only be used as a reminder, it would be boring.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, and what Goose Factory likes is the ability and creativity of the entire company. Although in theory, as long as there are enough people, creativity will never stop.

But in the time and process required from the germination of an idea to its final execution and realization, there will always be some nodes that are uncontrollable.

"If we are kicked out of the system when we encounter a contact point, it will be very troublesome."

Zhang Zhejie nodded. As the business leader, he knew this best.

Even Jianghu does this, let alone a goose factory?
Cooperation is possible, but there are too many rules and terms. Whether you can adapt to it and whether you will make progress after adapting requires discussion and prediction.

"Lao Jiang, this matter is quite important. Let's have a meeting tomorrow."

"Just the three of us!"

Jiang An pressed, he also meant the same thing.

"So let's put this aside for now. Our main task today is to play."

"Atmosphere team, it will be up to you later."

Zhang Zhejie laughed and said, "Don't worry, are you afraid that the atmosphere will not be happy enough with me here?"

Seeing him banging his chest, Jiang An was certainly relieved. In fact, he might be a little worried about what he would do if this big brother performed beyond his normal capabilities and made the atmosphere too exciting.



As the person in charge of tonight's duty, Fang Xiang cares a lot about his subordinates. Anyway, the boss and the others went out to have so much fun, while his colleagues stayed here and worked hard.

It is certain to create some suitable convenient conditions.

For late-night snacks, Fang Xiang prepared five types, and they were the ones with alcoholic beverages.

After work, you can drink a little something alcoholic, which is more conducive to getting excited.

But the one who is more excited now is Xiao Wang, who is responsible for data monitoring.

Even though she looks like a girl, she has a tomboy personality, with a mohawk hairstyle and seven or eight earrings on her left ear. She mainly looks handsome and naughty.

At this moment, Xiao Wang really took off!

"Mr. Fang! Come and take a look!"

"Come on!"

Hearing his shout, Fang Xiang quickly threw the fried chicken wings into his mouth and ran over quickly. He was worried that something would go wrong.

However, the actual situation is a different scene.

"Look at our game, how come it suddenly exploded with so much traffic!"

Grabbing Fang Xiang's arm, Xiao Wang's eyes turned into a smile: "Look, today's downloads alone have increased by more than 30 effective downloads, and the number of people online and the online time, look at it."

"It's more than twice as much as yesterday!"

"How is this going?!"

you ask me?
I asked who was going!Although Fang Xiang didn't know why, he was really happy. After all, if the game became popular, their salary would also increase. The two were directly linked.

"I remember."

Xiao Wang took a sip of Red Bull, as if his brain had recovered from the excitement just now: "The games of Wang Tu Studio have now been removed from the shelves and sealed."

"So their customers are also flowing into our games!"


Prime Minister Fang also thought so: "That's great. In this case, we should take the opportunity to divert traffic;"

With that said, he was ready to use his authority.

Jiang An kept him in the company, not only responsible for duty and monitoring, but also with director-level authority.

It means opening up the permissions inside the game when needed, or finding an appropriate time.

That is welfare!
In the game "Sledgehammer", Jiang An set up many easter eggs, but not all of them were opened just because the game was launched.

At this moment, Fang Xiang decided to open three hidden Easter eggs.

"Alright Mr. Fang!"

Xiao Wang can monitor data and is naturally a technical master. This time after Fang Xiang gave the key, she immediately operated and opened the hidden easter egg inside the game in less than a minute.

At the same time, Fang Xiang also took advantage of the trend and sent a signal to the units that cooperated with them, asking everyone to work together to carry out a new round of publicity reminders for the game.

Unlike previous efforts to fully announce the game, this time, players and potential players are only notified through relevant channels.

The Easter eggs in the game have been opened, and they can find more fun while enjoying the game.



In the Moulin Rouge, Jiang An has already led the team to leave. The fun tonight has made everyone feel at least seven points away from their fatigue.

Alcohol is not only used to numb oneself, but also to further stir up the spirit.

Of course, this premise must have a deadline. Jiang An's team building was quite successful. He really didn't drink too much. Everyone just stayed in a tipsy state.

When she got home, Lin Xixi raised her legs, threw off her shoes, and jumped on the sofa wearing stockings. She also had fun tonight.

"Teacher Jiang, I wonder if you could hold this kind of team building twice more in the future."

"It's so interesting. Seeing everyone so happy makes me happy too!"

Seeing her look, Jiang An couldn't help but smile, squatted down and put away his shoes, and then said: "Anyway, our classmate Xiao Lin is happy."

"As for the rest, I don't care."

"Come on."

Lin Xixi snorted and asked him to pour herself a glass of [-]-degree warm water: "Just drink this big glass and sit for a while to dissipate all the alcohol smell."

"Teacher Jiang still doesn't care about anything... Don't lie to me. Why did Lao Zhang drag you out in the middle of the journey?"

"Tell me, what are you plotting?"

"There is no conspiracy," Jiang An shouted, "It's just a matter of work."


Suddenly Lin Xixi became interested: "What's wrong with work? Isn't it going well?"

"It's an unexpected surprise."

After handing her the warm water, Jiang An chose a can of beer as a sobering tool, commonly known as "through."

"Something happened in Yang Wenqin's studio."

"Really!" Lin Xixi's eyes opened even wider when she heard this, and she stared at him intently: "You mean something happened to Wang Tu Studio? What happened? Tell me quickly!"

Jiang An smiled helplessly, knowing that Lin Xixi would be so interested.

Then he recounted exactly what he had told Zhang Zhejie: ​​"That's it, they are now under control."

"And I don't think Goose Factory will give up easily, although this is my guess."

"It's almost like that."

"Tsk, tsk." Lin Xixi looked at his deep expression and couldn't help but gasped: "Teacher Jiang, can't you see that you are still a conspirator."

"You just said yourself that the company will take action this time, so no matter what happens to the goose factory, you will let him go?"

"For you, it's two against one now, and Yang Wenqin is definitely doomed."

"What kind of speculation is this? It's so boring!" (End of this chapter)

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